Children Services

Sanford House

Swindon, SN1 1QH

Tel: 01793 463000

/ Please ask for: / Steve Haley
All Swindon School Headteachers and Bursars
Direct Dial No: / 01793 465794
Email: /
Our Ref: / SH/EP 2011-12
Date: / 14 March 2012

Dear Headteacher

Equal Pay Loan Repayments 2011/12

As you will be aware, following the release of the Equal Pay Loan Repayments schedules in September 2011 all Schools/ Academies were given the opportunity to submit queries to the LA. The LA has worked through all queries raised and is now in a position to reissue the Equal Pay schedules and loan templates for payments made in 2009 and 2010.

The LA has provided a further Question and Answers section (attached) to aid with any queries that Schools/ Academies may have with the revised schedules. The questions and answers section for the October briefing has also been included.

The LA will be providing an updated schedule in 2012-13 to reflect any further payments that have been made since 2010 and to provide an estimate of the value of claims outstanding against each school.

Given that the financial year-end is only a few weeks away, the Direct Debit process for Schools/ Academies is now closed for 2011-12. The LA will therefore be arranging for Direct Debits/ Invoices to be raised early in the new financial year which will cover both the 2011-12 and 2012-13 instalments. Schools will therefore need to accrue for the 2011-12 Equal Pay liability in their 2011-12 year-end accounts.

Also attached is a loan confirmation form based on the figures in the supporting schedule which should be completed (where requested) and returned to the LA by the 31st March. The returned, completed form will act as confirmation that the school accepts the loan and terms specified.

For any further specific enquiries please follow the instructions provided on the attached schedule. All queries must be appropriately referenced with your school name and must be submitted via email to 31st March 2012 at the latest.

For those Schools/ Academies who wish to settle their Equal Pay liability in full the LA is happy to accept full payment. Any payments received in full before 31st March 2012 will not have interest applied. Payments made after 31st March will attract an interest charge

Should you require any further general information on any of the items included in this letter please contact either me or my Deputy, Sarah Higgins.

Yours sincerely,

Steve Haley

Steve Haley, Finance Lead – Education & Innovation


  • Confidential statement showing individual payments
  • Loan application to be returned to LA
  • A Question and Answers section

Children and young people deserve the best start in life

John Gilbert

Group Director, Children