Mini-Grants for Franklin Open Streets 2016

Sunday, August 21st 11 am – 5 pm

What: The Seward Civic & Commerce Association is offering small grants to help Seward businesses enhance their presence during Franklin Open Streets. This event attracts 4,00 – 5,000 people to Franklin Avenue, and is a great opportunity to promote your business.

Businesses planning programming can also get the Open Street permit fee discounted or waived, and you’ll attract more people to your booth, so it’s a win/win! See reverse side for programming ideas.

Priority for funding goes to:

1. East African businesses, organizations, and artists or groups of artists based in Seward.

2. Seward businesses, artists and organizations who haven’t participated in Open Streets before, or who want to expand their event programming.

Mini-Grant Amounts: $50 - $250

Deadline to apply: Friday, July 8th, however, grant funds are limited. Apply ASAP!

Fill out application below.

Give to Scot Isqoox at Capitol Café, mail to SCCA, 2619 E Franklin, Mpls 55406 or email to


Contact Name(s): ______

Business Name: ______

Business Address: ______

Business Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______

Email: ______

Have you participated in Open Streets before? Yes / No

Amount Requested: $______

Total Budget: $______

Do you plan to sell food?

Do you plan to sell merchandise?

What kind of programming will you host during Open Streets?

Ideas for Open Streets programming

Music + Arts + Cultural programming – host a dance group, spoken word poetry, singing, musicians, Ethiopian coffee ceremony, Henna hand art, hands on musical instruments, art projects, puppet shows!

Games + Fun Activities – bean bag toss and other games, rent a bouncy house or a dunk tank, set up a duck pond for prizes, spin-the-wheel, make balloon animals, musical chairs, art activities, cardboard boxes for kids to play and build with, fake tattoos, face painting!

Bikes – bike and bike helmet decorating, bike rodeo, “how to fix a flat” lessons, bike games, spoke cards, bike smoothie station!

Health + Wellness – yoga, martial arts demonstration, chair massages, free sunscreen, Zumba!

Food + Drink – offer free samples of food or drinks! Have a demonstration of preparing food and then give out samples, or offer recipe cards!

Have questions or need more ideas? Please contact one SCCA’s Open Streets organizers:

Deb Ervin – c: 651-214-9354 or

Scot Isqoox at Capitol Café – c: 612-636-6671