Ardee Area Committee Meeting

Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday 4th July, 2013 at 12.00pm in Dermot O’Brien Meeting Room, Mid Louth Civic Service Centre, Ardee, Co Louth

In Attendance: Cllrs. Colm Markey (Chair) Jim Lennon, Pearse McGeough, Finnan McCoy, Liam Reilly

Officials: Sean O’Reilly, Executive Engineer

Miriam Roe, Town Clerk

Paddy Donnelly, SEO/ Meetings Administrator

Apologies: Joe McGuinness, Director of Services

Padraig Judge, Senior Exec Engineer

Martin McCreesh, Executive Engineer

Keith Matthews, Asst. Engineer


1.  Election of Chairman for the Coming Year

Cllr. Liam Reilly thanked the Members and staff for their support during his year as Chairman for the Area Committee and he wished the incoming chair every success. He then sought nominations for the Chair; Cllr. Colm Markey was proposed by Cllr. McCoy and seconded by Cllr. O’Reilly. As there were no other nominations, Cllr. Markey was deemed elected.

2.  Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 9th May 2013, the Members noted that there were no minutes from the meeting of the 6th June as a quorum had not been present and no area meeting had been held. The minutes of the May meeting were confirmed on the proposal of Cllr. J. Lennon and seconded by Cllr. F. McCoy.

3.  Matters Arising

Cllr. Markey raised the matter of the Tain road, Dunleer. The Area Engineer, Mr. Sean O’Reilly agreed to discuss the matter further with the Elected Member and report back as soon as is practical. He did outline that the road in question maybe in the South Louth Area, in which case he would refer the matter to his Colleagues in South Louth.

In relation to Dromiskin cemetery Cllr. Reilly confirmed that the Church of Ireland had lodged a planning application in relation to same and it is noted that the Dept. of the Environment had indicated that a €10,000 grant will be available to fund part of these works.

Cllr. McGeough raised the matter again of lighting on the R132 at Dorian’s pub. Mr. Sean O’Reilly, Area Engineer again advised the Members of the issue regarding two additional public lights, that there was no funding for the installation of any additional lights, however, he would investigate the matter and make a recommendation in regard to same.

4.  Roads

The following matters were raised by the Members and addressed by the staff.

Cllr. Lennon

Raised the matter of an area of land that had been purchased by the Council and there was now surplus requirement from the motorway scheme, it was a small corner of land but it required some attention in relation to trimming and the removal of ragwort. Mr. Sean O’Reilly agreed to tend to the matter.

Cllr. McCoy

Raised the matter of Rockfield estate Ardee, and the position in regard to the Developer, Rogers, who do not seem in a position to progress the completion of the works, in order for the estate to be taken in charge. There followed a discussion in relation to the ‘Taking in Charge’ process, Cllr. McCoy agreed to meet with the developers on behalf of the residents in order to determine whether if the Developer was insolvent, that the residents could pursue a plebiscite application in order to have the development taken in charge and the bond used to complete the outstanding works.

The Member also raised the matter of repairs necessary on the main street, particularly the junction at the Kells road. Mr Sean O’Reilly, Area Engineer agreed to clarify if additional funding had been sought from the National Roads Authority in regard to such works, as he was not in a position to confirm if that application had been made at this stage.

Cllr. McGeough

Raised the matter of sign posting for the Castlebellingham green in relation to non drinking in public places in accordance with the bye-laws. P. Donnelly agreed to confirm if the bye-laws covered that particular area and revert to Sean O’Reilly in regard to same.

The Councillor also raised the matter of the cutting of verges at junction, which is a road safety issue. The Area Engineer agreed that the matter would be kept under review.

Cllr. Markey

Raised the matter of water lying on the road, particularly in the area of the north bound carriage-way on the Dorian’s to Kilsaran road, the Member suggested that as the land is low-lying in that area that it would be necessary to dig an open drain behind the roadside barrier of approximately 100-200 metres long in order to drain the water from the road and the verge. Mr. Sean O’Reilly, Area Engineer agreed to investigate the matter and report.

The Member also raised the matter of where the road had been raised in Drumcar and the water is now running into the property of Mr. William Shannon, again the Area Engineer agreed to investigate the matter.

Cllr. Markey also wished to thank the Area Engineer and his staff for work carried out at Mosstown to facilitate the blessing of the graves, the work was welcomed by all concerned and he also highlighted that there were further works required on that road and he looked forward to seeing same completed in the current Roadworks Programme.

Cllr. Lennon

Raised the matter of properties owned by Louth County Council, Housing section, opposite the Garda barracks in Louth Village, that the hedges on same require attention and he asked the Area Engineer to arrange same with the Housing staff.

The Member also raised the matter of the number of potholes at the old section of the road at the Redbog, just in advance of where the road has been renovated.

In relation to Clogherhead, Cllr. Lennon raised the matter of the practice of ‘Pier Jumping’ that is ongoing at Clogherhead and he felt that it was a danger. Mr. P. Donnelly advised that the Water Safety Officer had publicised the prohibition of this activity and had placed signs in the area, the matter would again be raised with the Water Safety Officer.

Cllr. Lennon also requested that at the junction of Tommy Byrnes Pub in Corcreaghy, that it be facilitated by the all stops on all approaches to the junction, which had worked out very well at Channonrock.

The Member was also concerned about the issue of speeding in the Ballapousta area, Mr. Sean O’Reilly, Area Engineer advised the Members that the matter of reduced speed limits in the area had been referred to the Strategic Policy Committee and would follow up on same and revert as soon as possible.

Cllr. Reilly

The Member raised the matter of potholes at the Chapel Road, Dromiskin, which had reappeared and sought information as to whether speed ramps could be installed on the road towards the school in Dromiskin, as speeding in the area was becoming difficult for all users, Sean O’Reilly agreed to investigate the matter and revert.

Mr. P. Donnelly at the request of Councillors in North Louth, raised the matter of the Kilsaran/Annagassan road and the number of potholes on same, as had already been raised by Cllr. Pearse McGeough.

In relation to the CIS Schemes, the Members requested that the specification of works to be carried out, be made available to residents who were contributing towards the works. Mr. O’Reilly agreed to facilitate same as soon as was practical.

5.  Planning

Mr. P. Donnelly Meetings Administrator advised the members there were no application were a refusal was being recommended at this stage and refusals in the coming weeks would be advised directly to the Members by planning staff.

6.  Report on Unfinished Estates

Mr. P. Donnelly raised the matter of the report on Unfinished Estates, which had been circulated at the May meeting there were no issues in relation to same at this time.

7.  A.O.B

The date of the next meeting was confirmed as being the 5th September.

There been no other business, the meeting concluded.

Confirm at meeting held on: ______

Chairman: ______

Meetings Administrator: ______