Planning Department

West Berkshire Council

Council Offices

Market Street

Newbury RG14 5LD

Email: 24 November 2016



Our objections raised in letters regarding the original Planning Applications 15/02300/OUTMAJ and 16/00106/OUTMAJ still stand with regard to this amended planning application. In addition, we are concerned that objection points from members of the public are not being considered throughout these applications – many of our concerns are still very real and we have been unable to find documentation on the West Berkshire Council Planning website that these objection points have been considered, or that plans have been amended as a result of any objection points. Feeling within the local community and beyond still remains strongly against the proposed Warren Road Access and the Warren Road/Andover Road junction.

Newbury Town Council have submitted a list of well-founded strongly-worded objections against the Warren Road Access and it is difficult to justify why West Berkshire Council (WBC) are set on pushing on with this Access, regardless of the strong relevant objections being made: “high level decision had been taken at WBC that the Warren Road access would be required” (Boyer letter 30 Mar 16). We understand that the intention was to “unlock development” (Full Business Case Jul 16 WBC), but it is not understood how such a decision could be made without the relevant and accurate transport assessments/technical work – of which many elements still remain unanswered, with the Highways and Transport Response dated 5 Sep 16 stating that the queues from the Warren Rd/Andover Rd junction will be “of concern”. There has been so many relevant objections to Sandleford as a whole, throwing a dark shadow over the whole project and many people are wondering how Sandleford actually achieved outline planning permission with the knowledge that is now being uncovered.

We strongly object to the recently Amended Planning Applications 15/02300/OUTMAJ and 16/00106/OUTMAJ for the following reasons:

The area within ITN10083-GA-018 (Warren Road/Andover Rd junction) is as highlighted previously, a heavily used pedestrian area and the amended planning application still fails to consider the impact of the development on key pedestrian routes around the local schools and churches. The traffic modelling shows huge queues and does not model for pedestrian movements (Highways and Transport Response dated 5 Sep 16). The drawing, Proposed Traffic Signal Control at Andover Rd/Warren Rd Junction, lacks key detail. There is a need for technical work to demonstrate that the junction will work and to deal with the issue of school parking. The results of this should be shown to the public for comment prior to any decision being made. There is no mention of the synchronisation of any new traffic controls at the Warren Road junction with the existing pedestrian controlled lights at the existing crossing adjacent to the main entrance to ParkHouseSchool – the plans do not seem to show this. The drawing does not take into account the loss of existing parking at both Warren Road and within the area of the proposed junction, and the allocation of new parking spaces – this would have to be decided and the general public must be able to comment. In a letter dated 18 Mar 16 Mr Peaple, Head Teacher at ParkHouseSchool requested a limited drop-off car parking preferably from the Warren Road.

Andover Rd is a designated local road and should therefore not be used as a link road from a new development to the A34 at Wash Water by means of constructing a large junction to the long-term detriment of the existing road layout, the area identity and lifestyles of the current local residents. An alternative route within the development should be sought. This road should not be lined with houses but be a 40 mph route out to the A34 as without it the vehicles wishing to use the A34 will use the Warren Road/Andover Rd junctionto get out to the 30 mph Andover Road (Sandleford internal roads being 20mph), going past the schools and endangering local children travelling to and from school. There are few areas within the country where there are 3 Primary schools, 1 Secondary School and a College in such close proximity to the access roads for Sandleford (not including St Bartholemews and St Gabriels also in close proximitybut not within, which also have children travelling by foot through the area effected by the access roads to Sandleford). We object strongly to the proposed Warren Road Access which could not be in a worse location, with the junction covering the full frontage of FalklandPrimary School, St George’sChurch and Community Halls, a local Theatre and Pre-School. Not to mention that it runs alongside ParkHouseSecondary School. This is the hub of our Community.

There are many calls for a link road to the A34 to take the pressure away from the existing local infrastructure, in addition to problems with the shortness and geographically challenging shape of the A34 sliproad at Wash Common (A34 Action Group and backing from Richard Benyon MP regarding the A34 short sliproads). If a solution could be found, it would go some way to achieving the objectives of TVB who are part-funding the Warren Rd Access. The building of the Warren Road access and associated junction, ironically for TVB,will create local road congestion and damage business in the local area. Most importantly, it will endanger pedestrians, of which 5000+ individuals will be children and young adults travelling to/from school and college daily.

A couple of weeks ago, we approached Highways England and they do not appear to have had contact with WBC regarding the additional traffic that will be using the Wash Common A34 access? We would like to see written approval from Highways England as to the suitability of this junction to cope with the additional traffic load. There will be increased HGVs using this A34 junction due to the Andover Road/Monks Lane roundabout being enlarged to cope with additional traffic, resulting in a clear route via this roundabout, past schools, to reach the Wash Common A34 junction. Traffic should be encouraged towards Tot Hill, away from the majority of local schools. This junction has longer slip-roads that are significantly better equipped for HGV traffic, passing less residential housing en route.There has already been a cancelled proposed Consultation Meeting from Donnington New Homes for additional housing which would extend the line of Sandleford housing to behind the back of Garden Close Lane. The current Sandleford plans and this additional development would take the new builds further towards Wash Water and this is likely to continue. Planning was recently applied for by Gladman in the field adjoining Sandpit Hill on the Andover Rd, this was refused but we have heard that this may go to appeal. It is imperative that a plan for a link to the A34 is made now before future housing blocks any potential routes through to the A34 and as a result the designated local road, Andover Rd, becomes the nearest route to the A34 for thousands more houses.

Boyer (letter 30 Mar 16) have stated that “on the basis that WBC have already granted planning permission” for a scheme to improve Warren Road to a minimum of 4.8m wide carriageways with a footway on at least one side of the road (Planning App 14/02416/FUL), then it seems to be the Developer’s conclusion that they are pretty much assured of being permitted to build up to 50-100dwellings with access to/from the Warren Road. They are also of the opinion that the houses can go ahead without the outcome of the Warren Road element of the Sandleford planning application, due to the minimum road improvements already having been granted permission. Boyer: “On the basis that WBC have already granted planning permission for these above works, the issue of their delivery is clearly not a planning matter that needs to concern this application”. However, we disagree, as these 50-100 houses would need to use the haul route for Sandleford which should be situated away from the schools and not near sensitive receptors such as in the Warren Road/Andover Road area. These 50-100 houses are part of Sandleford and it would be a clear contravention of the Supplementary Planning Document (as amended Mar 15) which states “s1. The Council requires proposals for the site to be brought forward by means of a single planning application for the site in order to achieve a comprehensive development and to ensure that the timely provision of infrastructure, services, open space and other facilities in a properly co-ordinated fashion”.We question the wisdom and conduct of WBC who approved Planning Application 14/02416/FUL when they were aware that Sandleford was in the pipeline and that this decision would go some way towards pushing through development in Parcel West 1 from the Warren Road Access. We strongly oppose ANY additional traffic and development from New Warren Farm using the Warren Road without accurate traffic/pedestrian modelling/assessments and a chance for members of the public to comment. As we have said previously, this area is severely congested at peak times and children’s safety matters, regardless ofDeveloper expectations or Council building quotas.

There does not seem to be planning of a haul routefrom Development Parcel West 1 to the A339, away from the majority of children – perhaps this would happen if the developers’ relationship was better and West Berkshire Council chose to enforce this? The Warren Rd additional access is being enforced by West Berkshire Council, although it is also in the interest of Donnington New Homes in order to start building easily and quickly, to the detriment of local people and the local area long-term. The Environmental Report para 17.9 states that “Preliminary consideration of the construction traffic in the TA identifies that construction traffic will access and egress the site from Monks Lane. A haul route will be required to be laid out through the site to enable construction traffic access to Development Parcel West 1.” Para 17.13 states that “The full construction of the main access road will be triggered by a time trigger ie, within 4 yrs of commencement of development in Development Parcel North 1 and within 2 years of the commencement of development in Development Parcel West 1. This provides surety that once development commences at both Sandleford Farm and New Warren Farm the main access road through the situe is constructed. This will be specified in the planning condition.” Para 17.14 “The secondary road within this development area will be required to extend to the boundary of the land con-terminous with the alignment of this link. This ensures that in the event that this link is constructed, development traffic will have the additional option of access and egress onto the A339. THE OPTION IS THERE FOR WEST BERKSHIRE COUNCIL TO TAKE. CHILDREN’S LIVES MATTER, IT COULD BE YOUR DAUGHTER, SON, NEPHEW, NIECE, GRANDCHILD ….

The new lay-by (bus-stop) is to be re-positioned further away from the school and is used by many of the Secondary School children who will have to travel in groups along the reduced width pavement to the new location. Added to this, there are young children (some with bikes and scooters) and parents with pushchairs. There is no reference to child safety and any reference made to the fact that the junction will span the entire entrance to FalklandPrimary School and St George’sPre-School. There are also no areas for congregating pedestrians waiting for the traffic lights or at the bus-stops which results in pedestrians having to use the road to pass waiting groups of people. (The current bus waiting area (which will be moved) has a large grass verge behind the pavement). This is a backwards step, a road safety issue, and would not be considered within the Sandleford Development itself. Therefore, it should not be considered outside in an existing Community.

Current plans are to have 2m leading to 1.5m footways leading to Park House side gate which is due to remain in position (Planning Application 14/02416/FUL Approved). This is not sufficient to support large groups of school children, along with PE kit and school bags, travelling from the bus bay on the Andover Road. Surprisingly, West Berkshire Council have already given approval for this but we would like to see this investigated as it is not in line with West Berkshire’s Sustainable Transport Policy. 2m is the minimum standard and unless that can be achieved then the planning application should not have been approved.

The road is higher than the pavement and these grass verges allow for driver error as without them an accident could have catastrophic results. There has recently been an accident involving a car on the Andover Road, due to driver error and bad weather conditions the car left the road and was stopped by the ditch in the grass verge. PC Miller, Shoulder No 3198 (Police Incident URN 1117/7) who attended said that it would have been likely to cross the pavement and end up in a garden if that ditch had not been there. This difference in road height versus pavement means that if a car was to come off the road it would be going downhill and the accident would become severe extremely quickly.

Existing pavements should meet at least the minimum sustainable measures afforded to the Sandleford Development, especially considering the difference in height and the potential danger from cars to those using the pavement? Due to the majority of the roads offthe Andover Roadbeing cul-de-sacs and the need to walk along the Andover Road to reach facilities at the top and bottom of this road, it is seen as imperative that the Andover Road is given the sustainable transport width of 3 metre pavements. What will happen on “bin days” on this busy residential road, when the bins take up the majority of the pavements outside each house? In addition, the existing tarmac pavements are extremely narrow in places and are not straight. Has anyone in an official capacity measured the existing pavements? Due to the greenery around the perimeter of most gardens located on Andover Road, this encroaches onto the pavements taking up space. This pruning is done privately and therefore cannot be relied upon to allow sufficient space for pedestrians. Will the children be expected to get past these obstacles using the road? Currently, they go around them on the grass – very important when there are large groups of impulsive children and the pavement is very narrow, meaning the grass verges are used as an extension of the pavement at this time. Pavement flooding is a problem in the area and the grass verges help with this in that they attempt to soak up surface rain water. Often pedestrians use the grass verge to walk around these areas and once the pavements are reduced and the grass verge removed or reduced, they will be forced to walk on the road.

The Andover Road is the model by which future developments should be based in terms of success, although crossing from one side to another is taking your life in your hands and is only likely to get worse with traffic from Sandleford. It is a busy road where pavement users still feel relatively safety to walk, scoot or bike along. It is full of life: dogs, adults, children, bikes, scooters. Children regularly fall into the ditches from bikes or from playing. It is a parent’s responsibility to ensure that their child reaches school safely every day and this area is seen by parents as a relatively safe environment in which to achieve this. However, if West Berkshire Council accept this application in its current state then it will have contributed to a serious reduction in child road safety in the local area. Many parents who currently walk have said that they may drive to school if the pavements are felt to be unsafe for their children. The Falkland School Travel Survey 2015 stated that 50% of its pupils travelled to school by foot/cycle or scooter. 49% of its pupils on the return journey. However, 78% would like to travel by foot/cycle or scooter. If this Planning Application is granted permission in its current form then West Berkshire Council will not be encouraging forms of sustainable transport and will be giving priority to the car.

Many adults bikealongside pedestrians on the pavement due to the speed at which the cars travel along Andover Road. The proposed plans to reduce pavement widths would not allow for this and would be dangerous. It is not ideal at the moment but understandable and both pedestrians and cyclist are on the whole considerate of each other and so it works.