DATE: April 28, 2005
TO: Dr. Tom Krepel
FROM: Dr. Robert Stack
RE: Activity Report for the Foundations of Excellence at CSC
The Foundations of Excellence Sub-committee of the did not formally meet during the 2004-2005 academic year. The following information in this report consists of:
a. List of goals and objectives for AY 2004-05
b. Accomplishments and progress toward fulfilling goals
c. Continuing or “in progress” projects
d. Recommendations for the committee for AY 2005-06
e. Review of the charge to the committee
f. Recommendation for possible changes to structure and membership
g. Review of committee member attendance
Athletics Advisory Committee
Goals and Objectives AY 2004-05
From the Athletics Advisory Committee report from 2003-04, recommendations for AY 2004-05 included the following:
1. Through the assistance of the RMAC, the FAR will take a more active role in the academic well-being of the student-athletes. The FAR will attend the semester FAR meetings in Colorado Springs, CO, possibly attend National FAR and/or NCAA conferences, and assist student-athletes in applying for any NCAA scholarships for which they are eligible.
2. Continue to attend the RMAC FAR meetings held in Colorado Springs, and attend a national NCAA convention or national FARA convention, provided funding is available.
3. Increase the number of applications of student-athletes for graduate scholarship programs. The FAR will obtain names from the head coaches and/or the Director of Athletics of student-athletes who may be eligible for any graduate scholarship programs sponsored by the NCAA.
4. Submit any names of student-athletes that may be eligible for the degree-completion scholarships now available from the RMAC. The FAR will obtain names from the head coaches and/or Director of Athletics of student-athletes who may be eligible for these new scholarships.
5. Increase the publicity of academic excellence by student-athletes in all athletic programs.
6. Assist the Athletic Director with the compliance processes.
7. Continue to assist all coaches by administering the recruiting test.
8. Continue the responsibilities set forth to the Athletics Advisory Committee in the areas of NCAA compliance, academic integrity, fiscal integrity, and equity. Also, to serve in an advisory capacity in the student athletics appeals process; and to support the student-athletes in their academic, as well as athletic, endeavors.
Accomplishments or Progress
Toward Meeting the Goals and Objectives for AY 2004-05
1. The Faculty Athletics Representative attended both the fall and spring FAR meetings held in Colorado Springs. At each of the meetings, various items were discussed that could impact the student-athletes, including missed class time due to travel to contests, degree completion programs for the RMAC, possible adding one or more institutions to the RMAC due to Ft. Hays State University leaving the RMAC in 2006-07, and the recruiting exam. The date of the fall FAR meeting was October 22, 2004, and the date of the spring meeting was April 15, 2005.
2. Due to limited funds being available for FARs of the RMAC to attend either the FARA (Faculty Athletics Representative Association) meeting or the Annual NCAA Conference, the FAR from CSC did not attend either of these of these meetings. However, with funds available for 2005-06, a request could be made to the RMAC Commissioner to help defray costs to attend either of these meetings.
3. There were no applications sent from CSC for the NCAA Graduate Scholarship Program. The FAR and the Director of Athletics will continue to promote this opportunity for the student-athletes.
4. There were no applications sent from CSC to the RMAC Office regarding the RMAC Degree Completion Program. The FAR and the Director of Athletics communicated several times as to the application process and deadline for the program. Efforts will continue to promote this program on the campus of CSC so that when a student-athlete is eligible, they will be notified through their respective head coach.
5. Publicity is taken care of by the Campus Information Office with Con Marshall and Justin Haag. However, in each of the orientations, when describing the various activities that go on across campus that are related to athletics (e.g. Family Day, Homecoming, etc.), the FAR promotes various student-athletes across campus by noting their athletic accomplishments as well as their academic interests.
6. The FAR has little responsibility with the compliance to NCAA Rules and Regulations. However, the FAR is responsible for the administration of the Coaches Certification Test.
7. The administration of the Coaches Certification Test will continue. The initial administration of the exam was September 27, 2004, with 22 coaches taking the exam and 14 passing. Subsequent exam administrations were given in November and December.
8. The FAR will continue the responsibilities to the Athletics Advisory Committee. There were no student athletics appeals for 2004-05.
List of Continuing Projects
for the Athletics Advisory Committee
1. Continuation of administration of the NCAA Coaches Certification Test by the FAR. Results will continue to be summarized in the annual Athletics Advisory Committee Report.
2. Continuation of attendance by the FAR to RMAC meetings. Encourage the attendance by the FAR to the FARA Convention and/or the NCAA Annual Convention.
3. The NCAA randomly selects athletic teams to participate in a survey regarding the use of alcohol and drugs. For the second year in a row, a team from CSC was selected to participate. As this survey is anonymous, it does provide valuable information to the NCAA regarding substance use and abuse among NCAA collegiate athletes.
Recommendations for the Athletics Advisory Committee
for AY 2005-06
Some recommendations for AY 2005-06 include:
1. Increase the number of applications of student-athletes for graduate scholarship programs. The FAR will obtain names from the head coaches and/or the Director of Athletics of student-athletes who may be eligible for any graduate scholarship programs sponsored by the NCAA.
2. Submit any names of student-athletes that may be eligible for the degree-completion scholarships now available from the RMAC. The FAR will obtain names from the head coaches and/or Director of Athletics of student-athletes who may be eligible for these new scholarships.
3. Increase the involvement of the Athletics Advisory Committee with the Student-Athlete Committee.
4. With funding from the RMAC Office, and with possible funding from CSC, attendance at the FARA Convention and the NCAA Annual Convention will help in the effectiveness of the FAR on the campus.
5. With the possibility of an additional Women’s sports (Softball) being added for Spring of 2006, the Athletics Advisory Committee will assist the Director of Athletics in the implementation process.
Review of the Charge to the Committee
Upon reviewing the charge of the committee, the Director of Athletics and the athletic coaching staff have continued their outstanding job of building and maintaining athletic programs which promote academic and athletic excellence. Coaches take extreme pride in maintaining the integrity of their programs. This program produces students that will be successful in their respective areas of interest and also produces athletes that have been and will continue to be successful in their respective sports. The charge of the committee should remain as it is.
Recommendation on Structure and Membership Changes
The structure of the Athletics Advisory Committee is sufficient. Thus, no change in committee structure or committee membership is needed.
Review of Committee Member Attendance
The Athletics Advisory Committee did not meet during AY 2004-05.
The FAR and the Athletic Director met on several occasions to discuss policy for the RMAC meetings as well as the NCAA meetings. The FAR at Chadron State College was able to attend both the fall and spring FAR meetings in Colorado Springs. Attending these meetings helped to understand the issues that the conference members are facing.
With a better understanding of the RMAC as well as the role of the FAR, the FAR at Chadron State College has become more informed. Attendance at the NCAA national convention and/or the FAR convention will further reinforce the role of the FAR at Chadron State College. Therefore, the Athletics Advisory Committee can better serve the student-athletes, the faculty, the Athletics Department, and the administration of Chadron State College.