Project Source


Directions: You will do a close reading of the source below. This source was selected because of its relationship to your topic. After reading and marking the text as instruction and as a group, please develop three questions to ask about this document.

To mark the source, please do the following:

  • Number the paragraphs.
  • Circle in one color of your choosing, the key concepts, words, ideas, events, groups, or people. Annotate in the margins why you circled this information.
  • Underline information that will help you understand your topic. Annotate in the margins why you underlined this information.
  • * to show something important and annotate in the margins why you marked this information.
  • ? to show something confusing and annotate in the margins why you marked this information.
  • ! to show something interesting and annotate in the margins why you marked this information.
  • + to show new information and annotate in the margins why you marked this information.
  • to show evidence and annotate in the margins why you marked this information.

Source Text:

Everyone must see that for a part of the suffrage women to thus ally themselves with the Republican party, another portion with the Democratic party, another with the Populist, another with the Prohibition, another with the Nationalist, and yet another with the Socialist Labor party, would be to divide and distract public thought from women as suffragists to women as Republicans, Populists, etc. To do this may be "good politics," for the different political parties, but it would surely be very "bad politics" for amendment No. XI. It doesn't need a prophet to see that "allied clubs to the old parties" will turn the thought of the women themselves to proselyting for members to their respective political party clubs instead of each and every one holding herself non-partisan, or better all–partisan, pleading with every man of every party to stamp "yes" at amendment No. XI, not for the purpose of insuring success to his party at the coming election, or to win the good will of the women of the State for future partisan ends, but instead, pleading with everyone to thus vote that he may help to secure to all the women of California who can "read the constitution in the English language" their citizen's right to vote to help the political party of their choice in all elections in the good times to come.

Of course each of the political parties, old and new, would be glad of the help of the women throughout this fall campaign, but who can fail to see that the women who should join one alliance would thereby lose their influence with the men of each of the other parties. They would at once be adjudged partisans, working for the interest of the party with which or to which they were allied. Women of California, you cannot keep the good will and win the good votes of all the good men of all the good parties of the State by allying yourselves with one or the other or all of them! You must stand as disfranchised citizens—outlaws . . . .

The vote of the humblest man of the humblest party is of equal value to that of the proudest millionaire of the largest party. And every woman must see that if a vast majority of the women of the State should, under the Los Angeles plan, ally themselves to either one of the parties, the men of all the others might well take alarm lest their party's chances of success would be vastly lessened if women were allowed to vote and so from mere party interest, be influenced to stamp "no" at amendment No. XI.

It is very clear to every student of politics that what is "good politics" for political parties is "mighty poor politics" for a reform measure dependent upon the votes of the members of all parties. It will be time enough for the women of California to enroll themselves as Republicans, Democrats, Populists, etc., after they have the right to vote secured to them by the elimination of the word "male" from the suffrage clause of the constitution. And to work most efficiently to get the right to become a voting member of one or another of the parties of the State women must now hold themselves aloof from affiliation with each and all of them.

The State Suffrage Campaign Committee has settled upon a wise plan of campaign, and the women of every county should advise with it, by letter or by calling at the headquarters. . . A good plan well executed is sure to bring victory. To this end it is to be hoped that the women of every one of the fifty–seven counties will hold themselves all–partisan and act in harmony with the State Central Committee.

Source Citation:

Anthony, Susan B. “’Woman Suffrage Must Be Non-Partisan’ Article by Susan B. Anthony, 1 August 1896,”

The Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the Susan B. Anthony Papers Project. Home page on-line. Internet; 24 September 2015.