Ecology – Day #1

Ecology = study of interactions among organisms & their surroundings

Different stages of an ecosystem (smallest to LARGEST)

1)  Species (Individuals) = group of organisms that can breed & produce fertile offspring

2)  Population = group of organisms that belong to the same species & live in the same area

3)  Community = group of different populations that live together in a defined area

4)  Ecosystem = collection of all organisms that live in a particular place, together w/ non-living or physical environment

5)  Biome = group of ecosystems that have the same climate & similar dominant communities

6)  Biosphere = part of earth & its atmosphere in which living organisms exist or that is capable of supporting life (land, water, & air)

Biology = study of LIFE

Biotic Factors = living things that shape ecosystem

- Example: Organism eating another organism

Abiotic Factors = non-living things that shape ecosystem

Example: weather

Niche = job an organism has

Example: bee is a pollinator

Energy use in Organisms

- Main source = sunlight

Autotrophs = make own food

Example: plants

Heterotrophs = eat other organism

Example: humans

Carnivore = only eats meat

Example: Lion

Herbivore = only eats plants

Example: Zebra

Omnivore = eats plants & animals

Example: Baboon

Detritivore = eats dead organisms

Example: Crab

Decomposer = breaks down dead organism externally & then consumes

Example: Mushroom on trees

Ecology – Day #2 (Food Webs)

Food Chain

Grass -> Grasshopper ->Frog -> Fox-> Owl

- Producer = make their own food (plants)

- Primary Consumer = eats producers

- Secondary Consumer = eats primary consumer

Trophic Levels

= Energy levels in a food chain or food web

-  Each level receive ONLY 10% of the previous trophic level’s energy

Ecology – Day #3

(Symbiotic Relationships & Carrying Capacity)

Symbiotic Relationships

- Symbiosis = any relationship between 2 organisms that live closely together

5 Types of Relationships

1)  Predation = one organism hunts & kills other

Example: Lion eats zebra

2)  Mutualism = both organisms benefit

Example: flower provides food for bee & bee pollinates flower

3)  Commensalism = 1 organism benefits & other organism is not effected

Example: Clown fish gets protection form anemone but not effect anemone

4)  Parasitism = 1 organism benefits, other organism is harmed

Example: mosquito eats human blood, human get itchy bite

5)  Competition = 2 individuals compete for resources (mate, shelter)

Example: 2 male deer fighting and locking horns over a female

Carrying Capacity

= # of organisms an ecosystem can support with its resources

- Balance between life & death

Ecology – Day #4 (Cycles)

Water Cycle = water moves between the ocean, atmosphere (atm), & land

Carbon Cycle

- Carbon (C) is the key ingredient for ALL living tissue

Carbon Release

- C is present as Carbon Dioxide gas (CO2) in the atmosphere

Carbon Taken In

- Plants take in CO2 & build carbohydrates

- Organism eat carbohydrates in plants

- Decomposition = when animals die, C is released into atmosphere

Nitrogen Cycle

-  All organisms require Nitrogen (N) to make proteins

Nitrogen Fixation = Bacteria living in the soil fix it so we can use it

o  N2 → 2NH4

-  Decomposers

o  When organisms die, decomposers return N to the soil as ammonia

-  Denitrification = bacteria converts the nitrates to N2 gas & returns to the atmosphere

o  NO3 à N2

Ecology – Day #5 (Succession)


= series of natural changes in the environment

2 Types

1) Primary Succession = takes place over land with no living organisms

Example: Lava from volcano destroys everything

2) Secondary Succession = changes take place after existing community is severely disrupted

Example: hurricane or forest fire

Pioneer Species = 1st species to occupy are undergoing primary succession

Climax Community = stable, mature community that undergoes little or no change in species