Deposit Problems – What to Do?
PeopleSoft Financials
Version 9.1
Regular Deposit Issues
Once you have taken your deposit to the bank, the next day within Core-CT the deposit should appear on the pick list. The amount of your deposit should match exactly to the item on the pick list. If it does not match, check your paperwork. If everything in your paperwork seems correct, then the next thing to do is contact the Office of the Treasurer (OTT).
If you have made a deposit and it does not appear on the pick list by the afternoon of the next day, contact OTT.
If, there are return items, credit or debit adjustments with your location and you have not received notification for them, contact OTT.
Do not attempt to correct the deposit by going to the bank, or creating adjustments.
The following persons should be contacted at OTT to help resolve your regular deposit issue:
Account XXX0477 and XXX4407 and XXX4763 contact Hari Patel at 702-3116
Account XXX3687 and XXX9476 contact Alice Wilkes at 702-3122
Account XXX9494 and XXX8644 contact Deepak Pohuja at 702-3117
Account XXX2334 and ALL WIRES contact Donna Bostick at 702-3103
Account XXX5798 and XXX4130 contact Kyle Barlow at 702-3184
Account XXX5699 and XXX7888 contact Dorell Bryan at 702-3105
Please contact the persons above for your particular bank account. If the above persons do not handle your bank account, then it is not a depository account managed by OTT. The account would then be managed internally by your agency. Please contact someone in your agency’s financial office responsible for deposits.
GIRO Deposit Issues
GIRO deposits that are in error should be sent back to the agency from which the deposit came. The steps to follow for this are in the job aid Incorrect GIRO Deposits
Revised 1/3/2013