FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: (Your Contact Name)
(Insert Month, Day, 2017) (Your Phone Number)
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Arts Midwest names
its sole Arts Midwest World Fest partner for (YOUR STATE)
(Your City, State) — (Your city/organization) is the only city in (your state) to be invited to participate in the 2017-19 cycle of Arts Midwest World Fest. Arts Midwest World Fest is a program of Minneapolis-based Arts Midwest, one of six regional arts organizations in the United States. Through this two-year partnership, Arts Midwest will bring to (your city) four international music ensembles. Each ensemble will spend a week in (your city) during which the ensemble will share its unique culture and music through workshops in schools, in community locations, and through a public concert celebration at the end of the week. The idea behind the program is to give Midwestern communities, especially smaller and mid-size communities, an opportunity to hear music, language, and culture that doesn’t come through often if at all.
“We’re absolutely thrilled to have been selected as a 2017-19 Arts Midwest World Fest partner community, says (your spokesperson). “Our community has a rich cultural life already, but we can’t often arrange to bring in international ensembles of the caliber this program affords nor do we often have opportunities for week-long residencies. Many of us can’t travel world-wide and this program will bring an international experience to our doorstep. I think it’s going to be interesting and fun on so many levels. And program sponsors like the National Endowment for the Arts, 3M, and the Hearst Foundations cover all but local expenses so we’re getting a rich experience we can afford. I’m eager to begin scheduling workshops and will be in touch with schools and other possible workshop audiences and locations soon.”
The ensembles visiting (your city) through this partnership include: Sofi & the Baladis, an Israeli folk band which will share its ancient Samaritan melodies, Manhu will bring its rural music from China’s Stone Village area, Odekoza from Japan will feature the powerful sounds and rhythms of taiko drumming so important in Japanese culture, and Unni Boksasp will introduce us to the warm sound of Norway’s lively folk music.
“We’re so pleased to have (your city/organization) as our Arts Midwest World Fest (your state) partner,” says David Fraher, president & CEO of Arts Midwest. “In consultation with (your state arts agency), we believe we have found a partner community with the right mix of passion for this work, leadership to make solid residency plans, and the capacity to carry it out effectively. We are delighted (your city/organization) has accepted our invitation.”
Arts Midwest’s organization-wide mission is to “promote creativity, nurture cultural leadership, and engage people in meaningful arts experiences, bringing vitality to Midwest communities and enriching people's lives.” A program of Arts Midwest, the 2017–2019 Arts Midwest World Fest cycle is generously supported by the National Endowment for the Arts, 3M Foundation, The Hearst Foundations, and the Japan Foundation through the Performing Arts JAPAN program. Additional support is provided by the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China for Manhu, the Chinese Heritage Foundation Grants Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation, the Consulate General of Israel to the Midwest for Sofi & the Baladis. This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.
Arts Midwest is also generously supported by Illinois Arts Council Agency, Indiana Arts Commission, Iowa Arts Council, Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs, Minnesota State Arts Board, North Dakota Council on the Arts, Ohio Arts Council, South Dakota Arts Council, and Wisconsin Arts Board.
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