Variant A

Listening Comprehension (10 points)

You are going to hear a teacher giving some advice about exams. For questions 1-10, complete the notes using a few words. You will hear the piece once.

The most important point is that you (0)______the actual day of the exam. Make sure:

* you have a good night’s sleep beforehand,

* you’ve had (1)______beforehand,

* you’re not (2)______.

People who study too hard the night before an exam may be mentally (3)______

when they get to the exam. Anything that relaxes you or (4)______, like yoga, is a good idea. During the exam, the most important thing is (5)______. Look at the questions and (6)______accordingly.

If you put all your energy into one question and do another quickly you’re giving a

(7)______. Even if you (8)______a question at the end of your time, you have to go on (9)______.

Try to remain relaxed; don’t (10)______.

Reading Comprehension (15 points)

In this section of the test you will read two passages. Each passage is followed by a number of questions about it. Answer all questions about the information in a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage and choose the one best answer, (A), (B), (C), or (D).

Questions 1-5.

A major source of revenue for local governments in the United States is the property tax - a tax on real property and tangible and intangible personal property.

Real property, or real estate, includes land, buildings, and anything else permanently attached

to them. This includes such things as elevators and central air conditioning. Tangible personal property is all tangible items of wealth not permanently attached to land or buildings, such as furniture, automobiles, farm animals, the stock of goods in retail stores, and clothing. Intangible personal property includes such things as bonds, mortgages, and bank accounts.

The most important property taxes are those on real estate. With the exception of the personal property tax of automobiles the taxes on neither tangible nor intangible property raise much money.

The chief problem with personal property as a source of revenue is that many items are not always brought to the attention of the tax assessor - the person who places value on property for tax purposes. Because of this, many things which should be taxed never are.

1. With what topic is the passage mainly concerned?

(A)  Laws concerning tangible personal property

(B)  Local governments' efforts to increase revenue from real property taxes

(C)  The assessment of office buildings for tax purposes

(D)  Property taxes as form of local government revenue

2. Which of the following can best be classified as real property?

(A) Fence

(B) Personal computers

(C) Gardening equipment

(D) Paintings

3. The word "stock" in line 6 is intended to mean

(A) a wooden club or baton

(B) a group of farm animals

(C) an inventory of materials

(D) a share of materials to be sold

4. The author implies that the tax on real property would probably most affect a person who had

(A) bought many new clothes

(B) moved to a larger apartment

(C) opened a second bank account

(D) purchased a house

5. According to the passage, substantial personal property tax income for local governments is provided when residents purchase

(A)  furniture

(B) automobiles

(C)  insurance

(D)  bonds

Questions 6-10

After two decades of growing student enrolments and economic prosperity, business schools in the United States have started to face harder times. Only Harvard's MBA School has shown

a substantial increase in enrolment in recent years. Both Princeton and Stanford have seen decreases in their enrolments. Since 1990, the number of people receiving Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) degrees, has dropped about 3 percent to 75, 000, and the trend of lower enrolment rates is expected to continue.

There are two factors causing this decrease in students seeking an MBA degree. The first one is that many graduates of four-year colleges are finding that MBA degree does not guarantee a plush job on Wall Street, or in other financial districts of major American cities.

Students have asked the question. "Is an MBA degree really what I need to be best prepared for getting a good job?" The second major factor has been the cutting of American payrolls and the lower number of entry-level jobs offered. Business needs are changing, and MBA schools are struggling to meet the new demands.

6. What is the main focus of this passage?

(A) jobs on Wall Street

(B) types of graduate degrees

(C) changes in enrolment for MBA schools

(D) how schools are changing to reflect the economy

7. Which of the following business schools has NOT shown a decrease in enrollment?

(A) Princeton

(B) Harvard

(C) Stanford

(D) Yale

8. The phase "trend of” in line 5 is closest in meaning to which of the following?

(A) reluctance of

(B) drawback to

(C) movement toward

(D) extraction from

9.  The word "plush" in line 8 most probably means

(A)  legal

(B)  satisfactory

(C)  fancy

(D)  dependable

10. Which of the following might be the topic of the next paragraph?

(A)  MBA schools' efforts to change

(B)  Future economic predictions

(C)  A history of the recent economic changes

(D)  Descriptions of non-MBA graduate programs

Questions 11 –15

Although speech is the most advanced form of communication, there are many ways of communicating without using speech. Signals, signs, symbols, and gestures may be found in every known culture. The basic function of a signal is to impinge upon the environment in such a way that it attracts attention, as, for example , the dots and dashes of a telegraph circuit. Coded to refer to speech, the potential for communication is very great. Less adaptable to the codification of words, signs also contain meaning in and of themselves. A stop sign or a barber pole conveys meaning quickly and conveniently. Symbols are more difficult to describe than either signals or signs because of their intricate relationship with the receiver’s cultural perceptions. In some cultures, applauding in a theatre provides performers with an auditory symbol of approval. Gestures such as waving and handshaking also communicate certain cultural messages.

Although signals, signs, symbols, and gestures are very useful, they do have a major disadvantage. They usually do not allow ideas to be shared without the sender being directly adjacent to the receiver. As a result, means of communication intended to be useful for long distances and extend periods are based upon the speech. Radio, television, and the telephone are only a few.

11. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

(A) Signals and Signs

(B) Gestures

(C) Communication

(D) Speech

12. According to the passage, what is a signal?

(A) The most difficult form of communication to describe

(B) A form of communication which may be used across long distances

(C) A form of communication that interrupts the environment

(D) A form of communication most related to cultural perceptions

13. The phrase “impinge upon” in line 3 is closest in meaning to

(A) intrude

(B) improve

(C) vary

(D) prohibit

14. Why were the telephone, radio, and TV invented?

(A) People were unable to understand signs, symbols, and signals.

(B) People wanted to communicate across long distances.

(C) People believed that signs, signals, and symbols were obsolete.

(D) People wanted new forms of entertainment

15. It may be concluded from the passage that

(A) signals, signs, and gestures are forms of communication

(B) symbols are very easy to define and interpret

(C) only some cultures have signals, signs, and symbols

(D) waving and handshaking are not related to culture.

Language Structure (55 points)

Task 1 Choose the word or phrase (A-D) which best completes each sentence (25 points)

1.………………..the car broke down, what would we do?

A Supposing B Providing C When D Despite

2. Bob ………….. be on holiday, I saw him yesterday

A would B could C can’t D mustn’t

3. ‘What are you doing on Saturday?’ ‘Well, Paul suggested……………to the cinema.’

A go B to go C going D us to go

4. The manager ______that all the customers should be searched.

A predicted B insisted C obliged D told

5. The more carefully you read,______you’ll understand the book.

A the better B best C better D the best

6. It’s a pity you didn’t ask because I ______you.

A. could help B. would help C. could have helped D. might have helped

7. This computer game ______I bought yesterday, is really boring.

A which B , that C , which D that

8. Marge’s children are used to ______after school every day. They don’t have to walk home.

A picking up B being picked up C be picked up D pick up

9. Peter denied ______anything to do with the missing money.

A having B have C to have D to have had

10. Mike congratulated ______passing my driving test.

A me B for C me for D me on

11. If you had studied more, you ______the exam.

A would pass B will pass C would have passed D pass

12.I got Barbara ______her car for the weekend.

A to let me to borrow B to let me borrow

C let me borrow D let me to borrow

13 He slept for eight hours,______he was still tired.

A but B therefore C although D in spite

14. I know nothing about televisions, so when mine broke down, I took it to the shop to ______. A having it repaired B have repaired it

C have it repaired D have had it repaired

15. ‘Were you expecting Jane and Paul to stay for dinner?’

‘No, but I ______a lot of food, so it didn’t matter.’

A had prepared B have prepared C was preparing D had been preparing

16. By the time you come home, I ______the decorating.

A will finish B finish C will be finished D will have finished

17. ‘I’ve invited Sam to my party.’ ‘I doubt if he ______.He’s studying for an exam.’

A comes B will come C is coming D come

18 ‘Sorry I’m late. ______very long? ‘ ‘No, only few minutes.’

A Are you waiting B Have you been waiting C Do you wait D Did you wait

19 ‘It’s not worth ______the house now. It’s winter’ ‘I agree. Let’s wait till spring comes’

A painting B to paint C paint D we paint

20. ‘I feel very tired today.’-‘You______have stayed up so late last night.’

A shouldn’t B could C might D ought

21. I regret ______so angrily with my brother.

A to speak B speaking C to have spoken D being spoken

22. ‘Sara is in good mood today’. ’Yes. She looks very ______’

A happily B happy C happier D much happier

23. ‘Have you seen Paul?’ ‘No. If I have time, I______him tomorrow.’

A would visit B might visit C visit D would visited

24. I’d rather you ______me when I’m talking.

A didn’t interrupt B not interrupt C hadn’t interrupted D not to interrupt

25. The play was said ______because the lead actor was ill.

A to be cancelled B to have been cancelled C to have cancelled D to cancel

Task 2 Look carefully at each line. If a line is correct, put a tick by it. If a line has a word which should not be there, cross that word out and write it by the line. There are two examples at the beginning.

Morning Mischief

0 / I was in the middle of a marvellous dream when / 0
00 / the alarm clock went off. Friday morning, seven thirty. / 00
1 / “Ten more minutes,” I muttered and then promptly fell / 1
2 / back to sleep. I woke me up suddenly, knowing that I / 2
3 / had slept for more over than ten minutes. A quick / 3
4 / glance at the alarm clock confirmed my whole fears. / 4
5 / Quarter past eight. I jumped out of bed and / 5
6 / ran into the bathroom. There was no any time to / 6
7 / wait for the water to warm itself up so I had to / 7
8 / have a cold shower. There wasn’t time still for / 8
9 / breakfast or to iron my clothes. By twenty-five / 9
10 / past eight I was been dressed in creased / 10
11 / clothes, was cold, hungry, hadn’t even / 11
12 / had a cup of tea drunk. As I ran out of the house / 12
13 / my neighbour shouted good morning to me and / 13
14 / added, “Where are you going in on Sunday?” I / 14
15 / couldn’t believe it – I don’t work on the Sundays. / 15

Task 3 Fill the gaps in the following text with. only one word in each space.

There is an example at the beginning (0).

Simple steps for healthy living

The European Union is widely advertising the connection (0) ………..….. certain diseases and the (16)………..……people live. Fortunately, the message is gradually (17)………………. understood.

In a recent survey, 89% of people knew of the dangers of smoking, which is responsible (18)………………… a third of all cancer deaths. Many people are also aware (19) ……………..…. the risks of increased exposure (20) ……………………. the sun.

However, many people do not know that the other aspects of (21) ………………… behaviour can also influence the risk of getting cancer. One of the most interesting pieces of research was carried (22) ……………..…. in Italy, where Europe’s leading cancer experts stressed the importance of nutrition.

It showed that a high consumption of fat and meat and a low one of fruit and vegetables (23)…………………. increase the rate of disease in various (24) ………………..……. of the body.