Grantee Timeline
Organization applies for grant
Organization receives confirmation email stating that the OFBCI has application & will review
Award Letters are sent via email
Grantee replies to confirm receipt of Award Letter, Grant Agreement, and State Form 53788
Grantee returns completed Grant Agreement pages 6 & 8 within 5 days
- Page 6 (verification of mailing address)
- Page 8 (executive signature page)
- must be a physical copy delivered by courier or in person (must have original ink signature)
- Grant Agreement CANNOT be submitted as a copy or fax
The OFBCI contacts grantee via email to confirm receiving Grant Agreement pages 6 and 8
Grantees return Vendor Information (State Form 53788) to the OFBCI
- SF 53788 CAN BE submitted as a copy or original, brought by courier, fax, or in person
- If an organization is already a State of Indiana Vendor, organization must provide EIN, Vendor ID number, and the legal name registered with the State of Indiana
The OFBCI contacts grantee via email to confirm receiving completed SF 53788
The OFBCI submits the Grant Agreement to the appropriate state offices for signature, keeping one copy on hand
- Grant Agreement is signed off on by: the OFBCI, the Department of Administration, the State Budget Agency, and “approved as to form and legality by the Office of the Attorney General”

The OFBCI submits SF 53788 to the State Auditor’s Office, keeping one copy on hand
Awardees attend Grant Recipient Recognition Ceremony & Press Conference – Indiana State House
State of Indiana sends a copy of signed grant agreement via courier to grantee
Grantee begins GWIN-SF programming according to submitted application and proposed budget
Grantee collects data about each TANF-eligible client, submitting data via the Client Data Survey
Grantee plans and carries out elements of reporting to prepare for first reimbursement and programming report – see Preparing for a Reimbursement Report - Timelines, Benchmarks, and more
Grantee begins reporting and request for reimbursement
- no earlier than one (1) month after a grantee starts of programming
- Grantee must send report via Courier (need original ink signature on Invoice – Request for Funds (“cover sheet”)
The OFBCI contacts grantee via email to confirm receipt of report
- The OFBCI may provide feedback to grantee regarding first report
- Grantee may need to adjust activities or provide further documentation to assure full compliance with GWIN-SF policy
Reimbursement appears as Electronic Funds Transfer to grantee organization’s bank account