Directions: Please answer the following questions about the following Speech Units that we covered this semester. This information will help me to better plan future Oral Communication Classes.
Unit Title
1. I learned ______very little during the unit on ______.
______a little during this unit on ______.
______a lot during this unit on ______.
2. After studying this unit, I
______would like to know more about ______.
______have no opinion regarding ______.
______never want to hear about ______speaking again.
3. After studying this unit, I liked______
best because ______
4. If you have any further comment about this unit or any suggestions, please state them in the space provided below. Thank you for your time and input.
Directions: Please answer the following questions about the following Speech Units that we covered this semester. This information will help me to better plan future Oral Communication Classes.
Chapter Objectives
1. I learned ______very little completing my chapter objectives.
______a little completing my chapter objectives.
______a lot completing my chapter objectives.
2. After completing my chapter objectives, studying them
______did not prepare me for the exams.
______did little to prepare me for the exams.
______did a lot to prepare me for the exams.
3. After completing the chapter objectives, I liked ______
best because ______
4. If you have any further comment about completing chapter objectives or any suggestions regarding this class, please state them in the space provided below. Thank you for your time and input.
Directions: Please answer the following questions about the following Speech Units that we covered this semester. This information will help me to better plan future Oral Communication Classes.
Daily Assignments
1. I learned ______very little completing my daily assignments.
______a little completing my daily assignments.
______a lot completing my daily assignments.
2. After completing my daily assignments, I
______would like to know more Oral Communication.
______have no opinion regarding Oral Communication.
______never want to hear about Oral Communication again.
3. After studying Oral Communication, I liked ______
best because ______
4. If you have any further comment about this Oral Communication or any suggestions regarding this class, please state them in the space provided below. Thank you for your time and input.
Directions: Please answer the following questions about the following Speech Units that we covered this semester. This information will help me to better plan future Oral Communication Classes.
Introduction Speech
1. I learned ______very little during the unit on Introduction Speeches.
______a little during the unit on Introduction Speeches.
______a lot during the unit on Introduction Speeches.
2. After completing my daily assignments, I
______would like to know more about Introduction Speeches.
______have no opinion regarding Introduction Speeches.
______never want to hear about Introduction Speeches again.
3. After studying Introduction Speeches, I liked ______
best because ______
4. If you have any further comment about this Oral Communication or any suggestions regarding this class, please state them in the space provided below. Thank you for your time and input.
Directions: Please answer the following questions about the following Speech Units that we covered this semester. This information will help me to better plan future Oral Communication Classes.
Demonstration (Informative) Speeches
1. I learned ______very little completing the unit on Demo Speeches.
______a little completing the unit on Demo Speeches.
______a lot completing the unit on Demo Speeches.
2. After completing my Demonstration Speech, I
______would like to know more Informative Speeches.
______have no opinion regarding Informative Speeches.
______never want to hear about Informative Speeches again.
3. After studying Informative Speeches and presenting my Demo Speech, I liked
______best because ______
4. If you have any further comment about this Oral Communication or any suggestions regarding this class, please state them in the space provided below. Thank you for your time and input.
Directions: Please answer the following questions about the following Speech Units that we covered this semester. This information will help me to better plan future Oral Communication Classes.
Commemorative (Entertaining) Speech Unit
1. I learned ______very little during the Commemorative Speech Unit.
______a little during the Commemorative Speech Unit.
______a lot during the Commemorative Speech Unit.
2. After completing the unit on Commemorative Speeches and speeches to
entertain, I
______would like to know more about these types of speeches.
______have no opinion regarding these types of speeches.
______never want to hear about these types of speeches again.
3. After studying Commemorative and other types of speeches that entertain, I
liked ______best because ______
4. If you have any further comment about this Oral Communication or any suggestions regarding this class, please state them in the space provided below. Thank you for your time and input.
Directions: Please answer the following questions about the following Speech Units that we covered this semester. This information will help me to better plan future Oral Communication Classes.
Persuasive Speech Unit
1. I learned ______very little during the Persuasive Speech unit.
______a little during the Persuasive Speech unit.
______a lot during the Persuasive Speech unit.
2. After completing the Persuasive Speech unit, I
______would like to know more about Persuasive Speech unit.
______have no opinion regarding the Persuasive Speech unit.
______never want to hear about Persuasive Speaking again.
3. After studying Persuasion, I liked ______
best because ______
4. If you have any further comment about this Oral Communication or any suggestions regarding this class, please state them in the space provided below. Thank you for your time and input.
Directions: Please answer the following questions about the following Speech Units that we covered this semester. This information will help me to better plan future Oral Communication Classes.
Small Group Speaking Unit
1. I learned ______very little during the Small Group Speaking unit.
______a little during the Small Group Speaking unit.
______a lot during the Small Group Speaking unit.
2. After completing my daily assignments, I
______would like to know more about Small Group Speaking.
______have no opinion regarding Small Group Speaking.
______never want to hear about Small Group Speaking again.
3. After studying Small Group Speaking, I liked ______
best because ______
4. If you have any further comment about this Oral Communication or any suggestions regarding this class, please state them in the space provided below. Thank you for your time and input.