Between the departure of Sergeant Shorter and the arrival of Jock Mercer I was left in charge of 1 Squadron Stores and I quite enjoyed my little bit of independence. One of the gunners who found himself on ‘light’ duties was seconded to stores and helped me out during this period. Phil Shuter was the man in question and Phil was a very enthusiastic scholar of the Roman Army, its conquests and troop layout. By the time he left I was well versed in Cohorts, Praetorians, Centurions and the fighting skills of a Roman Soldier. It was very interesting but I didn’t think knowing how to form shields to stave off arrows was going to be a lot of use to me in 1 LAA! It therefore came as a surprise when my next little jaunt included shields!

The local civilian workers on the camp had gone on strike for some reason or other and were picketing the main gates. The initial peaceful protest gradually turned a bit violent although the local police seemed less than keen to intervene in what was quickly becoming a case of civil unrest. The bus that transported the married Australian airmen on to the camp was subjected to a regular barrage of eggs and abuse which threatened to turn into something far more serious if nothing was done to prevent it.

The camp commanding officer, an Australian, opted to leave his soldiers from 111 Battery, Royal Australian Artillery in peace and ordered 1 LAA Squadron Royal Air Force Regiment to go and restore law and order. Riot drill was quickly organised and a practice riot was arranged in a secluded part of the airfield. The Riot Squad were equipped with shields, batons and Tear Gas. All they wanted now was a bunch of rioters to practice their skills on.

“Taff, stick a scarf around your head or something. You’re going to be a crazed rioter!”

“But I don’t think I really want to be a crazed rioter, Sam,” I replied nervously because I just knew, in my heart of hearts, that someone was going to get hurt somewhere along the line.

“Look,” said Sam in a fairly reasonable tone of voice, “you can either be a crazed rioter or a bored guardroom inmate so bloody get out there.”


The Riot Squad were already lined up when we rioters turned up and they looked suitably menacing. Tin hats, riot shields, big batons, Tear Gas canisters etc. I wasn’t aware at the time that Tear Gas was involved and this proved to be a bit unfortunate a little later on. Corporal of Gun, Sam was to be head rioter and we’d all been given loads of tomatoes and various objects to hurl, including the odd small rock we found lying about. Our instructions were to be as violent as we liked without actually wading into the squad. They, in turn, were ordered not to retaliate in any way initially and were allowed only the use of their shields to ward off flying objects. This sounded like great fun to me and adrenaline overtook common sense as Sam, with a scream of, “Give us more rice you English bastards,” led us in a charge of wondrous ferocity. We had a whale of a time, chucking tomatoes and hollering like maniacs. It didn’t last of course. The next thing I was aware of was a couple of canisters flying out of the ranks of the Riot Squad and going over our heads to land behind us. They were trailing what I took to be smoke.


Then, on a word of command, the Squad started to move forward menacingly and I have to say, they looked ready to do some harm for all the rubbish we’d chucked at them. I backed away rapidly with all the others until Sam grabbed me by the arm and threw me forward again. This put me way too close to the advancingRiot Squad and I decided that was enough for me. I turned and ran – straight into a cloud of what I very quickly discovered was Tear Gas. The effect was horrendous. It got in my mouth, nose, eyes and every other opening it could find. I was blinded by tears, choking and gasping for breath. I went down on one knee and was vaguely aware of the Riot Squad right in front of me.

“Thank Christ for that,” I remembered thinking, “Be alright now. The lads will look after me and lead me gently away to safety…” In the event they marched right through me and even gave me a few gentle taps with their batons in passing. Bastards that they all were. I complained about this because I thought it was a bit over the bloody top. It was only practice after all and to act like thugs was totally out of order as far as I was concerned. It didn’t do any good though. I was told that as far as they were concerned I could fuck off and die…

In the event, the protesters abandoned their vigil and went back to work before all that practice could be put to use. I put it down to them catching sight of me after being gassed and clubbed. If the squad could do that in practice and to one of their own, what in God’s name were they likely to do when the real thing took place!