Assessing Field Experience Binders
Faculty Coordinators, Supervisors & Assessors Quick Guide

1. After logging into Tk20, click on the Field Experience tab.

2. You will see a Current Field Experience Assessments tab and a Previous Field Experience Assessment tab. Depending on the semester (e.g. spring) you may need to click the Previous Field Experience Assessment tab to assess your students Field Experience Binders.

3. Click on the name of the student you want to assess to open a split screen.

4. On the left, you will see the intern’s Field Experience Binder which includes the following tabs the interns will be entering data into:

  • Lesson Plans, Reflections and Observation NotesTab

Click the Lesson Plans, Reflections and Observation Notes tab

There are 6 “Observed Lesson Plans” and 6 “Observer Notes” sections; 2 for the Fall semester, 2 for the Spring semester & 2 for the 13 month cohort to be used during their 3rd semester.

The intern has uploaded their Observed Lesson Plans and Observer Notes. The Assessor(s) click the Observed Lesson Plan or Observer’s Notes they want to view

The internhas reflected on the Observed Lesson Plan. The Assessor(s) click theRelection/Annotation tab to view intern’s reflection/annotation.

  • Standards Evidence and ReflectionTab

The internhas uploaded their Standards Evidence. The Assessor(s) click the Standard that they want to see the intern’s evidence and artifacts.

The intern has entered a reflection or annotation. The Assessor(s) click the Reflection/Annotation tab to view intern’s reflection, explanatory note or comments.

  • Intern Self-AssessmentTab

The internhas self-assessed their performance at the end of placements 1, 2 and 3 (if applicable). The Assessor(s) click on the Intern Self-Assessment tab, then click the appropriate self-assessment.

  • Assessing Student Performance

On the right side of the screenSupervisors, Assessors & Faculty Coordinators are able to view the intern’s Field Experience Binder assessment tool, grant due date extensions, and provide additional feedback.

The Supervisor, Assessor & Faculty Coordinatorsclick theUSM Maine State Initial Teaching Standards Rubrictab and assess their interns by Standards by selecting the radio button for each criterion within the rubric. Comments may be left and files uploaded for each criterion within the rubric.

Click Save Draft after you have completed your scoring. You may return at a later time to complete your scoring if needed.

Repeat this process until you have finished all assessments.

When you are finished with the last form, click Submit.