Raising your skills improving life chances

Minutes of the meeting of the Corporation

held on Monday 22 June 2015 at 4.45 pm

in the Board Room, Somer Valley Campus

Carole Stott / Chair
Andy Furse / Vice-Chair
Matt Atkinson / Principal
Donna Baddeley / Apologies
Victor da Cunha
Louise Fradd
Richard Harvey
Paul Myers
Jenny Payne
Larissa Perry / Apologies
James Wallace
Gary Waylen
Emma Yates
Julian Young / Apologies
In attendance
Jane Shaw
Heather Cross / Observer
Clerk to the Corporation
Julian Tucker
Rob Sibley
Judy Lye-Forster / Executive Director of Finance (DoF)
Vice Principal Curriculum (VPC)
Vice Principal Quality and Students (VPQS)
1. / Apologies / ACTION
Apologies were received from Donna Baddeley, Larissa Perry and Emma Yates
2. / Declarations of Interest
3. / Confidentiality of Items
Item 8 was noted as confidential.
4. / Minutes of the meeting of the Corporation held on Monday 18 May 2015 and any matters arising
The minutes had been circulated previously and were accepted as a true record. There were no matters arising.
5. / Presentation – English and Maths
Stuart King was welcomed to the meeting and gave a lively presentation about the college’s activity in English and Maths.
The five key areas of activity were discussed – enrolment and induction procedures; identifying and motivating disengaged learners; raising the profile; teaching and learning and effective leadership and management.
Stuart outlined a number of the strategies which were being deployed to make English and maths activity more interesting – it was an all-college effort.
Governors asked questions about how progress would be monitored. The importance for the college to demonstrate progress was very important. It was noted that the DfE and BIS recognised that for colleges to be able take all students to the qualification level was not possible and that concentration on repeat courses was shown through research to be at a much lower level. There were other questions concerning what activity had already been undertaken to engage disaffected students, using the right staff to support English and Maths activity and training being provided for staff. The value of one to one support for some students was recognised and an example was shared with the meeting about how this had made such a difference.
Governors welcomed the considerable amount of work and energy which was going into addressing this area. It was agreed that a progress report be given in a year’s time.
6. / Strategic Update – Strategic Plan development proposals
A report from the Principal setting out a proposed approach to the development of a new strategic framework for the college had been circulated. Matt Atkinson commented that the strategic purpose would be discussed and confirmed at the away day on 17 July. Strategic intentions were proposed to have a lifetime to mirror that of the current Parliament. It was thought that the government would not announce new policies for FE until the Autumn. Three underpinning plans were in the college proposals and the language and new narrative was that of skills – for growth and for the economy, as developed in a session recently facilitated by the House. The strands were skills, estates and quality improvement. A working thesis was that the college was about talent development, career development and self-development. This was to be pursued in a session with staff on 8 July.
Governors gave some initial thoughts on whether the direction and process seemed appropriate. It was suggested that the methodology of change needed to tie the ideas into all activities. It was acknowledged that the proposals tied in to enterprise and this idea would be pursued at the Awayday. It was suggested that the college should examine the language of stakeholders and see the extent of similarities.
It was suggested that the away day may benefit from the services of a facilitator.
7. / HE Strategy
The HE Strategy had been circulated which had been revised on the basis of discussions which had taken place at the last meeting.
Further comments were made. The inclusion of reference to awarding bodies was noted. It was suggested that where partnerships were referred to, links should be to employers and their requirements. There should be an awareness of progression and higher apprenticeships should be mentioned. It was suggested that the strategy should convey action and the language should reflect this. It was suggested that each aim should have targets so that progress could be monitored.
Governors were thanked for their comments.
8. / International – see separate confidential minutes
9. / Key Performance Indicator monitoring
Key Performance indicators had been circulated and were discussed. It was noted that there was a revised year end forecast and there had been no real opportunity to address the ‘red’ items concerning Norton Radstock. There remained a significant concern about the quality of apprenticeships at Somer Valley Campus.
10. / Teaching and Learning Monitoring report – Outcomes of Curriculum Area Reviews and Rapid Improvement Action Plan for Somer Valley Campus
A report updating on the five week review at Somer Valley was provided which Judy Lye-Forster spoke about. The report had been considered at the Quality and Standards Working Group. 55 out of 69 staff originally planned to be observed had been part of the process and those not included were for legitimate reasons. 65% of staff had been graded good or better and 35% requiring improvement or inadequate. There had been feedback including Learner Voice feedbacks and from Learning Walks as well and all issues were identified.
A rapid improvement plan had been implemented and much activity had already commenced. Much stemmed back to enrolment and induction. Work was being undertaken in English and Maths. Disciplinary action against students was being taken for the first time; the college was now working as one organisation, although because the issues were different, for the coming year there would be separate Quality Improvement plans.
11. / Management Accounts and current financial position
The Management Accounts for April had been circulated, being the first set of management accounts for the combined college. The position was £6K ahead of budget.
The Executive Director of Finance reported on the position.
A question was asked about the single Adult Budget. There had been some potential under-delivery as a result of a sub-contractor not delivering associated with Norton Radstock.
Pay was showing as overspent, largely as a result of agency staff. Staff reductions had yet to be fully reported and may not show an effect until June.
There were positive results concerning non-pay. A Head of Finance had recently been appointed who was performing well and pursuing matters. The grant from the Skills Funding Agency was being deployed. External Auditors were providing advice and guidance.
Governors asked questions about cash levels and the intention in signing off leases and their effect on the new bank loan all of which were addressed by management.
16. / Code of Governance for English Colleges
The Code, as recommended by the Association of Colleges had been circulated. The Chair commented that the purpose of the Code was to demonstrate accountability and it was considered by the AoC as important in assisting the sector to maintain its independence.
The Clerk had examined the document to show the extent to which the Corporation met the Code. There was largely compliance in practice. One recommendation was in respect of an annual report and it was planned that the Principal and Clerk would work on developing this.
The Code of Governance for English Colleges was adopted.
Change of College Name
The Corporation noted with pleasure that the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills had approved the change of college name and the college was now Bath College, with effect from 4 June 2015.
Notes of the Quality and Standards Working Group held 3 June 2015
The notes of the meeting held on 3 June 2015 were received.
Any Other Business
Student Union President
The meeting noted that this was Jenny Payne’s last meeting as Student Governor as she had come to the end of her term of office. Governors commented that as the first sabbatical SU President for the college that Jenny had been a fantastic trailblazer and she had set a very high benchmark. All governors joined with the Chair in thanking Jenny and wishing her well for the future.
Governors were reminded about the forthcoming graduation on 14 July and encouraged to attend.
Art Exhibition
Governors remarked on the novel ticket design for the end of year show and congratulated the designers.
Date of Next Meeting – this was to be held on Monday 20 July 2015 as already agreed, at City centre campus. A Strategy Awayday was to be held prior to this on Friday 17 July 2015 at Bailbrook House Hotel, again as already agreed. / Principal, Clerk