Cascade Resuscitation Training Guideline

Reference Number / N/A
Version / 3
Name of responsible (ratifying) committee / PHT Resuscitation Committee
Date ratified / 26th October 2012
Document Manager (job title) / Resuscitation Officer
Date issued / 07th November 2012
Review date / October 2015
Electronic location / Corporate Clinical Guidelines
Related Procedural Documents / Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Policy
Generic Competency Framework for Registered and Unregistered Practitioners
Key Words (to aid with searching) / Cascade training; basic life support; resuscitation; e-learning; e-MOT’s; anaphylaxis; trainer; cardiopulmonary; CPR; Competency














This Guideline must be followed in full to ensure effective Cascade Resuscitation Training is carried out by appropriately trained Cascade Trainers.

For quick reference the guide below is a summary of actions required. This does not negate the need for staff to be aware of and follow the detail of the guideline.

  1. The Cascade Resuscitation Training Guideline was formulated to ensure that quality and standards are protected by ensuring that resuscitation training is carried out in a consistent manner.
  1. The Resuscitation Dept will keep a record of all training carried out by cascade trainers using the Electronic Staff Record system.
  1. Cascade resuscitation training will provide another means of staff achieving their essential skills requirements.
  1. The type of training carried out and the clinical areas covered depends on the speciality and experience of the cascade trainer.
  1. Prospective cascade trainers will be required to observe training carried out by a Resuscitation Officer and in turn the Resuscitation Officer will observe the Cascade Trainer undertaking their own training session.
  1. Each Cascade Trainer will be allocated a link Resuscitation Officer. The Resuscitation Officer will provideadvice, support and feedback and inform the cascade trainer of any changes to local or national guidelines/policies.
  1. Cascade Trainers should provide the ResuscitationDepartment with details of all training sessions and attendance records.
  1. The Resuscitation Department will keep a log of current cascade resuscitation trainers.


The Resuscitation Council document, Standards for Clinical Practice and Training (2004, updated 2008) states that all clinical staff should receive annual resuscitation training appropriate for their level of responsibility. At a local level, the Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation policy (Clinical Policies) also states that all clinical staff should have annual resuscitation training. The Resuscitation Department may delegate this responsibility to other appropriately trained personnel. The Cascade Resuscitation Training Guideline was formulated to ensure that quality and standards are protected by ensuring that training is carried out in a consistent manner and in accordance with current national and Trust resuscitation guidelines/policies


The purpose of this guideline is:

  • To ensure that cascade resuscitation training is carried out by appropriately trained personnel
  • To protect and maintain the quality and standards of resuscitation training
  • To ensure the content and method of training is consistent and in accordance with current national and Trust guidelines/policies
  • To enable the Resuscitation Department to keep an accurate record of training delivered
  • To enhance access to training for clinical staff


The following types of training can be carried out as cascade training

  • Adult Basic Life Support
  • Paediatric Basic Life Support (Infant and Child)
  • Newborn Life Support
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Basic Life SupportE-MOT’s (part 2, practical assessment)

The following clinical areas can carry out cascade training (as appropriate for their patient group)

  • Department of Critical Care
  • Cardiac Care Unit
  • Emergency Department
  • Theatres
  • Paediatric Department
  • Newborn Unit
  • Maternity Department
  • Other clinical areas as agreed on an individual basis with the Resuscitation Department

‘In the event of an infection outbreak, flu pandemic or major incident, the Trust recognises that it may not be possible to adhere to all aspects of this document. In such circumstances, staff should take advice from their manager and all possible action must be taken to maintain ongoing patient and staff safety’


For the purposes of resuscitation, the following definitions apply:

Adult: From puberty onwards

Paediatric Includes infant and child

Infant 0-1 years of age

Child 1 year to puberty

Neonate For the purpose of this guideline a neonate is any infant cared for within the Maternity Unit or Neonatal Intensive Care Unit regardless of age. For other areas within the organisation the neonate is a baby below 29 days of age.

BLS Basic Life Support

ALS Advanced Life Support

EPLS European Paediatric Life Support

APLS Advanced Paediatric Life Support

NLSNewborn Life Support

BLS E-MOTTwo parts, Part 1 is an E-learning package with a minimum pass mark of 75%, Part 2 is a 15 minute practicalassessment of BLS skills


Chief Executive

The Chief Executive has ultimate responsibility for Corporate Governance; including ensuring processes are in place to support good procedural document management.

Trust Board

The Trust Board members have overall responsibility for ensuring that, through good procedural document management, the organisation complies with all legal, statutory and good practice requirements.

Governance and Quality Committee for PHT

The Governance and Quality Committee members are responsible for ensuring that appropriate action is taken to ensure all procedural documents are in date for PHT. To fulfil this responsibility the Committee will receive annual reports from the PHT Resuscitation Committee.

The PHT Resuscitation Committee

The PHT Resuscitation Committee members are responsible for ensuring that:

This procedural document is in place and for providing assurance to the Governance and Quality Committee through the provision of an annual report, including any necessary recommendations to address identified deficits. The Committee members will also supply advice to the author of this procedural document, as required;

Appropriate approval is given, and the appropriate author identified, for the development of any new, or the revision of this policy;

An appropriate author is assigned responsibility for development of this policy and they follow the Policy for the Development and Management of Procedural Documents;

Procedural documents referred to them are assessed against the standards set out in the Policy for the Development and Management of Procedural Documents and document authors are advised accordingly;

Procedural documents referred to them comply with any relevant National Health Service Litigation (NHSLA or CNST) standard(s);

Consultation with appropriate stakeholders has occurred and a consensus view reached;

The procedural document is technically accurate and in line with evidence based best practice;

An accurate record is kept of discussion and approval of the procedural documented is recorded in the minutes of the meeting. These minutes must be available upon request;

Processes to enable an audit of compliance with the procedural document are detailed in the document;

Ratified Trust procedural documents are forwarded to the Trust Policy Officer (TPO), together with required accompanying documentation as per Policy for the Development and Management of Procedural Documents.

The Resuscitation Department Staff

The Resuscitation Officers are responsible for ensuring that:

Resuscitation training delivered adheres to the current Resuscitation Council (UK) guidelines and incorporates current PHTEarly Warning Scoring (EWS)processes for the identification of at risk patients, including the systems for summoning help, and DNACPR decision making;

Cascade trainers are provided with appropriate training and support to undertake the role and that cascade trainers have their sessions reviewed annually.

They sign off the relevant Competency Statements to at least level 3 for Cascade Trainers.

Cascade Trainers are aware of Infection control practices with regard to cleaning and maintenance of manikins.

The Resuscitation Administration staff are responsible for ensuring that:

The attendance records returned by the Cascade Training staff are entered onto ESR.

The Resus Admin Team are kept informed of the status of current Cascade Resuscitation Trainers so that they keep the log up to date.

PHTCascade Resuscitation Training Staff

All Cascade Resuscitation Trainers are responsible for ensuring that they:

Remain in date with their own resuscitation training. ILS, ALS, APLS and EPLS Instructors automatically remain in date for the relevant type of training for as long as they have current Instructor Status and keep the Resuscitation Admin Team informed of courses they teach on outside of PHT.

Cooperate and comply with the implementation of this guideline;

Inform the Resuscitation Department of training dates and return attendance records to the Resuscitation Department.

When carrying out e-MOT assessments, the Cascade Trainer must make efforts to ensure the candidate has successfully completed part 1 prior to undertaking part 2 of the assessment.

Raise any queries about implementation of this guideline with their link Resuscitation Officer. These queries should then be discussed at the appropriate forum and then documented in the relevant minutes. This will either be with the Resuscitation Manager, Resuscitation Link Network meeting, the PHT Resuscitation Committee or at the Trust Governance and Quality Committee;

Cascade Trainers deemed to be competent to at least level 3 in the skill they are teaching, should then sign the relevant Competency Statements to the appropriate level for their candidates. Seethe Generic Competency Framework for Registered and Unregistered Practitioners (N&M Policies)

A Resuscitation Officer will observe the Cascade Trainer carrying out a relevant cascade training session annually.

Keep their link Resuscitation Officer informed of updates to their Cascade Resuscitation Trainer status so that the Cascade Resuscitation log can be kept up to date.


Staff interested in becoming a cascade trainer should contact the resuscitation department. A Resuscitation Officer will then ensure that they possess the relevant experience/skills. Each cascade trainer will have a link Resuscitation Officer allocated to them.


If the prospective cascade trainer intends to provide full BLS and/or anaphylaxis sessions, they must observe a minimum of two classroom based BLS or anaphylaxis sessions as appropriate (1 session for current ALS/EPLS/APLS Instructors) by different Resuscitation Officers.

If the prospective cascade resuscitation trainer is going to be doing BLS e-MOT Part 2 assessments then they must observe a minimum of one classroom based BLS and then one BLS e-MOT Part 2 assessment session, instead of the 2 classroom sessions stated above.

They will use the relevant lesson plan as guidance and the prospective cascade resuscitation trainer will maintain their own record of this contact.

For their records, the link RO will also be informed that these two observations have occurred.

The cascade trainer will then be observed providing a relevant training session. The Resuscitation Officer will provide advice, support and feedback. On an annual basis, a Resuscitation Officer will observe and peer review the cascade trainer providing a training session.

The Resuscitation Officer will inform the cascade trainer of any changes to national or local guidelines/polices which effect the training

If a candidate does not achieve the learning objectives stated in the relevant lesson plan, the Resuscitation Departments Record Form for this purpose should be completed and actioned. (Form available on intranet or from Resuscitation Dept)

All cascade training that has been delivered must be recorded on a registration form which must then be returned to the Resus Admin Team so that the training can be recorded onto ESR

A log of current cascade resuscitation trainers will be maintained on the Resuscitation Department intranet site – General – Cascade Training. It is the current cascade resuscitation trainers and link RO’s responsibility to keep the Resuscitation Admin team up to date on who should be on this log.

All relevant documentation is available on the intranet or from the resuscitation department


Cascade trainers must hold a relevant teaching qualification e.g. E.N.B 998/C&G 730

Cascade trainers must be deemed competent in relevant type of training by the Resuscitation Officer (RO) on an annual basis. They will be signed off to Level 3 of the relevant Competency Statement.

Trainers must observe a minimum of two BLS sessions (1 session for current ALS/EPLS/APLS Instructors) by different RO’s.

Trainers must read and demonstrate an understanding of the appropriate lesson plan (available from Resuscitation Dept or Intranet) and current relevant Trust policies and adhere to these in their training sessions.

Trainers must demonstrate an understanding of infection control precautions, and maintenance of manikins

On an annual basis, a Resuscitation Officer will observe and peer review the cascade trainer providing a BLS/MOT/Anaphylaxis session as appropriate.


1.Resuscitation Council (UK) (2004. Updated June 2008) CPR Standards for Clinical Practice and Training.

2.Current PHT Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Policy. On the intranet under clinical policies.

3. Current Generic Competency Framework for Registered and Unregistered Practitioners.

Home - Nursing and Midwifery Policies

ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION / REFERENCES (including related policies and procedures).

The following documents are stored in the Cascade Training Folder can be found on the intranet. Go to Departments – Resuscitation – General – Cascade Training for the most recent versionsCascade Training Documents

  • Adult Basic Life Support Lesson Plan
  • Paediatric Basic Life Support Lesson Plan
  • Newborn Life Support Lesson Plan
  • Peer Observation of Teaching Session Feedback Pro Forma
  • Record Form for Candidates Who Do Not achieve Learning Objectives
  • Flow Chart for Candidates Who Do Not achieve Learning Objectives
  • Training Registration Form

Obtained from the Resuscitation Department

  • Cascade Adult Basic Life Support Certificate of Attendance
  • Cascade Paediatric Basic Life Support Certificate of Attendance
  • Newborn Life Support Certificate

An Organisation-Wide Policy for the Development and Management of Procedural Documents: NHSLA, May 2007.


Compliance and effectiveness will be monitored by;

Annually a Resuscitation Officer will observe and peer review the cascade trainer providing a training session

Ensuring the cascade trainer adheres to the lesson plan through use of peer reviews.

Candidate led course evaluations to be carried out on 10% of training sessions provided by the cascade Trainer.


Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust is committed to ensuring that, as far as is reasonably practicable, the way we provide services to the public and the way we treat our staff reflects their individual needs and does not discriminate against individuals or groups on any grounds.

This guideline has been assessed accordingly

Cascade Resuscitation Training Guideline. Version 3. 26th October 2012 (review date October 2015)

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