Activity 3.2: Gambling and betting
Investigate at least one instance of gambling or betting. You could choose to compare a game of chance or analyse how betting on sports works.
Write up a report showing the odds and the betting or gambling system and how they work. Include an explanation on how odds in the sport or the game relate to how we calculate probability and chance in mathematics.
Tasks and questions
- Research different games or sports betting
Identify which games of chance or which sport you will study.
Games of chance could include games such as Tattslotto, Super 66 and their equivalents; or games played at Casinos like Two Up, Blackjack, and Roulette.
Most popular sports now accept betting—so you could look at how betting works on a sport you are interested in. But you could just analyse the more traditional sports betting on horse racing.
Research your chosen games or sports and the betting systems (the Internet might be the quickest, but your school or local library may well have books that explain the systems) to find out how they work.
You can also ask your teachers to see if they have any activities, resources or information available. For example, both the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation [ and Consumer Affairs Victoria [ have developed curriculum and teaching resources for secondary schools that address gambling issues.
- Possible extensions: conduct local survey or invite a speaker to talk about gambling
As part of your research you could conduct a local survey to see how many people (or students at your school) gamble or bet and what they bet or gamble on. You will need to seek permission to do this from your teacher and school, and make sure that they approve the survey and its questions before you start to ask people to complete it.
Or you could contact a local or State based organisation that helps people with gambling problems to come and talk to your class about the problems with gambling in our society.
- Look at the chance and probability involved in the game or betting
Analyse your game or betting scheme in terms of:
The rules of the game and how you can win.
The probability of winning (or losing).
The system used for paying you your winnings, including how much the “bank” or dealer keeps.
- Report on results
Write up a report of your research.
What did you find out? Did anything surprise you?
What is the main message you would want to highlight in your report?
Note: Remember to ask your teacher for support and explanations if you need help with understanding and using any particular mathematics skills in completing your project.