Town of Princeton, MA
Meeting Minutes
Personnel Board
July 15, 2010
Town Hall Annex
The meeting was called to order at 4:01 PM. Present were Acting Chair Anne Littlefield, Alan Sentkowski, Jim Shuris, Rick Zeenaand Town Administrator John Lebeaux.
Absent: Cathy LePage
As there was no current chairman, John called the meeting to order with the consent of the Board. New member Rick Zeena and the existing members introduced themselves.
Personnel Board Composition, Organization, Administration, and Responsibilities (Section 9, Personnel Policy)
As it was its first meeting in over a year and also was welcoming a new member (Rick) to his first meeting, the Board reviewed the portion of the Personnel Policy that relates to the Board’s activities. All was found to be in order with one exception. After brief discussion, on motions(Anne)and seconds(Rick), the Board voted 4-0 to recommend that the Board of Selectmen amend the Personnel Policy by striking the word “monthly” from the last sentence of 9.A.3 to now read “at the beginning of its monthly meetings”, and voted 4-0 to recommend that the Board of Selectmen amend the Personnel Policy by inserting a new second sentence to the second paragraph of 9.A.3 to now read (new text in bold italics):
“The Personnel Board shall administer and maintain the Town of Princeton Personnel Policy. It shall meet quarterly or as needed. The Board will make recommendations to the Board of Selectmen for all Personnel Policy amendments for final approval.”
Elect Chair and Clerk
Pursuant to 9.A.2 on motions (Alan) and seconds (Jim), the Board voted 4-0 to name Rick as Clerk and Anne as Acting Chair. The Board plans to elect its permanent chair at its next meeting with all members in attendance.
Town Administrator’s Role in Personnel Policy (Section 10)
The Board reviewed Section 10 and saw no need for any changes to be made.
Town Employees
John raised a question about differing salaries paid to Regular Part Time Employees who are hired as Administrative Assistants. No one had an answer why.
Review Personnel Policy
John requested each Board member conduct his/her own review of the Policy to identify any items that may need examination at a future meeting. He asked the Board to discuss and consider several particular points that he noticed in his review.
- John noted that the current definition of a Regular Full Time Employee allows only him among the Town Hall employees to work on Friday. John described instances when allowing an employee to occasionally work on a Friday may be in the Town’s best interest and may also provide a degree of flexibility to individuals’ schedules. After discussion, on a motion (Rick) and second (Alan) the Board voted 4-0 to recommend that the Board of Selectmen amend the Personnel Policy Section 2-Definitions: Regular Full Time Employee by making the following insertion to the last sentence of that definition (new text in bold italics): “However, the Town Administrator has the discretion to allow employees to use Friday as an alternate work day when it is in the Town’s best interest and there is no disruption to the normal Monday through Thursday Town Hall hours.” The Board noted that there is nothing in the Policy concerning Regular Reduced-Hours or Regular Part Time Town HallEmployees working Friday hours. John emphasized that being able to carry out normal business Monday to Thursday from 8 to 4 is his priority.
- John noted that the current Personnel Policy names former Police Chief Charles Schmohl as the Alternate Sexual Harassment Grievance Officer. He suggested Chief Powers now be named to that position. On a motion (Jim) and second (Anne) the Board voted 4-0 to recommend that the Board of Selectmen amend the Personnel Policy Appendix E III.A. Sexual Harassment Policy and designate Michele Powers (pending her agreement) as the Alternate Sexual Harassment Grievance Officer.
- John presented the Board the existing Performance Evaluation forms for managers and hourly employees. John acknowledged that they served previous Town Administrator Dennis Rindone very well but John sought the Board’s support of a more streamlined document and process. The Board agreed but made clear how important it finds the review process. John was instructed to find some models from other communities and present the Board what one or more with which he feels comfortable. Jim suggested John examine the self-assessment process the Town of Concord uses.
- John explained to the Board that the current Personnel Policy gives no instruction as to how Town Hall employees should take Holiday Leave for Friday and Saturday holidays (Saturday holidays are to be observed on Fridays per the Policy). In FY 2010 there were three Friday holidays: Independence Day, Christmas, and New Year’s Day. As Christmas and New Year’s were in the same payroll period it caused a significant scheduling challenge. Similarly Christmas and New Year’s will be on Saturdays in FY 11. On a motion (Alan) and second (Rick) the Board voted 4-0 to recommend that the Board of Selectmen amend the Personnel Policyby adding the following sentence to 7.C.2 Holiday Leave-“Since Town Hall is closed Fridays, when a holiday falls on a Friday or Saturday Town Hall employees may use that holiday as a floating holiday anytime thereafter until June 30 of the current fiscal year. The proposed date the employee seeks to use as the floating holiday is subject to approval by the Town Administrator. Any floating holiday not used by June 30 may not be carried over into the new fiscal year.”
- John requested the Personnel Policy be amended to reflect the change in the share of health care contributions that became effective July 1, 2010. On a motion (Anne) and second (Jim) the Board voted 4-0 to recommend that the Board of Selectmen amend the Personnel Policy7.J.1. Health Insuranceand strike out “85%” and replace it with “80%” as the town’s share of health care premiums for eligible employees.
Open Meeting Law
John reviewed the changes that went into place July 1, 2010.
Set Future Meeting Schedule
No date was set but early to mid September was targeted as the next meeting date.
The meeting adjourned at 5:33 PM by unanimous vote.
Respectfully Submitted,
John Lebeaux,
Town Administrator
Referenced Documents
Town of Princeton Personnel Policy (July 1, 2008 version)
Memo from Town Administrator to Personnel Board,July 13, 2010
Email from J. Lebeaux to T. Longtine regarding Friday hours,September 17, 2009
Town of Princeton Performance Appraisal System Evaluation Form-Managers
Town of Princeton Performance Appraisal System Evaluation Form-Hourly Employees
Town Counsel Advisory re: Open Meeting Law,June 9, 2010
Attorney General’s Open Meeting Law Guide, July 1, 2010
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