January 2017
Year 3 Swimming – Spring Term 2017
Dear Parents,
As part of the National Curriculum for P.E., Year 3 children will continue to go swimming throughout the remaining two terms. The details for the Spring term are as follows.
3DW – Wednesday 11th January – Wednesday 8th February.
3RB - Wednesday 15th February – Wednesday 22nd March.
There will be no swimming on Wednesday 22nd February (half term)
Time: 9.15am – 11.00.
Girls: Costume, hat, towel.
Boys: Conventional trunks, towel.
No goggles please unless requested by a medical letter or you have signed a disclaimer provided by the school. Children with a verruca may still attend providing they wear a verruca sock.
.We request, for safety regulations, that no watches or earrings are worn to school that day. Children with long hair are also asked to have it securely tied back as this helps with the wearing of a swimming hat.
The school will be funding the cost of the transport, but to help with meeting the cost of the pool hire and lifeguard fees we request a voluntary contribution from the parents of £11.50. Our method of payment is online via the school’s website at www.lickeyhills.worcs.sch.uk – click on the ‘Payment 4 Schools’ under “More” tab at the top of the Home page. Instructors are provided free of charge.
We thank you in advance for your support with this, for without it, the swimming programme could not be funded and the children would not be able to go.
I (Miss Boyer) will be the visit leader for both 3DW and 3RB for their separate swimming lessons. This is due the requirement for Educational Visit Leader Training. When not swimming, 3RB will be taught by Miss Reeves.
I would greatly appreciate any parent helpers that can accompany us on the trips to the baths. We need volunteers to accompany the children on the coach and supervise them changing. If you can help, please indicate on the form below.
Lessons for 3DW will begin on Wednesday 11th January. Therefore, I ask that parents of children in 3DW return the permission slip below and make payment online by Tuesday 10th January. I apologise for the short notice. Mr Weston was previously responsible for organising the visits.
Parents of children in 3RB, I ask that you return the permission slip below and make payment online by Friday 3rd February.
Please complete the permission slip below, allowing your child to leave school premises and visit the Dolphin Centre for the duration of the swimming programme. We require this before the lessons start.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Boyer
Year 3 Swimming – Spring Term 2017
3DW – Wednesday 11th January – Wednesday 8th February.
3RB - Wednesday 15th February – Wednesday 22nd March.
Name ______Class ______
I give permission for my child to leave school and attend the swimming lessons at the Dolphin Centre, Bromsgrove.
I have my voluntary contribution paid online RECEIPT NUMBER ______
Amount paid______
Signed ______Print ______