JULY 14, 2014

7:04 P.M.

The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Mike Blackburn.

Roll call was taken. Those present were; Dwain Pelzer, Doug Shere, Brian Jaschen, Kate Phelps and Fred Moreau

Absent: None

Visitors: 5

Also present: City Clerk, Shari Mueller

Pelzer motioned to approve the consent agenda a) Approval of the Agenda deleting under Community Presenters: A: Marsha Williams, Park Board, Alley Closure b) Approval of the regular meeting minutes of June 9, 2014 c) Approval of the expenditures except for the check to Mills County Auditor 911/Communication due to the contract is not approved. Moreau seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.



PeopleService Report – Steve Robinette & Howard Peterson – Howard presented the monthly report. PeopleService got the area around the west well mowed and the boundary staked out with t-post.

Mayor to appoint Council member Pelzer to further look into tee posts.

They have been pricing dehumidifiers for each well. This is to save on corrosion issues of the variable frequency drives and also the plumbing and fixtures at these sites.

With the spring rain both wells are back up to normal static levels and the last lab results for nitrates were within normal range.

Phelps motioned to approve the PeopleService contract for three (3) years with the increased rate for the first year to be set at 1.2%. Pelzer seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.

Street Superintendent Report, Dave Hoose – The Street Department has been trimming trees, spraying for weeds down town, mowing, grading alleys and mosquito spraying. They have also installed new flag poles downtown along with cleanup work prior to the Independence Celebration.

Pelzer motioned to approve to publish to accept sealed bids for the Street Asphalt Concrete Paving Project bids from July 17, 2014 to July 25, 2014 with the contact person to be Dave Hoose for details and to publish in the Malvern Leader submitting all sealed bids to Malvern City Hall. Shere seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.

Shere motioned to approve $3000 to be expended out of the street budget to cover the cost of the parking at the Recreational Park. Jaschen seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.


Phelps motioned to approve Casey’s General Store’s liquor license renewal. Pelzer seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.

Phelps motioned to approve Ben Franks and “The Garage” liquor license. Jaschen seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.

Pelzer motioned to approve to remove Ron Gray as a Park Board member due to no longer living in Malvern city limits and has missed four (4) consecutive meetings. Phelps seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.

Phelps motioned to approve Deb Breeding to fill the new vacancy on the Park Board for a one (1) year term to expire December 31, 2014. Moreau seconded. Shere aye. Pelzer nay. Jaschen nay. Motion carried.

Pelzer motioned to approve Resolution 2014-11 to certify charges to the Mills County Treasurer for Mike Ryun, 710 Main Street. Moreau seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.

Pelzer motioned to approve Resolution 2014-12 to certify charges to the Mills County Treasurer for Jeff West, 300-307 E. 2nd Street. Phelps seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.

Phelps motioned to approve Resolution 2014-13 to certify charges to the Mills County Treasurer for Wells Fargo Bank NA % Bank of America, 808 Main Street. Jaschen seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.

Jaschen motioned to approve Resolution 2014-14 for the Vision Implementation Plan. Moreau seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.

The Costello Foundation Grant was discussed in regards to the type of projects that should have a long term impact for the city.

The Council scheduled a Work Session for the Costello Foundation Grant to be held on Monday, July 28th at 6pm at City Hall, to include the Mayor, City Council, members of city boards and all non-profit organizations that have been included in the Costello Foundation.

Pelzer motioned to approve to barricade the sidewalks around 401 Main Street due to falling debris. Moreau seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.


Shere motioned to approve Resolution 2014-15 City Employee Background Check Policy. Jaschen seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.



June 10, 2014 – July 14, 2014:

District #1 – Kate Phelps – 302 E. 3rd Street is working on the property. Kate will monitor the progress.

District #2 – Dwain Pelzer – 99 3rd Ave. the property owner’s sons will be back in town to move more vehicles. They are also working on cleaning up the patio by scraping the old paint off. Council member Pelzer has been working with the property owner.

103 3rd Ave. – They are still working on cleaning up the property. The trampoline has been removed and the camper will be moved but they need more time to get the camper licensed. Council member Pelzer is working with them and has requested that they move the trash cans to the backyard after trash day.

District #3 – Doug Shere – Submitted a new nuisance complaint for a letter to be sent.

District #4 – Brian Jaschen – No Report

District #5 – Fred Moreau – Submitted a new nuisance complaint for a letter to be sent.

Jaschen motioned to adjourn. Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45p.m.


Mayor, Michael K. Blackburn City Clerk, Shari L. Mueller