Write a literary analysis that focuses on an important aspect in any works studied second semester of this year:The God of Small Things, The Importance of Being Earnest,Song of Solomon, Selected Poems of Boland, Selected Poems of Heaney, Selected Poems of Cummings. Your analysisshould be focused on authorial purpose and contain detailed references to the text/s you are exploring.Your final paper should consist of 1300-1500 words, so choose a topic that is appropriate in scope.Some examples of such topics might be:
The relationship between geography and identity in the poems of Boland
An exploration of the personification of Time in The God of Small Things
Wilde’s incorporation of puns as a satirical device in The Importance of Being Earnest
Metaphors and images associated with the past in the poetry of Heaney
Your argument should be focused and well supported by specific details and commentary.You will be required to include at least one critical perspective in addition to ample quotations from the work itself in your analysis.If you find a critical source somewhere other than Gale, you must clear that source as legitimate with me or else risk losing points.Additionally, your analysis should be organized, thorough, polished, and use language appropriate to the study of literature.
This will count as your final exam grade. You must submit a topic proposal by April 21, an outline including thesis paragraph, at least 4 topic sentences and quotes and bibliography by April 28, and the final draft on May 8.
1. Integration of Concepts and Sources 30 pts
- Is your choice of thesis statement/topic original, analytical, and specific?
- Do you skillfully integrate at least one Galegroup source into your paper?
- Do you analyze and comment on your topic in its relation to at least one of the major concepts from this year (Colonialism, existentialism, social satire, self-knowledge, historical violence, etc.)?
2. Insight and Analysis 30 pts
- Are you providing enough specific and appropriate text references and quotations to support your argument?
- Are you providing sufficient commentary to carry your textual examples forward to some meaningful conclusion and relation to your thesis statement?
- Do your comments as to characterization, theme, tone, etc. reveal planning and insight? Are appropriate literary labels used?
- Does the paper reveal critical thinking and originality?
3. Presentation 20 pts
- How organized is the analysis? Does the essay reveal planning?
- How convincing is the language and register? Is the tone academic and formal? Is active voice used when possible?
- How well does the paper conform to standards of formal written English?
- Was a bibliography present and correctly formatted?
- Were proper citations utilized?
4. Formal Considerations 20 pts
- Did you propose a topic for your analysis and conference with Ms. Rodgers by April 21?
- Was the outline and thesis paragraph submitted to turnitin.com by April 28?
- Was the finished paper submitted to turnitin.com by May 8?