Algebra I and Geometry EOC FAQ’s

  • Do 8th graders in Algebra or Geometry take the 8th grade STAAR Test?
  • No. You take the exam for the course in which you are enrolled, so anyone taking Geometry will only take the Geometry End-of-Course exam (EOC). Like-wise, 7thand 8thgraders who are taking Algebra will take only the Algebra I EOC.
  • Why not?
  • You are not covering this information in your course. It is assumed that you know it already, because it is a prerequisite for the course you are taking.
  • What will Algebra I and Geometry students do while their peers are taking the STAAR math test?
  • That will be announced as we get closer to time to take it.
  • When will the EOC be given?
  • The testing window is May 7 – 18. Students will take it sometime in that time frame.
  • When will official scores be received?
  • Sometime in June.
  • How much does the EOC count for my grade?
  • The EOC is 15% of the entire year’s grade.
  • Then how much do my six week averages count for my grade now?
  • Each semester average is now 42.5% of your year’s grade?
  • What about the final exams?
  • Algebra I and Geometry students will not take final exams during the Fall or Spring Semesters.
  • When will I find out my class rank?
  • At the end of your freshman year.
  • Can the EOC keep me from getting credit for the course?
  • As of right now, not by itself. The state is still deciding on this.
  • If your average is passing with the EOC entered, you will receive credit, but have to take the exam again.
  • If your average after the EOC has been entered is less than 70, you will not receive credit for the course.
  • The State Board of Education (SBOE) has proposed that if you pass the course before the EOC, but fail it after, then you receive credit and move on, but you have to take the exam again.
  • What scores are required for the Recommended Program? For the Distinguished program?
  • Not much is known about this at this time. Scores will be divided into three categories:
  • Advanced Academic Performance (Level III)
  • Satisfactory Performance (Level II)
  • Unsatisfactory Performance (Level I)
  • You must achieve Level II performance on English III and Algebra II EOCs to graduate on the Recommended Program and Level III on the Distinguished Program.
  • The actual scores for these Levels have not yet been determined.
  • If I do not pass the exam, when can I retake it?
  • July.
  • Can I retake the exam to improve my score and therefore my class rank?
  • You may retake the exam to improve your score for the cumulative total points, but no course averages will be changed if you do so. Your class rank will not be changed by retaking the exam.
  • How many questions will be on the EOC?
  • 50 to 60, including the field test questions.
  • There will be more open-ended questions with no answer choices.
  • How can I study for the EOC?
  • We will be studying throughout the year for the exam, both in class and during mandatory tutorials. These tutorials will be assigned based on your performance on the benchmark exams.
  • If you study on your own, resources can be found through the Texas Education Agency.
  • What EOC’s do I have to take?
  • If you want to graduate on the Recommended or Distinguished Program, you must take all of the following:

  • Math
  • **Algebra I**
  • Geometry
  • Algebra II
  • English
  • English I
  • English II
  • English III
  • Science
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Social Studies
  • Geography
  • World History
  • US History

  • Do I have to pass all of the exams to graduate?
  • According to TEA, you must achieve a cumulative score that is AT LEAST equal to the product of the number of EOC assessments taken in that content area and a scale score that indicates satisfactory performance (Level II). We do not yet know what these scores are.
  • For example if the scale score range is 0-1000 and the Level II score is 700, a student would need to achieve a minimum cumulative score of 2100 (700 x 3 = 2100) in each of the four content areas.
  • Some minimum score (as yet unknown) will have to be achieved in order for the points to count.
  • Your cumulative score will be determined using only your highest score on each EOC assessment in each content area.
  • Is there a cumulative point total that I have to have to graduate?
  • Yes. However it has not yet been determined. See above.
  • **I am an 8th grader in Geometry. How will I earn credit for the Algebra I EOC?**
  • You will only have to take 11 of the 12 EOC exams. Your cumulative point total will be decreased by an appropriate amount.
  • So from the example above, instead of using a 2100 point minimum, your cumulative math score would only be 1400 (700 x 2 = 1400).
  • Why is there so little information available?
  • We (Midland ISD) are passing the information along to you and your parents as we get it from TEA. When more information becomes available, we will pass it on.