International Civil Aviation Organization / ACP-WGF26/WP-11



Montreal, Canada 21 – 30 March 2012

Agenda Item 3: Development of ICAO Positions for WRC-15

Use of frequency bands allocated to FSS to support UAS CNPC Links

(Presented by John Taylor)

This contribution provides information on WRC-15 Agenda Item 1.5 to support development of the preliminary draft ICAO Position on the use of FSS frequency bands to support UAS CNPC links.
The meeting is invited to consider this information in developing the preliminary draft ICAO position on this agenda item for WRC-15

Agenda Item Title:

to consider the use of frequency bands allocated to the fixed-satellite service not subject to Appendices30, 30A and30B for the control and non-payload communications of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in non-segregated airspaces, in accordance with Resolution COM6/13 (WRC12);


Unmanned aircraft systems (UASs) have proven the ability for an aircraft to be piloted remotely over significant distances, as well as work at shorter ranges either within or out-of-sight of the remote pilot. However, such flights have taken place in segregated airspace, ensuring the safety of both the air vehicle itself as well as other airspace users.

As a result, the deployment of UAS is expected to be significant, with a requirement for operation throughout the civil airspace structure, in particular in non-segregated airspace. The current provisions of providing segregated airspace will be impractical and hence a way must be found to allow these aircraft to integrate into non-segregated airspace in a safe and seamless manner, particularly in beyond line of sight operations

This agenda item therefore seeks to identify the suitability of the FSS for UAS CNPC links that would be necessary to support the safe operation of UASs in current and future airspace structures. UASs will require high integrity communications link(s) between the unmanned aircraft (UA) and the satellite, between the satellite and the remote control centres capable of relaying the necessary air traffic control messages as well as flight critical aircraft control data. In addition, sense and avoid functions may require new sensors on the UA to provide situational awareness.

ICAO will develop standards and recommended practices (SARPs) for UAS communications systems links. In order to develop SARPs, spectrum for UAS for safety and regularity of flight, and in particular when the UAS operates in civil airspace, will need to be accommodated under an allocation to the aeronautical mobile (R) service, aeronautical mobile satellite (R) service, or the aeronautical radionavigation service, in order to receive the necessary status and sufficient protection from harmful interference. To use an allocation of a relevant parent service (e.g. use of the mobile satellite service for the provision of an aeronautical mobile satellite (R) service) then a footnote is needed. Such a footnote must clearly identify the band being used to provide the aeronautical safety service as well as the appropriate level of priority and pre-emption. Other provisions may also be required.

Under this agenda item studies are being undertaken within the ITU-R to determine if operation of UA in non-segregated airspace using CNPC links in frequency bands allocated to the FSS can be achieved. The results of these studies will need to be considered by ICAO to determine if the safety of life aspect of UA operation can be met and if the common SARPs development can support such allocations.

ICAO Position:

To support, based on the results of studies identified in ResolutionCOM6/13, possible technical and regulatory actions to support the use of FSS frequency bands for UAS CNPC links

Accordingly, to ensure that assignment and use of frequency bands by the FSS for UAS CNPC links shall ensure their freedom from harmful interference and that appropriate overall link integrity and availability is consistent with UAS operations in non-segregated airspace

The resolution is provided to assist meeting discussion, to be removed later


To consider the use of frequency bands allocated to the fixed-satellite service not subject to Appendices 30, 30A and 30B for the control and non-payload communications of unmanned aircraft systems in non-segregated airspaces

The World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva, 2012),


a)that many applications of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) exist that require access to non-segregated airspace;

b)that unmanned aircraft (UA) need to operate seamlessly with manned aircraft in the non-segregated airspace and to the extent practicable, use globally harmonized spectrum;

c)that the safe flight operation of UAS needs reliable communication links and associated spectrum, especially for the remote pilot to command and control the flight and to relay the air traffic control communications also referred to as control and non-payload communications (CNPC);

d)that UAS CNPC links via satellite are part of UAS operations, in particular to relay transmissions beyond the horizon and maintain safety of flight;

e)that UAS already operate in fixed-satellite service (FSS) frequency bands for the UA to satellite CNPC links under No. 4.4 of the Radio Regulations;

[f)that the use of FSS for the UAS CNPC links has to ensure the protection of incumbent services;

f)that the use of FSS for the UAS CNPC links between a geostationary satellite and mobile elements of the UAS has to ensure the protection of incumbent services;]

g)that CNPC links will need the ability to operationally mitigate interference to ensure appropriate overall link integrity and availability that are consistent with UAS operations in non-segregated airspace;

h)that multi-frequency CNPC architectures provide a means of improving link availabilities and have the potential to mitigate interference;

i)that it is necessary to take into account the existing and future satellite networks when planning for the growth of the use of FSS resources for UAS;

j)that appropriate Article 11 notification status of a FSS network is required for use in high reliability applications such as UAS CNPC links,


a)that with the introduction of UA in non-segregated airspace continued safety of other airspace users as well as life and property on the ground needs to be maintained;

b)that studies are required to provide a basis for considering regulatory, technical and operational conditions, to use FSS links for the CNPC link between geostationary satellites and UAS in non-segregated airspaces compatibly with incumbent services in the FSS frequency bands;

c)that the operation of UAS in non-segregated airspace has to comply with international aeronautical standards to achieve airworthiness certification;

d)that ITU-R reports have been approved dealing with UAS operation in non-segregated airspace, in particular ITU-R Report M.2171 and ITU-R Report M.2233;

e)that pursuant to No. 4.10 of the Radio Regulations the safety aspects of radionavigation and other safety services require special measures to ensure their freedom from harmful interference; it is necessary therefore to take this factor into account in the assignment and use of frequencies,


that WRC15 consider, based on the results of ITUR studies, the possible regulatory actions to support the use of FSS frequency bands for the UAS CNPC links, as mentioned in the considerings above and that safe operation consistent with recognizing e) is ensured,

invites ITUR

1to conduct in time for WRC15 the necessary studies leading to technical, regulatory and operational recommendations to the Conference, enabling that Conference to decide on the usage of FSS for the CNPC links for the operation of UAS;

2to include, in the studies referred to in invites ITUR1, sharing and compatibility studies with services already having allocations in those bands;

3to take into account information from operations referred to in considering e),

further invites

the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the International Air Transport Association (IATA), administrations and other organizations concerned to participate in the studies identified in invites ITUR above,

instructs the Secretary-General

to bring this Resolution to the attention of ICAO.

