Newnham Walk Surgery PPG 23/3/17

Attendees: Dr Kate Townsend, Dr Sally Barnard, Penny Henderson, Vera Schuster-Beesley, Louise Hashemi, Sarah Cain, Liz Wallace, Ida Ghelli and Sophie Ward

Apologies: Carole Fraser, Sanam Moshar, Judy Sotudeh Lyn Welland

Minutes of Last Meeting

  1. Educational Event

The group said a huge thanks to Dr Townsend for the organisation of the educational event held in February. Approximately 30 people attended.

The group talked about possible topics for the future educational event that is to be held in the autumn. Suggested topics were:

  • Autism
  • First Aid
  • Managing Pain
  • Insomnia
  • The Navigation of health care resources on the internet
  • Dementia
  • Repeat medicines/Self Care

It was suggested that the PPG newsletter could feature a tear off slip along the bottom to try to gauge from the patients if they had a preference for a particular topic.

A favourite from the group was the suggestion of Pain Management as a topic for education, including a nurse from the pain clinic and a GP as speakers.

Action: PPG to finalise the topic, KT then to contact possible speakers and confirm the venue.

  1. Blood Pressure Monitor

The surgery has sent out an email to all the PPG email group members asking for their opinion on the monitor bring proposed for the waiting rooms. So far the votes have been in favour of the machine. VBS brought up the matter of where in the surgery the machine would be place and SAB suggested a couple of places.

  1. Planning for Surgery Walks

There have been dates set for the surgery walks; these are the 25th April, 2nd May, 9th May, and 16th May 2017. PH discussed the initial option for the route around Lammas Land, which will take around 15 minutes per circuit.They are aimed at those people who do not yet walk at all. LH said she would be happy to help lead the walks, and also SC said she would be happy to help during the summer months. VBSalso would be happy along with PH although VBS is away on the 2nd May 2017.

We looked at the examples for a questionnaire/register for the patients to fill in upon their first walk. SW had printed a questionnaire from the walking for health website but it was felt this may be a little too in depth. PH has devised a basic questionnaire and this was discussed. SAB asked SW to speak to Barbara Willis (PM) to check whether this has any implications for the practice public liability insurance. Action SW, and to confirm and print agreed sheet for 25th April please.

Advertisement places were discussed, Janks chemist, Newnham bakery and shop (although there may be a small charge) and also St Marks and Lammas Court sheltered housing by notifying the staff who come there. .

Action: SW to speak to Barbara and feedback to the PPG about implications for the surgery

**** NB No-one delegated yet to circulate the posters to the local venues. Any offers?

  1. Surgery Business

The group heard from Dr Barnard who told them that Lynn (one of the surgery receptionists) was to be trained up to be a phlebotomist to assist with the clinics. Dr Barnard told the group there were to be many changes over the coming years in the NHS but there were no major concerns at present.

  1. Feedback from the Forum

PH feedback to the group about the CCG Forum she and KT had attended. It focused on two main areas.

  1. Current Structure of the CCG
  2. Mental Health Services

There was lots of information given regarding a new mental health service that had been trialled in Peterborough and Huntingdon called “PRISM” which had worked extremely well.

Also the FRS, a first response available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for urgent mental health access. The unique feature is a Sanctuary operated in Cambridge by MIND every evening. Telephone access via 111+2, telephone triage and rapid home or neighbourhood hub assessment.

  1. Newsletter

The group discussed possible dates for the next surgery newsletter it was decided possibly the end of September – beginning of October 2017. Various topics for the newsletter were the Future educational event, Surgery News including the Christmas closure dates, update on the health walks, new staff and the Influenza season.

Date of Next Meeting: Wednesday 24th May 12noon Newnham Walk Surgery