Director of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (5 Year Fixed Term)
Application Form
Please complete each section of this Application Form. Where appropriate please put “Not Applicable” N/A. Please use additional sheets if the form does not allow sufficient space to give required details.
Applications must be submitted using the Institute’s Application Form. Where supplementary information is provided by way of a Curriculum Vitae, it is still necessary to complete the Institute’s Application Form in full as this facilitates the short listing process.
Candidates must hold a valid work permit to work in Ireland.
A short listing procedure may apply to the selection of candidates for interview.

This application will be treated in strict confidence.


Title (i.e. Dr. Mr. Ms. etc) / Forename / Surname
Address for Correspondence / Contact Telephone No. / Mobile Number
Email Address:


Date Received / Applicant No.

Academic Qualifications

Course Title / Grade / Awarding Institution / College / Date of Entry to Course / Date Conferred

Subjects taken in Final Year:

Post Graduate Qualifications

Course Title / Grade / Awarding Institution / College / Date of Entry to Course / Date Conferred

Subjects taken in Post Graduate course:

Professional Body Memberships, Courses, etc.


Current Position

Employer Name / Position Held / Start Date / Salary
Description of Duties & Responsibilities

Previous Positions

List all experience in reverse chronological order i.e. the most recent experience first.

Employer Name / Position Held / Start Date / Finish Date
Description of Duties & Responsibilities
Employer Name / Position Held / Start Date / Finish Date
Description of Duties & Responsibilities

Previous Positions

Employer Name / Position Held / Start Date / Finish Date
Description of Duties & Responsibilities
Employer Name / Position Held / Start Date / Finish Date
Description of Duties & Responsibilities

Additional Previous Positions/Employments (In Descending Date Order)

Dates / Employer / Position Held
From / To

Additional Information, which will assist in the shortlisting of your application.

Please describe how your qualifications and experience to date match the job specification.


Please list two persons from whom the Institute may request references on your behalf; they should be such as to be able to comment in detail on your career. Applicants should include their present employer.

The Institute will assume permission to contact referees unless the applicant has stated otherwise.

Present Employer:
Telephone No.
Telephone No.


How soon after an offer of appointment would you be in a position to take up employment.

Closing date for receipt of completed application form is:
12 Noon (local time)on Wednesday, 21st March 2018
Email completed application form to or return to:
HR Department
Dublin Road
H91 T8NW
Late Applications will not be accepted.
Applications submitted via fax will not be accepted.
Postal applications received after the closing date will be accepted only on the basis of a Certificate of Posting confirming that the completed application form was posted in time to be received before the closing date.
You may be required to produce documentary evidence to support any statements made by you on this form or your curriculum vitae.
Garda Vetting will apply.
I hereby certify that all statements given by me on this application are true and correct without omission and that any mis-statements given will disqualify my application or may result in dismissal if employed by the Institute. I also fully recognise that canvassing will disqualify my application. An email application will be deemed to be signed.
Signed: / Date:

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