The Marin Women's Commission advocates for equity and parity, diversity, self-sufficiency,

leadership, and access to resources to enhance the quality of life for Marin County women at all stages of life.

January 23, 2007

Business Meeting 7- 9 p.m.

Marin Justice Center

30 N. San Pedro Road, Terra Linda, CA


I. Welcome/ Establish Quorum

·  Approve Minutes November 28, 2006 - Action

·  Approve/Amend Agenda - Action

·  Commissioners’ “Check-In”

II. Open Time for Public Input (max 3 min. each) 7:10

III. Finance Committee report – Selchie

Up-date of funds spent and remaining 2006-7 budget year – Selchie 7:15

Prepare budget projections for 2007 – 08 budget year

IV. Secretary/Treasurer’s Report – Leary 7:20

1. Please submit all reimbursement requests with original receipts to the


2. Please chart your MWC volunteer service hours and submit to staff or


3. Request $500.00 check to Marin Women’s Hall of Fame (sponsor/scholarship dinners)

As allocated in 2006 – 07 budget Action: “Request check be sent to MWHF”

V. Organizational Items 7:25 – 7:35

A.. PLANNING MEETING on Saturday, February 3, 2007 – time & place

Report from “planning the planning mtg”

2007 commission structure - discussion

B. Schedule presentation from Judicial Excellence group as guest speaker 2/27/07


Report outs from focus areas 8:10 – 8:30

A. Equity & Parity

1. EEAC liaison – Hoover

2. Salary Equity Taskforce – Timeline report - Rule/Selchie/McLean/O’Brien

3. Report from consultant hiring panel – Anderson/Selchie

4. Status report of discrimination complaint presented as information 7/25/06

Retain on agendas for potential action.

B. Access to Resources

1. “Report Card”/needs assessment, see packet enclosures - Action: Accept contract with

Mary Jo Lazear and approve funds as allocated in 2006 – 07 budget

2. Website up-date – discussion – potential intern + needs MWC “manager” - McLean

3. Breast Cancer Coordinating Council

American sign language interpreters and assistive listening devices may be requested by calling (415) 499-6172 (TDD) or (415) 499-6104 (TDD & Voice) at least 72 hours in advance.

Copies of documents are available in accessible formats upon request.

MWC agenda 1/23/07 page 2

C. Self-Sufficiency

1. “Women’s Initiative” - up-date - Rule

2. Discussion of collaboration between Ec. Comm. & W.I. for micro-enterprise projects

D. Leadership

1. ACCW – United Nations panel – Zamora

2. NACW – update and future mtgs

3 Schedule next “Speaker Series”

VII. Commissioners’ Concerns:

VIII. Upcoming Dates

1/23 = MWC business mtg 7 pm Justice Center at 30 N. San Pedro Rd

1/25 = Elder Abuse forum

2/20 = MWC Executive Committee mtg – Tam Bank, C.M.

Executive Committee meetings will be held at noon on the 2nd Thursday of each

month through June 2007

VIII. Future Speakers:

Jean Taylor et al re the Judicial Excellence’s future plans (2/27/07)

Janice Barlow, Marin Breast Watch; Kathleen Clark, Marin Comm. Clinic

IX. Adjournment 9:00
