Social Media Tips and Suggested Content

Consider leveraging your existing social channels – Facebook, Twitter and YouTube – to help raise visibility of your institution as a leading center in cardiac care with the most advanced pacing technology. Please feel free to adapt and customize the below content as appropriate to meet the needs and style guidelines of your hospital.


·  Because Twitter has a character limit of 140 characters (including spaces), content must be concise and to the point.

o  We encourage use of to create a shortened URL so that any links included don’t take up too many characters.

o  If possible, it’s even better to keep tweets to around 120 characters (including spaces) so that followers can re-tweet them.

·  Using photos, hashtags and tagging accounts with @ mentions within the tweet can help increase engagement.


·  Facebook posts can be longer than tweets, but we recommend keeping the posts concise to tease the full story and keep fans engaged to click on a link to learn more.

·  Facebook now allows the use of hashtags to track conversations so we recommend using where appropriate.

·  Visuals can help increase engagement on your page, so whenever appropriate, include relevant images/videos/multimedia along with your post.


·  Consider interviewing your physicians about the Micra pacemaker to share on YouTube.

·  If you secure a media interview about the new device, consider uploading to your YouTube channel.

·  Use the video summary area to include a broad description of your video, using important key words and a call-to-action to click through to another web site.

·  Make sure to list the entire URL in order for your link to be clickable in YouTube.

Sample Tweets

·  World’s smallest #pacemaker now available at [INSERT HOSPITAL] Learn more: [BIT.LY LINK TO PRESS RELEASE]

·  We’re excited to share that our #cardiac device portfolio now includes the world’s smallest #pacemaker: [BIT.LY LINK TO PRESS RELEASE]

·  Pacemakers just became a lot smaller. Learn more about our new #heart #device: [BIT.LY LINK TO PRESS RELEASE]

·  We are one of the first hospitals in [INSERT STATE] to offer Micra TPS, the world’s smallest #pacemaker. For more: [BIT.LY LINK TO PRESS RELEASE]

·  Patients with #cardiac arrhythmias: world’s smallest #pacemaker now offered here. Learn more: [BIT.LY LINK TO PRESS RELEASE]

Suggested Facebook Posts

·  We are excited to announce our physicians were one of the first in the U.S. to offer patients the world’s smallest pacemaker-- Medtronic’s Micra Transcatheter Pacing System. Learn more here: [BIT.LY LINK TO PRESS RELEASE].

·  We’re proud to share that we are one of the first hospitals in [INSERT STATE] to treat patients with Medtronic’s Micra TPS – the world’s smallest pacemaker. Micra is a new, miniaturized heart device and our very own [INSERT PHYSICIAN] was one of the first physicians to participate in the clinical trial investigating the device prior to its recent FDA approval. Learn more here: [BIT.LY LINK TO PRESS RELEASE].