New Materials in the Library

September 5, 2003

Behavior and Mental Health Challenges

Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning. (2003). Promoting social and emotional competence: Training modules. Champaign, IL: Author.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-08820

Keywords: Behavior and Mental Health Challenges/Training of Personnel/ Instructional Materials

Child ID

Ahearn, Eileen M. (2003). Specific learning disability: Current approaches to identification and proposals for change. Alexandria, VA: Project FORUM, NASDSE.

Call Number: FF-CHID-08824

Keywords: Child Identification /Disability or Risk Descriptors/Learning Disabled /Assessment (or) Evaluation and Assessment


(2003). Part C Data Meeting handouts, 2003 [Contents File].

Call Number: FF-DATA-08821

Keywords: Data Collection/Part C Infants and Toddlers

Contents List: Contains the following handouts from the 2003 Part C Data Meeting:

-OSEP reporting requirements for states

-Expenditures in early intervention: Data from the National Early Intervention Longitudinal Study

-State experiences in using data to improve outcomes for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families

-Criteria for Part C data validation process: Allowable year-to-year changes (as of Nov. 2000)

-Part C edits

-U.S. Dept. of Education annual plan 2002-2003: Appendix C - Data quality standards.

-How to handle missing data when reporting race/ethnicity

-Tips on using the DTS (Excel spreadsheets) to report data

-Taking your data to the laundry

-OSEP data update: Improving Part C data

-Part C data handling and verification procedures

-Westat task force on OSEP's Part C program settings data collection: Meeting summary

-Part C early intervention program settings data collection

-Results from the Settings Data Collection Task Force - Powerpoint presentation

-Technical assistance in data collection analysis, and report preparation

Education, Early Care and

Jackson, Terry and Markowitz, Joy. (2003). Prekindergarten special education classes in U.S. public schools. Alexandria, VA: NASDSE, Project Forum.

Call Number: FF-EDUC-08812

Keywords: Education, Early Care and/Preschool 3 through 5/Students with Disabilities/Statistics/Special Education

National Association for the Education of Young Children and National Association of Early Childhood Specialists in State Departments of Education. (2002). Early learning standards: Creating the conditions for success. Washington, DC: Author.

Call Number: FF-EDUC-08819

Keywords: Education, Early Care and/Quality or Effectiveness Indicators/Position Statement/Guidelines/Preschool 3 through 5/Early Childhood Education/Evaluation of Programs/Monitoring or Accreditation

DeLapp, Lynn R. (2003). Supporting early childhood initiatives: Legislative strategies for everyday people. Washington, DC: The Finance Project.

Call Number: FF-EDUC-08828

Keywords: Education, Early Care and/Advocacy/Finance/Legislation, Legislative Resolution

Administration for Children & Families, Child Care Bureau. (2002-2003). Handouts from the 2003 State Child Care Administrators Meeting (SAM 2003) [Contents File].

Call Number: FF-EDUC-08822

Keywords: Education, Early Care and/Child Care Services/Child Care Providers

Contents List: Contains the following handouts from the 2003 National State Child Care Administration Meeting:

-Tribal Child Care Technical Assistance Center

-Cost-benefit analysis of quality child care - NCCIC

-Economic impact of child care - NCCIC

-State initiatives to increase quantity and quality of infant/toddler care - NCCIC

-English language learners in early care and education - NCCIC

-Early Learning Opportunity Act grantees - NCCIC

-Literacy training initiatives - NCCIC

-Full cost of quality child care - NCCIC

-Promoting family literacy through Head Start

-Family-Centered Child Care - Harvard Family Research Project

-Linking child care and early literacy

-Learning to read and write: Developmentally appropriate practices for young children

-Child care financing matrix

-Improving quality child care for infants and toddlers

-A conceptual framework for early childhood professional development

-Head Start program fact sheet

-Serving America's youngest: A snapshot of Early Head Start children, families, teachers and programs in 2002

-Child care arrangements for children under five: Variations across states

-Estimating the size and components of the U.S. child care workforce and caregiving population

-Selected resources on early learning guidelines - NCCIC

-Early learning guidelines: Where states are, where they are heading.

-Key features of early learning guidelines (Part II) - NCCIC

-Selected state early learning guidelines - NCCIC

-A framework for reviewing early learning guidelines


U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. (2003). Over-arching questions for OSEP's verification visits to states. Washington, DC: Author.

Call Number: FF-EVAL-08808

Keywords: Evaluation of Programs/Data Collection/Monitoring or Accreditation/Quality or Effectiveness Indicators

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, TA&D Performance Measurement Workgroup. (2003). Using performance measurement to integrate and guide state special education management and improvement efforts: Revised July 2003. Bethesda, MD: Author.

Call Number: FF-EVAL-08823

Keywords: Evaluation of Programs/Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA)/Federal Programs and Legislation/Quality or Effectiveness Indicators/Monitoring/Data Collection

California Department of Education. (2003). Desired results: Assuring quality for California's children. Rohnert Park: CA:

Call Number: SS-AVIS-08818

Keywords: Education, Early Care and/CA/Assessment (or) Evaluation and Assessment/Disability or Risk Descriptors

Information Science and Management

What Works Clearinghouse. (2003). What Works Clearinghouse: Providing evidence, improving education. Rockville, MD: Author.

Call Number: FF-INFO-08811

Keywords: Information Science, Technology or Management


(2003). State Improvement Grants (SIGs) [Contents File].

Call Number: FF-IDEA-07858

Keywords: State level/Finance/IDEA/Appropriations

Contents List:

-Fiscal Year 2003: Applications for new grants under the IDEA: State Program Improvement Grants Program (84.323)

-Synthesis document: Strategies identified by state education agencies in the nineteenth funded 2002 State Improvement Grant supplemental applications (2003)


Wesley, Pat. (2003). Partnerships for Inclusion: Annual report, October 1, 2003 - September 30, 2003. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina, FPG Child Development Institute.

Call Number: FF-LREN-08810

Keywords: LRE or Inclusion


Jones, Jacqueline. (2003). Early literacy assessment systems: Essential elements. Princeton, NJ: Policy Information Center, Educational Testing Service.

Call Number: FF-LTRC-08825

Keywords: Literacy or Reading/Assessment (or) Evaluation and Assessment


U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. (2003). Continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring Summer Institute: Progressing together - improving results through communities of practice. Baltimore, Maryland - July 17-18, 2003. Author.

Call Number: FF-MONI-08815

Keywords: Monitoring/Group Process and Meetings/Administration or Management

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. (2003). Continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring System (CIFMS) Accountability manual: Guidance for states, lead agencies, and steering committees. Author.

Call Number: FF-MONI-08816

Keywords: Monitoring/Group Process and Meetings/Administration or Management

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. (2003). Continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring Summer Institute: Progressing together - improving results through communities of practice. Salt Lake City, Utah - July 21-22, 2003. Author.

Call Number: FF-MONI-08817

Keywords: Monitoring/Group Process and Meetings/Administration or Management

U.S. Department of Education. (2003). Draft 8/27/03 - Part B Annual Performance Report: Submission requirements. Washington, DC: Author.

Call Number: FF-MONI-08830

Keywords: Monitoring

Procedural Safeguards / Mediation

Markowitz, Joy, Ahearn, Eileen M., and Schrag, Judy. (2003). Dispute resolution: A review of systems in selected states. Alexandria, VA: NASDSE, Project Forum.

Call Number: FF-PROC-08813

Keywords: Procedural Safeguards/Mediation or Conflict Resolution/Students with Disabilities/Special Education

Statewide Assessment

Thurlow, Martha L., Wiley, Hilda I., and Bielinski, John. Biennial performance reports: 2000-2001 state assessment data. National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO).

Call Number: FF-STAS-08809

Keywords: Statewide Assessment/Assessment (or) Evaluation and Assessment/Data Collection

Thurlow, Martha L. (2003). No Child Left Behind: What states are doing. Twin Cities, MN: National Center on Educational Outcomes.

Call Number: FF-STAS-08827

Keywords: Statewide Assessment/Education/Educational Reform

Technical Assistance

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education & Rehabilitative Services. (2003). Scaling up technical assistance in states: OSEP TA & D Project Directors' Conference, June 16, 2003. Washington, DC: Author.

Call Number: FF-TAST-08814

Keywords: Technical Assistance/Special Education

Federal Resource Center for Special Education (FRC) and Academy for Educational Development. (2003). A sampling of success: The Regional Resource Centers' technical assistance activities with states and regions. Washington, DC: Author.

Call Number: FF-TAST-08826

Keywords: Technical Assistance

Violence Issues

National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse Prevention and Neglect Information. (2003). What everyone can do to prevent child abuse: 2003 child abuse prevention community resource packet. Washington, DC: Author.

Call Number: SS-CD-08829

Keywords: Violence Issues