McLean-Great Falls, Virginia Chapter 489

Chapter Newsletter 3, Volume 45, March 2012


Meetings: Community Center, 1234 Ingleside Avenue, McLean, VA

(Second Tuesday of each Month)

Board Members for 2012:

President – Raphael Wong (703-948-0090);

First Vice President – Sue Sottile (703-759-3554);

Second Vice President – James J. Lynch; (703-759-2862);

Secretary – Susan Seymour (703-536-3164)

Assistant Secretary - Pat Mowry (703-356-5650)

Treasurer – David Bettwy (703-759-2882);

Assistant Treasurer - Robbye Jo Quinter (703-356-1554)

Directors– Betty Quinn; Marvin Quinn

Past Presidents: Joseph R. (Dick) Spann, Richard Bowen, Airleen Gray, Robbye Jo Quinter,

Richard Raybold, and Stuart Vogt

Evelyn Rogers, Alzheimer Chair

Richard Raybold, Legislative Chair

Stuart Vogt, NARFE VFC Service Officer

Welcome from the Chapter President: I am happy to report that we now have a web page (see URL above) for our chapter – this is just the beginning with more to come with volunteer(s) to help with this effort. On another front, we are beginning to collect information from NARFE headquarters for members having email addresses so that we can begin to use email to alert members of important messages and sending our monthly newsletter. On the newsletter front, I am moving forward to include our monthly newsletter on the website and still maintain the mailing of the hardcopy newsletter. The mailing will now be done using a vendor for printing and mailing using electronics mailing labels directly sent to me from NARFE headquarters. I am still in need of assistance from members to step up to help in 1) overseeing our monthly newsletter, 2) custodian for supplies for our monthly meeting, 3) membership chair to help with recruiting and retaining members, and 4) a webmaster to build our chapter web page.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 Meeting. Board meeting will convene at 11 AM with potluck luncheon at 12 noon and follow by a presentation at 1 PM. The speaker will be John Hopkins from Dranesville Supervisor Foust's office. He will provide an update on the “McLean: Creating a Community for All” initiative, rolled out in the fall of 2011. The McLean-Great Falls Chapter has been actively involved in the advisory group and providing feedback to the Dranesville Supervisor's office.

Upcoming Event: 1) 2012 VFC Convention will be held from April 22 to 25, 2012 at the Holiday Inn Kroger Center in Richmond, VA; and 2) VFC training for officers will be held in Manassas on March 6. Those interested in attending please contact the President for information

Area Meeting: Barbara Bradley represented the McLean-Great Falls NARFE Chapter atthe "McLean: Creating a Supportive Community for All Ages" held by the Dranesville Supervisor's office as a follow-up from the October 15 Community Forum that began a dialogue on the issues of aging and accessibility in the McLean community. Jerry Hopkins, chairman, led the meeting and representatives of the McLean Community Center, the McLean Citizens Association, the Dranesville Supervisor's office, faith communities, in addition to representatives from McLean based organizations that serve elders and persons with disabilities were in attendance. Four coalition-working groups were established with a designated list of tasks that will need to be addressed within the working group format. The list of tasks to be undertaken by the groups include: (1) determining available service and program resources, (2) providing a format for information availability and sharing, (3) setting budgetary requirements, and (4) creating an advisory council.

May Presentation: This is to give you advance notice that our presentation for the Chapter May 8, 2012 meeting will be a special treat for all members. Please mark your calendar to attend this meeting as Raphael, Chapter President, has arranged a special Hawaiian entertainment for our members.

Contact Us: Members can contact us via the President's email () with suggestions of areas of interest, upcoming agenda topics, ideas, etc. Also, if you would like to receive your newsletter electronically rather than hardcopy version, please contact the President and provide your email address.

Volunteers are needed to help the chapter in 1) preparingfacility for our

monthly meeting and potluck luncheon, 2) supporting the Chapter

web-page development and contents, 3) overseeing the chapter newsletter,

4) servingas membership chair, and 5) serving as the chapter historian.

NARFE Non-Profit Organization

McLean-Great Falls Chapter 489U.S. Postage Paid

P.O. Box 585 McLean, Virginia

Great Falls, VA 22066-0585

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