Welcome to Sunday School at
Heritage United Methodist Church
Thank you for your interest in our children’s Christian education programs. At Heritage our purpose is to love God, love the world and love You.
We offer Children’s Sunday School programs for 2 year olds – 5th grade (youth programs are also available for 6th – 12th grades) during our 10:30 worship service. Our nursery is available during the 9:00 worship service. We base our classrooms on your child’s age by Sept. 1. We use a variety of curriculums that help our children grow in their faith and get passionate about God’s word. During the summer we DO offer Sunday School, but room assignments and curriculum will vary.
Children in grades Kindergarten – 3rd go into worship with their families and following the Children’s Sermon leave worship to attend Sunday School. The Sunday School teachers assist in taking the children from worship to Sunday School. The 2 yr. olds, preschoolers and 4th & 5th graders go directly to Sunday School and do NOT go into worship with their families.
Our 2 year old classroom: We use a very basic curriculum that introduces them to the Sunday School program. It includes a simple Bible story, music, game or craft and prayer time. They meet in room 109.
Our Preschool classroom (3-5 year olds): We use the Grow * Proclaim * Serve Curriculum which focuses on key Bible Stories. Through colorful Bible storybooks, stickers, posters and activities the children will study God’s word. The children meet in rooms 104/105.
Our Younger Elementary classroom (kindergarten – 3rd grade): We use the PowerXpress curriculum and experience God’s word through many different learning styles. We use a rotational format that allows us to study a specific Bible story over a 6 week time period. Each week they will study that story through a different medium, i.e. art, Bible Story, music and games. We use 4 different classrooms each Sunday (rooms 101, 102, 107 & 108). The classroom your child is in is always listed in the Sunday bulletin and on signs in Hospitality Hall. They divide up by grade level and are lead by their “shepherd” to their session for that Sunday (i.e. Art, Bible Story, Games or Music).
Our Older Elementary classroom (4th and 5th grades): We encourage these children to attend worship during the 9:00 service. They meet at Heritage House (house-like building that sits south of the church) for Sunday School. They meet in the big classroom at the south end of the building and use a curriculum specifically designed to dig into the Bible and figure out how it applies to their life. Following class they return as a group to Hospitality Hall to meet their families.
As you can see there are a lot of exciting programs at Heritage for your children. We have amazing teachers just waiting to teach your children using inspiring curriculum!
Our Children’s Ministries Director is Susie Bond and she can be reached anytime via email at or call the church at 913-897-6446.
Thank you for your interest in Heritage United Methodist Church!