If you or someone you know is in the hospital,

please contact the church office or the pastor on-call.

For emergencies June 16-18,

Rev. J Grantham,706-681-3258.

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Volume 20, Number 24 June18, 2017

Dr. Rick Mitchell, Senior PastorRev. J Grantham,Associate Pastor

Let’s Welcome Our New Senior Pastor

Today is that exciting day in the life of our church when we welcome our new Senior Pastor, Dr. Rick Mitchell, to Wynnton United Methodist Church. Rick has served in ministry for 39 years, beginning when he was an 18-year-old student at Valdosta State University. After graduating from Valdosta State, he went on to receive his Master’s degree in Divinity from Asbury Theological Seminary and his Doctorate in Ministry from Drew University.

Rick comes to us from his appointment at the Eastman First/Friendship charge where he served for the last six years. Prior to this, Rich served such churches in the South Georgia Conference as: Dublin First and Liberty in central Georgia, and Epworth and Midland here in Columbus.

As we welcome Rick to Wynnton, we are also blessed that he is joined by his wife Deb. Rick and Deb have been married for 23 years and they have three adult daughters: Ashtyn Hutchins, who is married to Stephan, Gillis Davis, who is married to Nathan, and Tyndal who is a student at Georgia Tech. Ashtyn and Stephan have two children, Bailey and Kennedy. Gillis and Nathan have one child, Mackenzie.

Please welcome Rick and Deb with that special Wynnton love and warmth, and with great excitement and anticipation as we begin our journey in ministry together with them.


June 18, 20178:30 & 11:00 a.m.

Second Sunday after PentecostLiturgical Color: Green

WELCOME, REGISTRATION...... ◊Rev. J Grantham+Dr. Rick Mitchell

PRELUDE:I Love Thee...... Kay Hart/Donna Thigpen

◊CALL TO WORSHIP:Shine, Jesus, Shine (G. Kendrick) ...... Jim Capel

+CALL TO WORSHIP: Now Let Us All Praise God and Sing (G. Young)...... Chancel Choir

*HYMN OF PRAISE NO.145...... Morning Has Broken

*THE AFFIRMATION OF FAITH NO. 881……◊Rev. J Grantham +Dr. Rick Mitchell


Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me. Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me.

Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me. Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me.

CHILDREN’SSERMON...... …………………...……………………..Pam Davis

(Children ages 4 years old by 9/1/16 - 5th grade go to Wynk Worship in Children’sCenter-11:00)

PASTORAL PRAYER & LORD’S PRAYER...... ◊Rev. J Grantham +Dr. Rick Mitchell

*HYMN OF PREPARATION NO.358..Dear Lord and Father of Mankind (vs 1, 2, 4, 5)


Offertory Prayer...... ◊Rev. J Grantham +Dr. Rick Mitchell

◊Offertory:The Summons(John Bell)...... Jim Capel, Soloist

+Offertory:To Love Our God(Mark Hayes)...... Chancel Choir

*DOXOLOGY: Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow (Bourgeois)

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below.

Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.

MESSAGE:The 4 “L’s”………………………………………………Dr. Rick Mitchell

1 Corinthians 1:27-13:1

HYMN OF DEDICATION NO. 451...... Be Thou My Vision


*SPOKEN BENEDICTION...... Dr. Rick Mitchell

POSTLUDE:God’s Solid Foundation Stands Firm...... Donna Thigpen

*Please stand as you are able◊8:30 only+11:00 only

Sunday, June 18

8:30 a.m.Traditional Worship Service - Sanctuary

9:30 a.m.Fellowship Break with Coffee & Juice

9:45 a.m.Sunday School Classes for all ages

11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship Service - Sanctuary

11:00 a.m.The Link Contemporary Service - Fellowship Hall

5:00-7:00 p.m.Basement - Youth

Monday, June 19

9:00 a.m.VBS

Tuesday, June 20

9:00 a.m.VBS

6:30 p.m.Small Group Study- 2611 Lookout Dr., Columbus

Wednesday, June 21

9:00 a.m.VBS

6:30 p.m.Awake Worship Service - Sanctuary

Thursday, June 22

9:00 a.m.VBS

6:30 a.m.Men’s Bible Study - Wynnton Rd. Burger King

10:30 a.m.Prayer Shawl Ministry -Library

Friday, June 23

9:00 a.m.VBS