Getting a Physician Referral for Medical Massage

Determine whether your injury or illness would benefit from massage therapy. The best way to make this determination is to meet with a licensed massage therapist. Many soft-tissue injuries can benefit from the work of a massage therapist, but most diseases have contraindications which exclude massage as a treatment option. Energy work may prove beneficial in those cases, but the possibility of getting a physician referral for energy work is next to nil, owing to the lack of verifiable research proving the benefits of energy work.

Locate a qualified, trained, and certified licensed massage therapist. The phone book is one option. Your physician or chiropractor may have a preferred massage therapist, or you can search any of the massage organizations such as the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) or the Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP). Look for licensure, certification, and additional training in medical massage, injury recovery, or specific conditions. Specific training modalities you would look for may depend on your condition. For example, people with structural alignment issues may seek out Trager or Rolfing bodywork, while the victim of a vehicle accident may get greater benefit from a Swedish massage. The important thing is to seek out the most appropriate modality for your condition.

Discuss with your physician how massage treatment would benefit your specific condition. This may take some convincing on your part, as most physicians believe prescription drugs and physical therapy is all you need to recover from an injury. If you can, meet with the massage therapist ahead of time to discuss your condition and how massage can benefit. Ask for literature, whether in the form of brochures, newsletters, or specific texts, to help support massage as a treatment option.

Involve the massage therapist in the treatment plan. This will require a medical records release form so the therapist can base the treatment on your specific condition. The therapist should meet with your physician to discuss the specifics of your massage treatment. Often, your physician may have specific goals and treatment courses in mind to help with your condition.

Adhere to your physician's and massage therapist's instructions. Your therapist may recommend bathing in Epsom salts and essential oils to aid in your recovery, or particular stretching exercises to improve mobility in the injured area.

This not only helps in your recovery, but it demonstrates for the physician how effective massage therapy can be in treating medical conditions, making it easier for the next patient to ask for and receive a referral for medical massage.

Read more: How to Get a Physician Medical Massage Referral |

Tips and Warnings

Make sure your massage therapist and physician work together on your treatment plan.

Make sure your massage therapist is aware of all your medical conditions.

Be prepared to document your treatments and payments. If your medical insurance covers massage, you will have to prove payment and treatment before reimbursement is made.