Associate Deans and Academic Support Group Meeting

February 16, 2010

8:30 am – 10:00 am

CU Denver Building Room 299

Present: Laura Goodwin, Sara Potter, Tammy Stone, Cliff Young, Paula Dickson, John Lanning, John Sunnygard, Rene Galindo, Danielle Zieg, Kimberly Thompson, Linda Brooker, Sharon Harper, Aaron Wishon, Kelly Hupfeld, Zen Camacho, Teri Burleson, Frank Sanchez, Joann Brennan, Laura Argys, Cindy Melvin, Christine Stroup-Benham

Guest: Kenny Wolf, Director of Assessment & Steve Medema, Director of UHL Program.

Minutes: The 2/5/10 minutes were approved.


UC Denver Open House, Saturday, February 27th 11:30am – 2:30pm in Auraria Events Center

2010-11 Sabbatical Applications are due to Laura on March 15, 2010.

Faculty Awards Dossiers and NTTF Awards Dossiers are due to Sara on March 19, 2010.

Distinguished Professor Nominations are due to Deans’ offices on March 1 and then to Laura on April 1, 2010.

Discussion Items:

1.  Priority Registration for UHL Students (attachment): Steve requested that UHL students be allowed to register for classes four days prior to the official registration start date. He provided a written rationale and data from other colleges/universities with honors and leadership programs, where this is common practice. The group approved this request and also asked Teri’s office to develop draft guidelines for future requests of this nature.

2.  ISIS Implementation and Conversion to Campus Solutions (handout): With the upcoming conversion to ISIS and increased requests for data for the accreditation reports, Christine’s office needs plenty of time to prepare required and requested information. She asked that schools, colleges, departments, and other units give OIRPA as much lead time as possible for reports, data, and other information.

3.  Teri’s Items:

·  Advisor Types: Teri asked the group to review the email that Sara sent out to the Associate Deans asking for information from departments to set up advisor types in ISIS. She asked for feedback by February 19, 2010.

·  March 1st Deadline for Fall Courses in Student Portal: The March 1, 2010 deadline date may be moved to March 15, 2010.

·  Web Grading Issues in ISIS: Teri discussed the new web grading features in ISIS. We need to decide who will be allowed to enter grades (in addition to faculty) -- e.g., program assistants, administrative assistants, etc. Teri will talk to Faculty Assembly and then bring suggestions back to AD/ASG.

4.  Kenny’s Items:

·  ETS Testing of Seniors (handout): Kenny distributed a revised memo that will be sent to faculty members who teach UC Denver seniors this spring, requesting class time to administer the ETS Proficiency Profile. Testing will be March 29 – April 9, 2010. Kenny will also send emails to seniors, asking them to participate during special testing sessions that he is arranging.

·  Information for Accreditation Self-Study (handout): Kenny discussed the request for ‘stories’ about using assessment data to drive program changes. He distributed an example from one program, showing how the assessment results effected program changes and enhanced student learning.

Information Items:

·  Memo: Workshop, Luncheon, Discussion: “Understanding the Impact of International Experience” with Dr. Larry Braskamp, March 12, 2010 (handout)

·  Draft International Travel Policies to be discussed on March 2nd

·  Flyer (via email follow-up): College of Arts and Media is hosting CAM live@Starz on Wednesdays at 11:45am.