CUNY Student Parent Survey

Name of Center: ______

Ø  Please answer each question by checking the response that best describes your experience at this center.

1.  How many children do you currently have enrolled in the child care center?

___1 ___2 ____ 3 or more

2.  Did you have to wait to enroll your child/children in the center?

_____Yes ____No

If yes, how long did you have to wait to enroll your child/children in the center?

Child # 1: __less than 1 semester ____1 semester ___more than 1 semester

Child # 2: __less than 1 semester ____1 semester ___more than 1 semester

Child # 3: __less than 1 semester ____1 semester ___more than 1 semester

3.  In general, does the center provide child care hours that fit your college schedule? ____Yes ___No

4.  As a result of having access to the services of the child care center, which of the following are you able to do: (check all that apply)

______take additional courses,

______have more study time,

______participate in group study projects,

______use on-campus support services (e.g., counseling centers, tutoring services, writing labs, and career centers, other: please specify______)

5.  Please indicate the total number of semesters that you have utilized the services of CUNY child care centers? Include semesters at all campuses, for all children.

_____this is the first semester ______2 semesters

_____3 semesters ______4 or more semesters

6.  Which of the following describes your situation :

____ Without CUNY campus child care it would be very difficult for me to attend college

____Without CUNY campus child care it would be difficult for me to attend college

____CUNY campus child care is helpful for attending college

____CUNY campus child care has no impact on my ability to stay in school

____None of the above

7.  Would a child care center in your neighborhood, with comparable services, be able to provide child care that fits your college schedule?

___Yes __No

Would you be able to afford off campus child care and your college tuition?

___Yes ___No

8.  Have you observed any progress in your child’s/children’s development in any of the following areas since enrollment in the child care center: (Check all that apply)

Social ______Language______Behavior ______Cognitive/Thinking ______

Ø  Please tell us what CUNY campus child care means to you:

Do we have your permission to use your comments in promoting the center? ___Yes ___No

We appreciate your cooperation. Thank you again for completing this survey.