NASPA Student-Athlete Knowledge Community Leadership Team Monthly Meeting

September 22, 2016 Teleconference Minutes

Participants: Denio, Fallucca, Gatti, Hartung, Henderson, Kareti, Marsh, Navarro, Robinson, Spivak, and Thomas.
Action items are highlighted in yellow.

1.  Welcome and Review Report from August meeting. Brent Marsh welcomed the team to the meeting, making opening remarks about recent racially-charged incidents and the deep impact they can have on team members, our students, colleagues, and family members, encouraging everyone to take good care of each other. The August teleconference meeting minutes were accepted as drafted.

2.  Education Plan Updates. Markesha Henderson suggested that perhaps the education plan can be further developed to educate readers on social justice issues related to athletics. Henderson indicated she would reach out to a few colleagues for further exploration.

3.  SAKC Online Learning Subcommittee Update. Amber Fallucca referenced a Resource Document that was linked in the agenda. This primer will be a reading item for the upcoming live briefing. The subcommittee (Paul Artale, Fallucca, and Courtney Spivak) will keep meeting to discuss timing, preparation details, and a likely follow-up with NCAA staff for suggested topical experts who might help lead the live briefing.

4.  NASPA SAKC Sponsored Sessions Update. While Carrie Smith was unable to join the call, she had e-mailed Marsh an update which Marsh read to the leadership team. Smith’s e-mail included the following: “Given the timing of our calls, I will be sending out an email to get everyone’s vote on the programs. We had four submissions and will only be able to sponsor three. As you can see, Kristina, Markesha, and Leah are three of the four so if the group wants to discuss who is ok not being sponsored, then we can go ahead and decide which programs we will sponsor.” The group did not make any decisions on the call, and Marsh suggested that Smith and the review team might simply make the decision based on their reviews. While only three can be sponsored, hopefully the fourth session will ultimately be included in the program. The four submitted proposals were as follows:

Student-Athlete Roundtable: Real Conversations for Life after Sport(CP: Kristina Navarro)

College Athletics: Pathway to Lifelong Opportunities(CP: Monica Miller)

Student-Athlete Knowledge Community Mental Health Data Blitz(CP: Leah Kareti)

Understanding Student-Athlete Identity and Implications for Student Development(CP: Markesha Henderson)

5.  Communication & Media Strategy Updates. Marsh shared additional written updates from Smith: “Thanks to those who have continued to send tweets and blog posts (see communication calendar). We have two posts ready to launch next week, which is just slightly off schedule. We need volunteers for the newsletter. I have changed the timing of that to be late October which gives us more time to collect information. Could we send out a request to each region asking for people to contribute? Also, do we want a theme? I know we discussed mental health, but I'm wondering if that is limiting? Also, is there anyone who can do targeted outreach to people? That's where we get the most traction. We need the following categories:

Best Practices (A school or a professional that's doing something unique or neat)


Can we follow up on the Education Plan? Is there something action oriented we can include here?

Last Chance U - I think Bryan had volunteered to write something about this series, and I think it's incredibly timely - can we ask him to contribute here?”

Leah Kareti suggested that having variety beyond mental health issues might be beneficial, especially in light of Henderson’s earlier remarks about social justice. Henderson volunteered to draft an article or blog that points readers back to the education plan, and can have said material written by late October. Kristina Navarro agreed that a broader topical scope would be ideal, and added support for an emphasis on social justice issues. Bob Gatti volunteered to write about a program at Otterbein called “Under the Lights.” Gatti will first pitch the idea to Smith. Kareti mentioned connections with a few A.D.s who are working on national anthem preparations and policies related to First Amendment; Kareti will reach out to them. Fallucca suggested the research feature could be used to promote the upcoming live briefing sponsored by the SAKC.

6.  NCAA Convention SAKC Sponsored Session. Eric Hartung reviewed supplement no. 2 which contained the session timeslot and description, indicating the session is in a prime spot in the NCAA Convention schedule. The convention already has 1,800 registrants, and the session description is already published online. Kareti mentioned our next big step is lining up panelists. The NCAA will help pay travel and registration costs for panelists not already scheduled to attend as delegates. Hartung emphasized that panelists will need to be registered for the event, and should do so sooner than later, as hotel spaces book quickly. All team members should consider possible panelists and send names to Hartung and Kareti ASAP. Kareti will follow up with Smith; they, along with Hartung, will peruse the NCAA mental health publication for possible presenters. Hartung thinks three panelists would be ideal, allowing about 20 minutes per presenter and time for Q&A. Gatti asked if an A.D. would be a good fit on the panel, and Hartung affirmed the idea.

7.  NASPA Space Requests due Nov. 4. Marsh reviewed the timing of SAKC meetings at the 2016 NASPA Conference in Indianapolis; specifically, the leadership team held its closed breakfast/meeting on Monday morning at 8:00 a.m. on-site, while the open business meeting was held Monday afternoon at 3:30 p.m. off-site (NCAA Hall of Champions) with facility tours following the meeting. Marsh wondered if team members would be interested in a nearby, off-site breakfast meeting to save budget funds. Kareti shared a success story from an off-site dinner meeting in San Antonio, which did result in cost-savings. Convenience and proximity are big factors, so Marsh will investigate nearby options and bring a report to the next meeting. Otherwise, team members agreed that the meeting timeslots in Indy were fine.

8.  Data Blitz Update at NASPA in San Antonio. Kareti stated that one 50-minute session proposal was submitted for a data blitz based on student-athlete mental health issues. The session would allow for introductions, four speakers with 10 minutes each, and a wrap-up. A second, duplicate proposal was not submitted. Currently, Fallucca, Hartung, and Kareti are listed as presenters on the form but that can change based on who actually presents. Notifications to coordinating presenters are scheduled for October 19. Depending on approval status, the leadership team can decide if an off-campus blitz is necessary.

9.  Professional Competencies Discussion. Marsh shared via agenda supplement no. 3 a PowerPoint slide deck featuring the past year’s work of the Professional Competencies Task Force. Marsh stated the leadership team will need to further discuss the competencies over the coming months, as each KC is being asked identify which 2-3 competencies it will meaningfully and substantially contribute to.

10.  Strategic Partnership with AERA Discussion. Navarro shared that the AERA executive board has expressed interest in a formal partnership with the SAKC. While this year’s AERA call for program proposals has closed, the AERA business meeting could be a helpful venue to discuss a partnership, which would provide a great opportunity for scholar-practitioner connections. Gatti and Henderson both expressed support for the idea. The SAKC’s current search for mental health researchers represents but one example of how the partnership could be beneficial.

11.  NASPA National News. The agenda packet contained two supplements (nos. 4 and 5) which Marsh briefly mentioned. One dealt with the NASPA website conversion and downtime, while the second represented an involvement opportunity for an SAKC leadership team member to join a working group to develop a new NASPA event regarding spirituality. Fallucca shared that the new Professional Competency Rubrics are due for release in the near future. Additionally, Fallucca shared that NASPA’s major focus at this time is preparing for the annual conference.

12.  Other Updates. Spivak reported collaborating with Nikki Ayers on Region VI communications. Navarro shared that N4A is awaiting updates from NCAA regarding the life skills transition, but that talks continue and the groups will meet for their mid-year gathering during the NCAA Convention in January.

13.  Open Discussion and Adjournment. There were no additional updates or discussions. The meeting adjourned at 4:05 p.m. Eastern. A recording of the teleconference is available at (712) 775-7029 Access Code - 365-007 or