Weathering and Oxidation Bibliography

Selected References— Revised March 2018

These bibliographic references have been compiled as a TSOP project, and organic petrologists have found the references to be useful in their work. They should be available at university or geological research center libraries. They are not available from TSOP.

Ahmed, M., J.W. Smith, and S.C. George, 1999, Effects of biodegradation on Australian Permian coals: Organic Geochemistry, v. 30, p. 1311-1322.

Alvarez, R., M.D. Casal, C.S. Canga, M.A. Diez, A.I. González, M. Lázaro, and J.J. Pis, 1995, Influence of natural weathering of two coking coals of similar rank on coke quality, in J.A. Pajares and J.M.D. Tascon, eds., Coal science: New York, Elsevier, Coal Science and Technology 24, v. 1, p. 1081-1084.

Alvarez, R., J.L.G. Cimadevilla, C. Barriocanal, M.D. Casal, M.A. Diez, and J.J. Pis, 2003, Influence of coal weathering on coke quality: Ironmaking and Steelmaking Journal, v. 30, no. 4, p. 307-312.

Anderson, K.B., and R.B. Johns, 1986, Oxidation studies of Australian coals—I. Aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbon centres of oxidative attack: Organic Geochemistry, v. 9, p. 219-224.

Arisoy, A., and B. Beamish, 2015, Reaction kinetics of coal oxidation at low temperatures: Fuel, v. 159, p. 412-417.

Avila, C., T. Wu, and E. Lester, 2014, Petrographic characterization of coals as a tool to detect spontaneous combustion potential: Fuel, v. 125, p. 173-182.

Axelson, D.E., R.J. Mikula, and V.A. Munoz, 1987, Characterization of coal oxidation in-situ and on a stockpile, in J.A. Moulijn, K.A. Nater, and H.A.G. Chermin, eds., International conference on coal science: Elsevier, p. 419-422.

Banerjee, S.C., B.D. Banerjee, and R.N. Chakrovorty, 1970, Rate studies of aerial oxidation of coal at low temperatures (30–170⁰C): Fuel, v. 49, p. 324-331.

Beafore, F.J., K.E. Cawiezel, and C.T. Montgomery, 1984, "Oxidized coal": what it is and how it affects your preparation plant performance: Journal of Coal Quality, v. 3, p. 17-23.

Bend, S.L., I.A.S. Edwards, and H. Marsh, 1991, Effects of oxidation and weathering on char formation and coal combustion, in H.H. Schobert, K.D. Bartle, and L.J. Lynch, eds., Coal science II: American Chemical Society Symposium Series 461, p. 284-298.

Bend, S.L., and D.M. Kosloski, 1993, A petrographic examination of coal oxidation: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 24, p. 233-243.

Benedict, L.G., and W.F. Berry, 1964, Recognition and measurement of coal oxidation: Monroeville, PA, Coal Research, 41 p.

Berkowitz, N., 1994, An introduction to coal technology, 2nd ed.: San Diego, Academic Press, 398 p.

Berlendis, S., O. Beyssac, S. Derenne, K. Benzerara, C. Anquetil, M. Guillaumet, I. Estéve, and B. Capelle, 2014, Comparative mineralogy, organic geochemistry and microbial diversity of the Autun black shale and Graissessac coal (France): International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 132, p. 147-157.

Bjoroy, M., K. Hall, and J.O. Vigran, 1980, An organic geochemical study of Mesozoic shales from Andoya, North Norway, in A.G. Douglas and J.R. Maxwell, eds., Advances in organic geochemistry 1979: New York, Pergamon Press, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth v. 12, p. 77-91.

Bjoroy, M., and J.O. Vigran, 1980, Geochemical study of the organic matter in outcrop samples from Agardhfjellet, Spitsbergen, in A.G. Douglas and J.R. Maxwell, eds., Advances in organic geochemistry 1979: New York, Pergamon Press, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, v. 12, p. 141-147.

Boyapati, E., W.A. Oates, N.T. Moxon, J.C. Day, and C.K. Baker, 1984, The weathering characteristics of coking coals: Fuel, v. 63, p. 551-556.

Breger, I.A., P. Zubovic, J.C. Chandler, and D.T. Ligon, Jr., 1976, Effects of oxidation on the chemical structure and properties of coals, in C.J. Smith, compiler, Proceedings of the coal agglomeration and conversion symposium: Morgantown, WV, West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey, p. 1.

Bruening, F.A., and A.D. Cohen, 2005, Measuring surface properties and oxidation of coal macerals using the atomic force microscope: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 63, p. 195-204.

Bustin, R.M., 1980, Oxidation characteristics of some sheared coal seams of the Mist Mountain Formation, southeastern Canadian Cordillera: Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 80-1B, p. 249-254.

Butakova, V.I., V.K. Popov, Y.M. Posokhov, and N.P. Kuznetsova, 2013, Initial stage in the low-temperature oxidation of coal in air: Coke and Chemistry, v. 56, no. 7, p. 225-234.

Cagigas, A., J.B. Escudero, M.J.D. Low, J.J. Pis, and J.M.D. Tascon, 1987, A comparison of various characterization techniques for low-temperature oxidation of coal: Fuel Processing Technology, v. 15, p. 245-256.

Calemma, V., R. Rausa, R. Margarit, and E. Girardi, 1988, FTIR study of coal oxidation at low temperature: Fuel, v. 67, p. 764-770.

Calemma, V., G. del Piero, R. Rausa, and E. Girardi, 1995, Changes in optical properties of coal during air oxidation at moderate temperature: Fuel, v. 74, p. 383-388.

Casal, M.D., A.I. Gonzalez, C.S. Canga, C. Barriocanal, J.J. Pis, R. Alvarez, and M.A. Diez, 2003, Modifications of coking coal and metallurgical coke properties induced by coal weathering: Fuel Processing Technology, v. 84, p. 47-62.

Chandra, D., 1958, Reflectance of oxidized coals: Economic Geology, v. 53, p. 102-108.

Chandra, D., 1962, Reflectance and microstructure of weathered coals: Fuel, v. 41, p. 185-193.

Chandra, D., 1966, Effect of storage of coals on reflectance and petrological composition: Economic Geology, v. 61, p. 754-759.

Chang, S., and R.A. Berner, 1998, Humic substance formation via the oxidative weathering of coal: Environmental Science and Technology, v. 32, p. 2883-2886.

Chang, S., and R.A. Berner, 1999, Coal weathering and the geochemical carbon cycle: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 63, p. 3301-3310.

Chen, X.D., and J.B. Stott, 1993, The effect of moisture content on the oxidation rate of coal during near-equilibrium drying and wetting at 50ºC: Fuel, v. 72, p. 787-792.

Chigira, M., and T. Oyama, 2000, Mechanism and effect of chemical weathering of sedimentary rocks: Engineering Geology, v. 55, p. 3-14.

Chu, W., and M. Sujatmiko, 2009, Coal seam oxidation leads to CP failure, pipeline corrosion: Oil & Gas Journal, v. 107.44, p. 58-65.

Cimadevilla, J.L.G., R. Alvarez, and J.J. Pis, 2003, Photoacoustic FT-IR study of weathered stockpiled coking coals: Vibrational Spectroscopy, v. 31, p. 133-141.

Cimadevilla, J.L.G., R. Alvarez, and J.J. Pis, 2005, Effect of coal weathering on technological properties of cokes produced at different scales: Fuel Processing Technology, v. 86, p. 809-830.

Cimadevilla, J.L.G., R. Alvarez, and J.J. Pis, 2005, Influence of coal forced oxidation on technological properties of cokes produced at laboratory scale: Fuel Processing Technology, v. 87, p. 1-10.

Clayton, J.L., and P.J. Swetland, 1978, Subaerial weathering of sedimentary organic matter: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 42, p. 305-312.

Clayton, J.L., and J.D. King, 1987, Effects of weathering on biological marker and aromatic hydrocarbon composition of organic matter in Phosphoria shale outcrop: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 51, p. 2153-2157.

Clemens, A.H., T.W. Matheson, L.J. Lynch, and R. Sakurovs, 1989, Oxidation studies of high fluidity coals: Fuel, v. 68, p. 1162-1167.

Clemens, A.H., T.W. Matheson, and D.E. Rogers, 1990, DTA studies of the low temperature oxidation of low rank coals: Fuel, v. 69, p. 255-256.

Clemens, A.H., T.W. Matheson, and D.E. Rogers, 1991, Low-temperature oxidation studies of dried New Zealand coals: Fuel, v. 70, p. 215-221.

Clemente, J.S., and M.J. Simpson, 2013, Physical protection of lignin by organic matter and clay minerals from chemical oxidation: Organic Geochemistry, v. 58, p. 1-12.

Copard, Y., J.R. Disnar, and J.F. Becq-Giraudon, 2002, Erroneous maturity assessment given by Tmax and HI Rock-Eval parameters on highly mature weathered coals: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 49, p. 57-65.

Copard, Y., J.R. Disnar, J.F. Becq-Giraudon, and F. Laggoun-Defarge, 2004, Erroneous coal maturity assessment caused by low temperature oxidation: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 58, p. 171-180.

Correa Da Silva, Z.C., and J. Pereira Neto, 1993, Oxidation effects on macerals of the Candiota coal, Rio Grande Do Sul State, southern Brazil, stocked in piles (abstract): ICCP News, no. 8, p. 13.

Cox, J.L., 1984, Concern over coal samples: Fuel, v. 63, p. 1030-1031.

Crawford, D.L., ed., 1993, Microbial transformations of low rank coals: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 223 p.

Crelling, J.C., R.H. Schrader, and L.G. Benedict, 1979, Effects of weathered coal on coking properties and coke quality: Fuel, v. 58, p. 542-546.

Cronauer, D.C., R.G. Ruberto, R.S. Silver, R.G. Jenkins, I.M.K. Ismail, and D. Schlyer, 1983, Liquefaction of partially dried and oxidized coals: 1. Coal drying and oxidation: Fuel, v. 62, p. 1116-1123.

Cronauer, D.C., R.G. Ruberto, R.G. Jenkins, A. Davis, P.C. Painter, D.S. Hoover, M.E. Starsinic, and D. Schlyer, 1983, Liquefaction of partially dried and oxidized coals: 2. Coal characteristics: Fuel, v. 62, p. 1124-1132.

Cronauer, D.C., R.G. Ruberto, R.S. Silver, R.G. Jenkins, A. Davis, and D.S. Hoover, 1984, Liquefaction of partially dried and oxidized coals: 3. Liquefaction results: Fuel, v. 63, p. 71-77.

Davidson, R.M., 1990, Natural oxidation of coal: IEA Coal Research, publication 29, 76 p.

Davidson, R.M., 1991, Natural oxidation of coal: University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research, Energeia, v. 2, no. 2, p. 1-4.

Dawson, K.M., 1967, The microscopic examination of oxidized char: Fuel, v. 64, p. 159-167.

Dobell, P., A.R. Cameron, and W.D. Kalkreuth, 1984, Petrographic examination of low-rank coals from Saskatchewan and British Columbia, Canada, including reflected and fluorescent light microscopy, SEM, and laboratory oxidation procedures: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 21, p. 1209-1228.

Dunlop, N.F., and R.B. Johns, 1999, Thermally induced chemical changes in the macromolecular structure of an Indonesian coal: Organic Geochemistry, v. 30, p. 1301-1309.

Elie, M., P. Faure, R. Michels, P. Landais, and L. Griffault, 2000, Natural and laboratory oxidation of low-organic-carbon-content sediments: comparison of chemical changes in hydrocarbons: Energy & Fuels, v. 14, p. 854-861.

Estevez, M., R. Juan, C. Ruiz, and J.M. Anders, 1990, Formation of humic acids in lignites and subbituminous coals by dry air oxidation: Fuel, v. 69, p. 157-160.

Ettinger, I., I. Eremin, B. Zimakov, and M. Yanovskaya, 1967, Natural factors influencing coal sorption properties: II. Gas capacity of coals found in weathering zone of coal deposits: Fuel, v. 45, p. 277-282.

Faure, P., P. Landais, and L. Griffault, 1999, Behavior of organic matter from Callovian shales during low-temperature air oxidation: Fuel, v. 78, p. 1515-1525.

Fischer, C., and R. Gaupp, 2005, Change of black shale organic material surface area during oxidative weathering: implications for rock-water surface evolution: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 69, p. 1213-1224.

Fischer, C., V. Karius, and V. Thiel, 2007, Organic matter in black slate shows oxidative degradation within only a few decades: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 77, p. 355-365.

Forsberg, A., and M. Bjorøy, 1983, A sedimentological and organic geochemical study of the Botneheia Formation, Svalbard, with special emphasis on the effects of weathering on the organic matter in shales, in M. Bjorøy et al., eds., Advances in organic geochemistry 1981: New York, John Wiley & Sons, p. 60-68.

Fredericks, P.M., P. Warbrooke, and M.A. Wilson, 1983, Chemical changes during natural oxidation of a high volatile bituminous coal: Organic Geochemistry, v. 5, p. 89-97.

Furimsky, E., J.A. MacPhee, L. Vancea, L.A. Ciavaglia, and B.N. Nandi, 1983, Effect of oxidation on the chemical nature and distribution of low temperature pyrolysis products from bituminous coals: Fuel, v. 62, p. 395-400.

Garcia, A.B., S.R. Moinelo, M.R. Martinez-Tarazona, and J.M.D. Tascon, 1991, Influence of weathering process on the flotation response of coal: Fuel, v. 70, p. 1391-1397.

Gentzis, T., F. Goodarzi, and R.A. McFarlane, 1992, Molecular structure of reactive coals during oxidation, carbonization and hydrogenation - an infrared photoacoustic spectroscopic and optical microscopic study: Organic Geochemistry, v. 18, p. 249-258.

Gethner, J.S., 1985, Thermal and oxidation chemistry of coal at low temperatures: Fuel, v. 64, p. 1443-1446.

Gethner, J.S., 1987, Kinetic study of the oxidation of Illinois No. 6 coal at low temperatures: Evidence for simultaneous reactions: Fuel, v. 66, p. 1091-1096.

Gethner, J.S., 1987, The mechanism of the low-temperature oxidation of coal by O2: Observation and separation of simultaneous reactions using in situ FT-IR Difference Spectroscopy: Applied Spectroscopy, v. 41, p. 50-63.

Ginnard, K.J., and M.P. Corriveau, 1978, Correlation of weathered lignite with pH and depth of cover, in R.R. Dutcher, ed., Field description of coal: Philadelphia, PA, American Society for Testing and Materials, Special Technical Publication 661, p. 41-49.

Goodarzi, F., and D.G. Murchison, 1973, Oxidized vitrinites—their aromaticity, optical properties and detection: Fuel, v. 52, p. 90-92.

Goodarzi, F., G. Herman, M. Iley, and H. Marsh, 1975, Carbonization and liquid crystal (mesophase) development. 6. Effect of pre-oxidation of vitrinite upon coking properties: Fuel, v. 54, p. 105-112.

Goodarzi, F., and D.G. Murchison, 1976, Optical properties of carbonized preoxidized vitrinites, in M.A. Nettleton and others, Coal I: current advances in coal chemistry and mining techniques: New York, MSS Information Corporation, p. 86-94.

Goodarzi, F., and D.G. Murchison, 1976, Oxidized vitrinites - their aromaticity, optical properties and possible detection, in M.A. Nettleton and others, Coal I: current advances in coal chemistry and mining techniques: New York, MSS Information Corporation, p. 123-129.

Goodarzi, F., and D. G Murchison, 1976, Petrography and anisotropy of carbonized preoxidized coals: Fuel, v. 55, p. 141-147.

Goodarzi, F., 1986, Optical properties of oxidized resinites: Fuel, v. 65, p. 260-265.

Gray, R.J., A.H. Rhoades, and D.T. King, 1976, Detection of oxidized coal and the effect of oxidation on the technological properties: Transactions of SME, v. 260, p. 334-341.

Gray, R.J., and D.E. Lowenhaupt, 1989, Aging and weathering, in R. Klein and R. Wellek, eds., Sample selection, aging, and reactivity of coal: New York, John Wiley & Sons, p. 255-334.

Grosjean, E., P. Adam, J. Connan, and P. Albrecht, 2004, Effects of weathering on nickel and vanadyl prophyrins of a Lower Toarcian shale of the Paris basin: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 68, p. 789-804.

Guyot, R.E., and F. Pollard, 1974, Effects of oxidation on coal properaties related to industrial use: Australian Coal Industry Research Laboratories, Report 74-18.

Heidari, P., L. Li, L. Jin, J.Z. Williams, and S. L Brantley, 2017, A reactive transport model for Marcellus shale weathering: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 217, p. 421-440.

Hoover, D.S., and F.K. Schweighardt, 1989, Analytical techniques for monitoring coal sample storage, in R. Klein and R. Wellek, eds., Sample selection, aging, and reactivity of coal: New York, John Wiley & Sons, p. 443-461.

Huffman, G.P., F.E. Huggins, G.R. Dunmyre, A.J. Pignocco, and M.-C. Lin, 1985, Comparative sensitivity of various analytical techniques to the low-temperature oxidation of coal: Fuel, v. 64, p. 849-856.

Huggins, F.E., G.P. Huffman, D.A. Kosmack, and D.E. Lowenhaupt, 1980, Mossbauer detection of goethite in coal and its potential as an indicator of coal oxidation: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 1, p. 75-81.

Huggins, F.E., G.P. Huffman, and M.C. Lin, 1983, Observation on low-temperature oxidation in minerals in bituminous coals: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 3, p. 157-182.

Huggins, F.E., G.P. Huffman, G.R. Dunmyre, M.J. Nardozzi, and M.C. Lin, 1987, Low temperature oxidation of bituminous coals: its detection and effect on coal conversion: Fuel Processing Technology, v. 15, p. 233-244.

Huggins, F.E., and G.P. Huffman, 1989, Coal weathering and oxidation: the early stages, in C.R. Nelson, ed., Chemistry of coal weathering: New York, Elsevier Science Publishers, Coal Science and Technology, v. 14, p. 33-60.

Iglesias, M.J., G. de la Puente, E. Fuente, and J.J. Pis, 1998, Compositional and structural changes during aerial oxidation of coal and their relationships with technological properties: Vibrational Spectroscopy, v. 17, p. 41-52.

Ignasiak, B.S., B.N. Nandi, and D.S. Montgomery, 1970, Oxidation studies on coking coal related to weathering: 1. Chromatographic analysis of pyrolysis gases as a method for studying coal weathering: Fuel, v. 49, p. 214-221.

Ignasiak, B.S., J. Szladow, and D.S. Montgomery, 1974, Oxidation studies on coking coal related to weathering. 3. The influence of acidic hydroxyl groups, created during oxidation, on the plasticity and dilatation of the weathered coking coal: Fuel, v. 53, p. 12-15.

Ingram, G.R., and J.D. Rimstidt, 1984, Natural weathering of coal: Fuel, v. 63, p. 292-296.

Isaacs, J.J., and R. Liotta, 1987, Oxidative weathering of Powder River basin coal: Energy and Fuels, v. 1, p. 349-351.

Itay, M.H., C.R. Hill, and D. Glasser, 1989, A study of the low temperature oxidation of coal: Fuel Processing Technology, v. 21, p. 81-97.

Jackman, H.W., R.L. Eissler, and F.H. Reed, 1957, Weathering of Illinois coals during storage: Illinois State Geological Survey Circular 227, 22 p.

Jaffe, L.A., B. Peucker-Ehrenbrink, and S.T. Petsch, 2002, Mobility of rhenium, platinum group elements and organic carbon during black shale weathering: Earth Planet. Sci. Letters, v. 198, p. 339-353.

Jakab, E., B. Hoesterey, W. Windig, G.R. Hill, and H.L.C. Meuzelaar, 1988, Effects of low temperature air oxidation (weathering) reactions on the pyrolysis mass spectra of US coals: Fuel, v. 67, p. 73-79.

Jakab, E., Y. Yun, and H.L.C. Meuzelaar, 1989, Effects of weathering on the molecular structure of coal, in C.R. Nelson, ed., Chemistry of coal weathering: New York, Elsevier Science Publishers, Coal Science and Technology, v. 14, p. 61-82.

Jerz, J.K., and J.D. Rimstidt, 2004, Pyrite oxidation in moist air: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 68, p. 701-714.

Johnson, R.C., and V.F. Nuccio, 1993, Surface vitrinite reflectance study of the Uinta and Piceance basins and adjacent areas, eastern Utah and western Colorado - implications for the development of Laramide basins and uplifts: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1787-DD, 38 p.

Jones, R.E., and D.T.A. Townend, 1949, The oxidation of coal: Journal of Society of Chemical Industry, v. 68, p. 197-201.

Kaji, R., Y. Hishinuma, and Y. Nakamura, 1985, Low temperature oxidation of coals. Effects of pore structure and coal composition: Fuel, v. 64, p. 297-302.

Kalemma, W.S., and G.R. Gavalas, 1987, Changes in coal composition during air oxidation at 200-250⁰C: Fuel, v. 66, p. 158-164.

Khan, M.R., R. Usmen, E. Newton, S. Beer, and W. Chisholm, 1988, ESR spectroscopic study on the chemistry of coal oxidation: Fuel, v. 67, p. 1668-1673.

Khan, M.R., and R.G. Jenkins, 1989, Influence of weathering and low-temperature oxidation on the thermoplastic properties of coal, in C.R. Nelson, ed., Chemistry of coal weathering: New York, Elsevier Science Publishers, Coal Science and Technology, v. 14, p. 107-132.

Khorasani, G.K., and J.K. Michelsen, 1992, Primary alteration-oxidation of marine algal organic matter from oil source rocks of the North Sea and Norwegian Arctic: new findings, in C.B. Eckardt, J.R. Maxwell, S.R. Larter, and D.A.C. Manning, eds., Advances in organic geochemistry 1991, part II. advances and applications in energy and the natural environment: Organic Geochemistry, v. 19, p. 327-343.

Kister, J., M. Guiliano, G. Mille, and H. Dou, 1988, Changes in the chemical structure of low rank coal after low temperature oxidation or demineralization by acid treatment: Fuel, v. 67, p. 1076-1081.

Klein, R., and R. Wellek, eds., Sample selection, aging, and reactivity of coal: New York, John Wiley & Sons, 469 p.

Kolker, A., and F.E. Huggins, 2007, Progressive oxidation of pyrite in five bituminous coal samples: an As XANES and 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopic study: Applied Geochemistry, v. 22, p. 778-787.

Kona, N.R., N.V. Fairbanks, and J.W. Leonard, 1968, Low temperature oxidation of coal: Fuel, v. 57, p. 177-183.

Krishnaswamy, S., R.D. Gunn, and P.K. Agarwal, 1996, Low-temperature oxidation of coal. 2. An experimental and modeling investigation using a fixed-bed isothermal flow reactor: Fuel, v. 75, p. 344-352.

Kruszewska, K.J., and V.M. Du Cann, 1996, Detection of the incipient oxidation of coal by petrographic techniques: Fuel, v. 75, p. 769-774.

Kus, J., T. Tolmacheva, M. Dolezych, C. Gaedicke, D. Franke, C. Brandes, M. Blumenberg, K. Piepjohn, and T. Pletsch, 2015, Organic matter type, origin and thermal maturity of Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic successions of the New Siberian Islands, eastern Russian Arctic: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 152, p. 125-146.

Kus, J., M. Misz-Kennan, and ICCP, 2017, Coal weathering and laboratory (artificial) coal oxidation: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 171, p. 12-36.

Kus, J., 2017, Impact of underground coal fire on coal petrographic properties of high volatile bituminous coals: A case study from coal fire zone No. 3.2 in the Wuda coalfield, Inner Mongolia autonomous region, north China: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 171, p. 185-211.

Kus, J., 2017, Oxidatively and thermally altered high-volatile bituminous coals in high-temperature coal fire zone No. 8 of the Wuda coalfield (North China): International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 176-177, p. 8-35.

Lambert, D.E., C.J.R. Fookes, and J.D. Saxby, 1988, N.m.r. analysis of shale oils from fresh and artificially weathered oil shales: Fuel, v. 67, p. 1386-1390.

Landais, P., M. Monthioux, and J.-D. Meunier, 1984, Importance of the oxidation/maturation pair in the evolution of humic coals: Organic Geochemistry, v. 7, p. 249-260.

Landais, P., R. Michels, J. Kister, J.-M. Dereppe, and Z. Benhedda, 1991, Behavior of oxidized type II kerogen during artificial maturation: Energy Fuels, v. 5, p. 860-866.

Landais, P., and A. Rochdi, 1993, In situ examination of coal macerals oxidation by micro-FT-i.r. spectroscopy: Fuel, v. 72, p. 1393-1401.

Larsen, J.W., D. Lee, T. Schmidt, and A. Grint, 1986, Multiple mechanisms for the loss of coking properties caused by mild air oxidation: Fuel, v. 65, p. 595-596.

Lewan, M.D., 1994, Effects of weathering on the reflectance of vitrinite in the Mowry Shale, Steinaker Reservoir, Utah (abstract): 1994 AAPG Annual Convention, Official Program, v. 3, p. 197.

Leythaeuser, D., 1973, Effects of weathering on organic matter in shales: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 37, p. 113-120.

Liotta, R., G. Brons, and J. Isaacs, 1983, Oxidative weathering of Illinois No. 6 coal: Fuel, v. 62, p. 781-791.

Littke, R., U. Klussmann, B. Krooss, and D. Leythaeuser, 1991, Quantification of loss of calcite, pyrite, and organic matter due to weathering of Toarcian black shales and effects on kerogen and bitumen characteristics: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 55, p. 3369-3378.

Littke, R., 1993, Deposition, diagenesis and weathering of organic matter-rich sediments: New York, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences 47, 216 p.

Lo, H.B., and B.J. Cardott, 1994, Detection of natural weathering of Upper McAlester coal and Woodford Shale, Oklahoma, U.S.A.: Organic Geochemistry, v. 22, p. 73-83.

Lopez, D., Y. Sanada, and F. Mondragon, 1998, Effect of low-temperature oxidation of coal on hydrogen-transfer capability: Fuel, v. 77, p. 1623-1628.

Lowenhaupt, D.E., and R.J. Gray, 1980, The alkali-extraction test as a reliable method of detecting oxidized metallurgical coal: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 1, p. 63-73.

Ludvig, M.M., G.L. Gard, and P.H. Emmett, 1983, Use of controlled oxidation to increase the surface area of coal. Applications to a bituminous and a semi-anthracite coal: Fuel, v. 62, p. 1393-1396.