July 24, 2014

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Q. Here with David Hearn, a 67 for you here at Royal Montreal. You talked almost referentially about this golf course. Why is the oldest golf course in North America so special first of all?

DAVID HEARN: Yeah, I think you just hit the nail on the head. There's a lot of history and tradition with a golf course this old. We had a nice day on the golf course today, and the fans were amazing. It's just really fun to play a golf course like this.

Q. How are your galleries different here than they are on the PGA TOUR?

DAVID HEARN: Yeah, absolutely. I think any player experiences it when they're playing close or near their hometown, and for us being Canadian, there's that extra sense of pride playing for a national championship. The fans really come out and support us. They want to see a Canadian champion, and they're out there pulling for us. It's a lot of fun to play in front of them.

Q. Coming off of playing the Open Championship until now, how do you feel you've set yourself up?

DAVID HEARN: Yeah, I feel good. I feel like the Open Championship, here and then the PGA coming up, for us it's like three majors in a row. I feel like my game is really good. Last week I played real solid, and I just continued that play here today, so hopefully I can just keep it going.

Q. Great start today. As a homegrown player obviously a little bit more pressure, good way to get going today.

DAVID HEARN: Yeah, absolutely. I hit two great shots on the first hole and everything felt really good after that. Definitely good feelings playing in front of the hometown crowd, but you obviously want to do well for everybody here. I couldn't be more happy with the way I started today.

Q. The wind in the afternoon was a little bit stronger, quite a bit more difficult than this morning. Hopefully come out tomorrow and get another low round?

DAVID HEARN: Yeah, absolutely. We had temperatures cool off a little bit on us today, so I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow morning, but I'll be looking to kind of get out tomorrow and do a lot of the same things I did today: Hit lots of greens, give myself chances, and who knows what's going to happen, but my game feels good.

Q. You gave yourself a lot of birdie looks today. Are you satisfied with the 67 or feel like you left a few out there?

DAVID HEARN: Yeah, I think any day you come off the course and shoot 3under and feel like you left a few out there, it's going to be a really good day. I'm not overly disappointed with the way I played. I hit the ball great from tee to green. If I can continue to do that for the rest of the week, I know I'm going to play well. I'm not disappointed. I feel like, yeah, if a few putts went down today it could have been a little bit better, but I think everybody in this field would say the same thing.

Q. Considering the national open, the first nine it seemed like there were no nerves, you were just in total control of your game. Is that accurate?

DAVID HEARN: Yeah, absolutely. I came off of a good week last week at the Open Championship. I didn't finish real high, but I felt like my game was in good control last week, so coming into this week it was nice to see it still the same, and like I say, I'm just going to try to do the same things and give myself lots of chances.

Q. Were conditions this afternoon a little bit more wind?

DAVID HEARN: Yeah, absolutely. I think we had a little more wind pick up in the afternoon, but that's pretty typical for what we see on TOUR. We'll see what the weather looks like tomorrow morning. I really didn't watch too much of it this morning when I was at home, but it's always nice to play in the morning. You usually get a little bit smoother greens. I'm looking forward to getting back out again tomorrow and seeing what I can do.

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