Minutes Of The

August 22, 2017 Regular Meeting

Chairman Paul Harrington called the REGULAR meeting of August 22, 2017 to order at 6:30 p.m.

MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chairman Paul Harrington, Michael Ciarcia, Norman Boucher, Cornelius O’Leary and David Weigert.

MEMBERS ABSENT: Malcolm Hamilton and Dennis Gragnolati

Alternate Member Norman Boucher will be voting for Dennis Gragnolati and Malcolm Hamilton in their absence.

ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: J. Christopher Kervick, First Selectman; Amanda Moore, Finance Director; Peter Juszczynski, Tax Collector; William Hamel, Town Clerk; Terrie Becker, Board of Finance Recording Secretary and Members of Public.

PUBLIC INPUT-BOARD OF FINANCE MATTERS ONLY: Mr. Douglas Glazier spoke regarding the budget and voiced concerns about the school system and mandatory increases. He felt mandatory increases could cause school activities and services to be cut if they operate on the same budget as the previous year. He also felt some assessments may be overlooked due to understaffing in the Assessor’s Office.



Norman Boucher made a motion to approve the Minutes for August 8, 2017 as written. David Weigert seconded this motion. The vote was 4 in favor with 1 abstained. Cornelius O’Leary abstained from voting as he was not present for the meeting. The motion carried.


APPOINTMENT OF ALTERNATE MEMBER: Chairman Harrington stated the individual who was nominated by the Town Committee is on vacation. After a brief discussion, this board decided to wait until the next meeting so that this individual can be present.



This transfer was submitted by the Board of Assessment Appeals. Original appropriation was underfunded. Meeting structure was changed. Board meets two times in the Fall and twice in the Spring. Recording Secretary is paid per meeting. Three Board Members are paid flat fee two times per year.

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From: Acct. Name: BAA Training Acct. #120-1578 Amount: $125.00

To : Acct. Name: S & W-PT Stipend Acct. #120-293 Amount: $125.00

David Weigert made a motion to approve the Board of Assessment Appeals YE17-51 transfer as presented. Michael Ciarcia seconded this motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor and this motion carried.


This transfer was submitted at the last Board of Finance meeting and was not approved at that time pending further information. Salary and Wages overtime amount is due to snow removal and other call-ins.

From: Acct. Name: Electricity Acct. #202-211 Amount: $5,355.00

To : Acct. Name: Natural Gas Acct. #202-213 Amount: $3,030.00

To : Acct. Name: S & W Overtime Acct. #202-206 Amount: $2,325.00

From: Acct. Name: General Supp/Building Acct. #202-210 Amount: $ 418.00

From: Acct. Name: Heating Fuel Acct. #202-212 Amount: $1.000.00

To : Acct. Name: Rep & Maint/Building Acct. #202-208 Amount: $1,418.00

After discussion to clarify the cause of overtime, Norman Boucher made a motion to approve transfer YE17-57 as presented. Cornelius O’Leary seconded this motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor and this motion carried.


This transfer also was submitted at the last Board of Finance meeting and was not approved at that time pending further information. Ms. Moore explained the water main charges, linear fees, hydrant fees and line charges to this board.

From: Acct. Name: Street Lighting Acct. #209-140 Amount: $12,500.00

From: Acct. Name: Contingent Fund Acct. #142-276 Amount: $25,769.00

To : Acct. Name: Watermain & Hydrants Acct. #209-139 Amount: $38,269.00

After a discussion which included revisiting how calculations are made for this line item and how to better calculate increases going forward in the fiscal year 2017-2018 budget, David Weigert made a motion to approve transfer YE17-58 as presented. Norman Boucher seconded this motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor and this motion carried.

YE T17-62E

This transfer was submitted at the last Board of Finance meeting and was not approved at that time pending further information from the Police Department (Chief Eric Osanitsch). It is for unanticipated training costs which included tuition reimbursement that

was not budgeted for but was contractual and also for unanticipated certifications.

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From: Acct. Name: S & W Reg/Dispatchers Acct. #200-351 Amount: $5,310.85

From: Acct. Name: Postage Acct. #200-377 Amount: $1,399.44

To : Acct. Name: S & W EDU/Training Acct. #200-353 Amount: $6,710.29

After discussion, Cornelius O’Leary made a motion to approve transfer YE T17-62E as presented. Norman Boucher seconded this motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor and this motion carried.

YE T17-62F

This transfer was also resubmitted from the Police Department (Chief Eric Osanitsch)

to the Board of Finance. It was not approved at last meeting pending further information.

This overage was caused by contractually required filling of open patrol shifts caused by vacation, sick, comp. time usage and unfilled positions.

From: Acct. Name: S & W OT/Patrol Acct. #200-350 Amount: $16,840.00

From: Acct. Name: Gasoline Acct. #200-378 Amount: $ 6,578.00

From: Acct. Name: Gen. Supplies Acct. #200-373 Amount: $12,676.00

To : Acct. Name: S & W OT/Police Acct. #200-355 Amount: $36,094.00

Ms. Moore stated the reason the transfer amount decreased from what was originally presented is due to reimbursement that was received for “Click it or Ticket”. After discussion, it was agreed that due to the significant amount requested, Chief Osanitsch should attend a meeting to clarify this transfer. This transfer was not approved at this time.

YE T17-64

Tax Collector Peter Juszczynski reminded the board that he had notified them previously that this transfer would be submitted. Due to the uncertainty of prior year refunds, the decision was made by the Board of Finance to wait until the end of year transfers to take action.

From: Acct. Name: Contingent Fund Acct. #142-276 Amount: $10,873.84

To : Acct. Name: Prior Year Tax Refunds Acct. # 0952 Amount: $10,873.84

David Weigert made a motion to approve transfer YE T17-64 as presented. Norman Boucher seconded this motion. After a brief discussion, the vote was 5-0 in favor and this motion carried.

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YE T17-65

There was restructuring of charges in the contract regarding this transfer.

From: Acct. Name: Covanta Tip Fees/Landfill Rent Acct. #310-187 Amount: $35,282.00

To : Acct. Name: MSW Pickup/Refuse Acct. #310-189 Amount: $26,713.00

To : Acct. Name: Recyclables Acct. #310-188 Amount: $ 8,064.00

To : Acct. Name: Leaf Pickup Acct. #310-186 Amount: $ 159.00

To : Acct. Name: Yard Waste P/U Acct. #310-721 Amount: $ 346.00

Norman Boucher made a motion to approve transfer YE T17-65 as presented. Cornelius O’Leary seconded this motion. After brief discussion, the vote was 5-0 in favor and this motion carried.

YE T17-66

A prior Fiscal Year bill (April 2016) was submitted in March 2017. This transfer also includes additional plans and survey requested by DOT for Route 75 sidewalk project.

From: Acct. Name: Contingent Fund Acct. #142-276 Amount: $5,598.00

To : Acct. Name: Prof Serv./Engineering Acct. #606-83 Amount: $5,598.00

Cornelius O’Leary made a motion to approve transfer YE T17-66 as presented. Norman Boucher seconded this motion. During discussion Michael Ciarcia suggested looking at Capital Funds to see if there are funds available for this project. After a lengthy discussion, it was determined that the funds in Capitals are for already existing projects, the vote was 5-0 in favor and this motion carried.

YE T17-68

This transfer is submitted every year to reconcile the expenditure for special programs with the revenue collected for payroll costs associated with special programs.

From: Acct. Name: Park Revolving Fund (REV) Acct. # 500-46 Amount: $23,773.00

To : Acct. Name: S & W Programs/Special Acct. # 500-253 Amount: $23,773.00

After a brief discussion, Cornelius O’Leary made a motion to approve transfer YE T17-68 as presented. David Weigert seconded this motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor and this motion carried.



Ms. Moore stated ECS Funding as been restored. Executive Order states they will not be paying any PILOT for State owned property (approx. $25,000), no Mashantucket Pequot Grant ($400,000), and no Municipal Sharing Grant ($280,000). Ms Moore also stated that the ECS Funding Grant would remain the same at 5.1 million. Chairman Harrington

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said this would go into effect on October 1, 2017 if the legislation does not pass a budget.

Chairman Harrington reminded this Board about discussions held at the last meeting concerning projects that need to move forward. Chairman Harrington’s concern was that if the Town does not have a budget soon, the revenue number will not be achieved as the company doing the audit will not have twelve months to bring funds in. His second concern was regarding the trucks that Public Works needs. It could take anywhere from four to six months to get the trucks. There is also financial software the Finance Office is waiting for. He stated there are many other items in the budget that need to be taken care of and presently everything is at a “stand-still”. Chairman Harrington said he feels it is important to develop some type of budget. Mr. O’Leary stated he supported moving forward on projects that would generate revenue.

Chairman Harrington suggested creating a Schedule E that can be used to begin some Capital projects requested by using Undesignated Funds. A list will be made of Capital requests as they stand now so that board members can agree upon the most essential expenditures. Action can then be taken to move them forward. Chairman Harrington suggested that the Board of Finance hold a special meeting next week so this issue can be expedited to the Board of Selectmen and then on to a Town Meeting. This board discussed what essential expenditures should be considered. A Special Meeting will be scheduled on Monday, August 28, 2017 at 6:30. (This meeting was later rescheduled to Tuesday, August 29, 2017 at 6:30). Agenda items to include: Appointment of Alternate Member and to Discuss Upon Capital Requests.


First Selectman Kervick stated that Beacon Properties will be filing a building permit and fire code review permit next week. Revenue should be approximately $400,000. The WPCA is expected to receive $360,000 for sewer connection fees. He also stated he expects another large delinquent tax fee to be paid soon.


Chairman Harrington stated at this time there would be no change regarding moving forward with the 2017-2018 budget, but funding of essential Capitals is going to be considered.


Ms. Moore stated her office is going through the budget and looking for areas that need to be amended. She stated that by delaying the budget process, it is helping them focus on areas that could be adjusted by using “real numbers.” Her objective is to be more “on target” next year.

A decision has been made regarding the vendor for the financial upgrade. They will be using the same vendor the Board of Education is currently using which is Infinite

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Visions. As soon as funding is available, she plans to present it to the Board of Selectmen. After reviewing the contract Ms. Moore stated the cost should be $160,000.

Ms. Moore stated her personal opinion regarding the budget. In the beginning she agreed in delaying the process, however, she cautioned that this board needs to be aware of the timeline.

First Selectman Kervick gave recognition to Finance Director Amanda Moore for being instrumental in updating the “Employee Rules and Regulations” particularly for the non-union employees. As busy as she is this time of year “she went through it with a fine toothed comb” and came up with a two paged list of very important observations and suggestions. First Selectman Kervick felt that “this was above and beyond the call of duty”.


Chairman Harrington reminded the board of the special meeting which will be held on (Tuesday, August 29, 2017) at 6:30.


A motion to adjourn was made by Norman Boucher and seconded by Cornelius O’Leary. All were in favor. The vote was unanimous and the meeting stood adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Terrie Becker

Recording Secretary