Daily Notices…
Picture retakes: Are in…please stop by the Main Office to retrieve!

Student Council Assembly on Thursday (Day 2). Classes will go to the first or second assembly according to the assignments below. Classes are to sit in the seats assigned to them. Please wait for the PA announcement.

A 8:00 - 8:45

HR 8:45-8:48

B 8:52 - 10:13 (class plus assembly)


·  8:52 report to class

·  Students will be called to the assembly by 8:56

·  9:00 - 9:25 assembly

·  class 9:27 -10:13

ADL facilitators


Criminal Justice



Family & Consumer Science


Physical Education/Health

Power Tech – Mr. Malerbi


Special Education



·  class 8:52-9:45

·  call to assembly at 9:43, stay in auditorium till end

Foreign Languages


Peer tutors


Social Studies

D 10:17 - 11:02

Back to normal schedule

AFS Club: Is hosting its annual International Halloween Party TONIGHT at 5:30pm in the Cafeteria. Stop by after practice and try candy from around the world! Wear a costume for a chance at a prize!

Psychology Club: Are you interested in the field of psychology? Interested in joining a new club? Come to the first meeting of the all-new Psychology Club on NEXT Tuesday, October 31st, at 7:30am in Room 287. All are welcome – see Ms. Black (History teacher) if you have any questions.

Class of 2018 Blood Drive: Class of 2018 is hosting a Blood Drive in coordination with the American Red Cross on November 1. Students 16 and older may sign up during a study or after dismissal on the half day, November 1. Please email Mrs. Bruno (Foley) Room 135 to sign up.

Class of 2020: Is holding a Flag Football Tournament on next Wednesday, November 1st, from 11:45-1:30 pm (the half day). The event is open to sophomores only, and it will take place on the turf field. Please see Ms. VanLeuvan or any of the sophomore class officers for details and to sign up. The deadline for sign-ups is THIS Monday.

Math Team: Our first meet at Notre Dame Academy will be NEXT Thursday, November 2nd. The bus will leave right after school. Please let Ms. Mangiapane know if you would like to attend.

Toiletry Drive: October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. In recognition, SADD has placed a collection box for toiletry donations that will go to local agencies that provide services for survivors of domestic violence and their families. A list of items that can be donated is located in the front lobby next to the collection box. See Officer Ford with any questions.

Fruit Center School Fundraising Week

Monday, November 6, through Sunday, November 12, 20% of your Fruit Center purchases will go back to HHS if you follow these simple steps: Go to www.fruitcentermarketplace.com and download a shopping voucher for your school. Print as many as you'd like and share them with friends, family and neighbors. Present your voucher when you make purchases at the Fruit Center from Nov 6through November 12. Shop as often as you'd like during that week!

Sports News…

Despite the pouring rain at senior night, the field hockey team tied Hanover 1-1 to qualify for postseason play. Maddie Hoffses tipped in a shot from Meghan Diamond for Hingham's goal. Kathryn d'Entremont, Gianna Fasoli, and Gen Higgins were all strong defensively.

Did You KNOW…

Homework Club: Thanks to our PTO, students can join your peers from 6:30- 8:30pm every Monday evening in the HHS LMC to complete your homework, work on a project or essay, or review challenging material. You can get help from other students who have been recommended by their teachers as peer tutors. If you have questions, see Ms. O’Connor in Room 289 or email her at .

Cafeteria News: Do you use Instagram or Facebook? How about this-we will give you FREE UNO’s PIZZA for posting on social media! Here’s how: Take a picture of your favorite school lunch meal and post to Instagram or Facebook using the hashtag hpsfoodie. All entries must be submitted no later than October 31. There is no limit to how many entries you can post. The most creative picture will win a WHOLE FREE PIZZA for themselves and three friends. Look for signs in the Cafeteria for more information and remember GO OUT AND TAG!

Yearbook: Will meet every Tuesday at 7am in the Graphics Room #151.

LMC Extended Hours: Remember you can get a jump start on your homework during the week in our HHS LMC! It is open for all students until 4:30pm Monday through Thursday for the entire fall season!

Weight Room: Will be open Tuesdays and Thursdays after school and through this fall from 3:00 to 4:30pm.

Attention Student Athletes ~ please remember to take off all cleats when entering the building/gym/locker rooms. No cleats are to be worn in the building.

Bus Routes are posted on the HHS website. For returning students, please be aware that bus numbers, times, and routes may have changed from last year. Also the bus number you ride in on maybe different than the bus number you take home. (There are no after school LATE BUSES at HHS.) Be aware that the majority dismissal buses leave promptly at the close of the school day at the 17 Union Street entrance.

Agenda books are available in the Main Office for $8 (cash preferred).

Parking: Any HHS student may park on the campus of HHS provided that his/her car displays the appropriate parking sticker and the car is parked in the areas designated for student parking. Parking in the Union Street close lot is open ONLY TO SENIORS who have purchased a parking sticker ~ cost is $60. There is no fee for a sticker to park in the far Union Street lot which is open to any HHS student. Applications for both lots must be completed BEFORE parking and are available in the Main Office. See Officer Ford or Assistant Principal, Mr. Shattuck, if you have any questions.

CAFETERIA: All students require a pin number to purchase lunch or any items sold in the Cafeteria. (The POS pin number is also available through the Aspen X2 portal. To find it, go to the Demographics tab. It is the last item listed in the left-hand column under the state identifier.)

TARDY INFORMATION: Students please remember that if you are tardy, you are to report the Main Office area for a tardy slip. Students need to just bring in a signed note from a parent when reporting to the Main Office. A parent does not need to accompany them.

DISMISSAL/ABSENT NOTE INFORMATION: All dismissals require a signed note from a parent. Students should see Mrs. Player in Mrs. Henriksen’s office ONLY for dismissals or for any exempt absent notes. Please see her before first period. Her office is located at the end of the Social Studies/English corridor (2nd floor) next to the Nurse’s Office. Regular absence notes from home can be given to the student’s A Block teacher. (Students being dismissed by the nurse are to be picked up by parents at the Pleasant Street entrance.)




26: Student Council Assembly – See schedule above


15: America Recycles Day Teach In

16: Drama Preview Assembly – X Block

17: Freshmen Advisory Meeting – 2nd half C Block

22: Thanksgiving Rally

Field Trips…
11/ 3: Officer Ford and Criminal Justice to Hingham Police Department, leaving 8:00 a.m. and returning 10:00 a.m., approx. 19 students attending

11/15: Ms. O’Connor and WWII Seminar students to International Museum of WWII, Natick, leaving at 8:00 a.m. and returning end of day. Approx. 50 students attending
12/1: Ms. Black, Mr. Kirkcaldy and Ms. Roberts to Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum and Quincy Market. Leaving HHS 9:00 a.m. and returning approx. 2:30 p.m. 43 students attending
1/25 – 1/28: Ms. Black and Model UN students to Harvard Model United Nations, Sheraton Boston leaving 11:00 a.m. 1/25 and returning 1:00 p.m. 1/28 approx. 20 students attending

3/1: Ms. O’Connor and American Political Systems students to EMK Institute, leaving approx. 8:00 a.m. and returning 1:30, 50 students participating
3/16 – 3/18: Ms. Black and Model UN students to Eagle Model UN, Westin Copley (BC Sponsoring) approx. 15 students attending
4/12 – 4/20: Ms. Shaw/Ms. Kelley and Foreign language students to Spain. Approx. 12 – 30 students attending