Working Group 3.6.6Page 1 of 6Rev Date 08-11-2010
IEEE PES SPDC Working Group 3.6.6
(Low Voltage Surge Protective Devices for the Load Side of the Service Equipment)
Meeting Date: May 17, 2010 - Time: 1:00 to 5:00 pm
Location: Bahia Resort, San Diego, CA
Attendance: Members:14 of 19
Interested Parties:12
Member Status / Last Name / First Name / AffiliationMember / Brown / Ken / Leviton
Member / Bush / William / Consultant
Member / Haa / Andi / Independent
Member / Hotchkiss / Ron / Surge Suppression Incorporated
Member / Malencia / Dirk / Eaton
Member / Moellmann / James / EFI
Member / Odenberg / Richard / Transtector/Smith
Member / Ramirez / Joe / DITEK Corp.
Member / Rebeck / Alan / R.O. Associates
Member / Surtees / Tony / ISKRA Protection USA
Member / Wingate / Mark / MVC
Member - Corresponding / Cole / Bryan / Corning
Member - Corresponding / Dorr / Doug / EPRI Solutions
Member - Corresponding / Jensen / Chuck / Duke Energy
Interested Party / Beadle / Sarah / Emerson
Interested Party / Douglass / Robert / Cooper Bussmann
Interested Party / Hill / Ray / NEETRAC
Interested Party / Ko / Edwin / CSA International
Interested Party / Martin / Al / Tyco Electronics
Interested Party / McCombs / Curtis / EFI Electronics
Interested Party / McIntyre / Bryce / General Electric
Interested Party / Mossop / Carey / Eaton
Interested Party / Saa / Paul / APT
Interested Party / Syverson / Rick / Erico
Interested Party / Tiesi / Jim / Liebert
Interested Party / Travis / Bill / Littelfuse
Visitor / Soo / Kim / IEEE-SA
Visitor / Susan / Tatiner / IEEE-SA
Members not in attendance:
Joe DeGregoriaUnderwriters Laboratories
Frank WatererSchneider Electric
Joe KoepfingerIndependent
Tom PhippsThor Systems
Dean NegrelliIndependent
- Chair opened meeting at 1:15pm
- After introductions, The Chair conducteda membership role call to determine whether or not a quorum is present. With 15 of 20 members present, it was determined that a quorum was present for the meeting. The attendance sheet was circulated.
- The IEEE Patent Slides were reviewed and circulated. Opportunity was given for any patent issues to be raised. No patent issues were reported.
- The Agenda was displayed and reviewed. The agenda was unanimously approved.
- Approval ofOctober 2009 Minutes – Moved and Seconded – Unanimously approved.
- Status of C62.62 – Andi provided an update regarding the BRC activity. Several teleconferences have been held and BRC provided proposed resolutions. The updated draft and the BRC responses to comments were circulated prior to the meeting for review at the meeting. The working group discussed the comments and resolutions as brought forth by the attendees.
a)Andi Haa moved that we finalize the document (C62.62) as a standard (as opposed to a recommended practice or guide). Dirk Malencia seconded the motion. Discussion was held. Motion carried - 11 in favor, none opposed
b)Alan Rebeckmoved to remove all references to “SPD Types” and refer only to location categories in the standard. Mark Wingate seconded. The motion failed. William Bushsuggested we include an informative annex or additional discussion relating the location categories to SPD types.
c)Richard moved to use location categories as the primary definition and add notes regarding SPD Types. Alan seconded the motion. Discussion followed. After discussion, Richard modified the motion to state that the text from 725 to 764 (of PC62-62-D3-4-BRC.pdf) becopied/movedforward in the document to emphasize these issues while keeping the reference to SPD Types as the primary reference. Motion carried - 10 in favor, 1 opposed.
The Chair asked the BRC to review and clean up document considering the comments from Richard Odenberg, Joe DeGregoriaand Tom Phipps.The BRCwill prepare the document and then the Chair will circulate document to working group for a vote to move the proposed standard to recirculation ballot.
- Status of PAR for TOV Test amendment – The Chair reported that he received an approved PARfor the TOV Amendment that is valid through 2014. Discussion followed. As a result, a taskforce was formed to develop the TOV test to be included in the informative annex of C62.62.
TOV Test Taskforce: Dirk Malencia (TF Chair), Ken Brown, Paul Saa, Lou Farquhar, Doug Dorr, Tony Surtees and Bill Travis.
The TOV related comments from the original IEEE-SA ballot are (line numbers referenced to PC62-62-D3.pdf) shown below:
Ashton, Robert / Editorial / 2017 / This sentence does not make sense the way it is written. I suggest the following rewrite: / Unlike the induced failure mode test, this withstand test is limited to applying TOV overstresses such as those that might be encountered in the field in order to verify values declared by the manufacturer (rated).Ashton, Robert / Editorial / 2116 / "measure" should be "measured" / Change "measure" to "measured".
Wilson, James / Technical / 56 / A.13.5 / 2131 / In Table A.13.1, on the right four columns in the bottom two rows, are these items number minus number? / If so, consider using the calculated number. If not, if they are ranges consider putting a blank space before and after the minus sign. Also consider putting an explanation for these items by the table.
Funke, James / Technical / 2131 / Not clear if the TOV is based on nominal voltage or MCOV (which should be 115% of nominal voltage). / Correct identify if this test is based on nominal voltage or MCOV
- C62.72 Revision Update: A review of the tasks was conducted with notes as shown below.
a)Guidance for protection against or mitigation of internally generated transients – origins, effects, number and magnitude – (Volunteer – William Bush, James Moellmann, Dirk Malencia) – Williamis awaiting input.This topic is also being investigated by a task force in WG 3.6.4. The taskforce is to coordinate with those efforts.
b)Ground currents when N-G mode shorted (shares neutral current) – Ground fault conditions and high-impedance faults – (Volunteer – Doug Dorr, Alan Rebeck, Bryan Cole, Mark Wingate) Alan Rebeck considers this as a safety hazard.Code Panel 5 was asked about the matter. Alan received a response from Paul Debrowski that steady state current can be forced into a grounding system by a failed surge protective device. William Bushdiscussed the “objectionable current” issue. After much discussion, the Chair asked for additional volunteers to develop text or modify the text provided. Doug Dorr(chair), Alan Rebeck, Bryan Cole, Mark Wingate volunteered to work on this subject.
c)Rework/removal of response time (Tom Phipps) - Tom Phipps provided information (submittal included below) for review by the working group.
d)Rework of 16.1.2 – High “Energy” Surges(Richard Odenberg) – No report.
e)Rework 16.9 (Surge-protective devices within end-use equipment) to include specific recommendations (Volunteers – Carey Mossop, James Moellmann, Dour Dorr, Lou Farquhar, Paul Saa). Carey Mossop has provided text for review. The work is to include SPD components integrated into other equipment.
f)Rework 16.10 (Coordination methodologies) – (Volunteers – DougDorr, Jim Tiesi) This section is to include specific recommendations. Doug Dorr to review and provide information from Martzloff papers. Jim Tiesiwill assist and provide information.
g)Rework/removal of joule/energy ratings (Volunteers – Mark Wingate (TF Chair), William Bush). No report at this time.
h)Rework 17 (Summary) to include specific recommendations. Placeholder for later.
i)Guidance on the disposal of SPDs – environmental impact / hazards including RoHS (Volunteers – Dirk Malencia (TF Chair),Andi Haa, Tony Surtees, Ken Brown)
j)Guidance on installation – Included in Item “e”above
k)How to determine the Short-Circuit Current at any point in the system(Volunteers –Chuck Jensen (TF Chair), Tony Surtees, Bryan Cole)In process – see IEEE Red Book.
l)Glossary review – update terms, need more, remove some – (Volunteers – Andi Haa (TF Chair), Bryce McIntyre, Richard Odenberg). Richard Odenberg suggested reviewing IEC 61643-12.
m)Implementation of Type X SPD terminology and explanation of use – (Volunteers – Andi Haa). Andi to include information that we use for .62 and adjust as needed.
n)Installation in hazardous locations – deferred to next meeting
o)TOV considerations – sources, origins, guidance – (Volunteers - Ken Brown). Pull information from the C62.62 TOV Test taskforce.
p)Rework 16 to be a list followed by an explanation of the list with recommendations – expand to include ratings derived/reported in C62.62– why these are needed and provide recommendations. Deferred to the next meeting.
q)Create a list of acronyms used in the document to be included in the front(Mick Maytum submittal attached).
r)What needs protecting and why? (one needs to protect [fill in the blank] equipment and here is why and how) – UPS, motors, drives, electronics, etc. – Reference 3.6.4. Taskforce 1 (Volunteers – Don Grove and Mark Yerse) – Update needed from Don Grove and Mark Yerse.
s)Additional suggestions – (Review Annexes)
- Paper Taskforce Reports:
- William Bush – Grounding and Bonding: Williamto have information breakdown to working group by July for review and organization.
Updated Taskforce Members: William Bush (leader), Alan Rebeck, Joe Ramirez, Bryan Cole, Chuck Jensen, Mark Wingate, and Fayaz Khatri.
- Ron Hotchkiss – MCOV of MOV Coordination – No update at this time.
- Action Items from the previous meeting were reviewed and have been completed.
a)Ron Hotchkiss will initiate a PAR for the development of an amendment to the proposed C62.62 standard to include an Annex containing the TOV Test as developed by the working group. Complete.
b)Ron Hotchkiss to inform Joe Koepfinger via email that the working group defers to the TOV values outlined in Table 4-2 of IEEE Std. 1159 at this time. Complete.
c)Carey Mossop will provide graphics and details regarding “e” and “j” of Item 10 on the Agenda to Ron Hotchkiss for circulation. Complete.
d)Ron Hotchkiss to distribute submittal to working group for review as well as graphics that will be provided by Carey Mossop. Complete.
e)Ron Hotchkiss will circulate the list of suggested topics for the revision of C62.72 to the working group to request their participation and contributions by volunteering. Further, suggestions for new items to add to the list will be encouraged. Contributions are due by 03/31/2010. Complete.
- Old Business: None reported.
- New Business:
Taskforce formed to address the review of P1692 – Andi Haa (TF Chair), William Bush, Doug Dorr.
- Next Meeting: Anticipated November 2010. Location TBD
- Meeting Adjourned.
Important Links:
(Word Version of C62.72-2007)
(IEEE Communities Forum - IEEE PES SPDC)
(WG 3.6.6 Files)
(WG 3.6.6 Discussions)
Please subscribe to these locations. Also for the ease of locating these sites, please add these to your “Favorites” (either in your browser or the favorites list on the community).