CellsInternet Project


  1. Each student is assigned a type of cell: prokaryotic, plant, or animal
  2. Create a PowerPoint or PhotoStory presentation containingillustrations, pictures, and information about the cell.
  3. Your presentation should contain at least 8 slides including a title slide and a slide for references. Anytime you get information, video, or picture from a site, you must include the website address in your reference list.
  4. Use bulleted ideas instead of complete sentences or paragraphs.
  5. Your presentation MUST include illustrations, pictures, or videos.
  6. Below, you will find cell parts and topics that need to be addressed for each type of cell. Include pictures and information about the cell and its parts. Information can be found by the use of approved internet databases as well as library books, your notebooks, and throughout Chapter 7 in your text book (pp. 185 – 193)
  7. Do your own work. Be creative, original, and efficient. No two presentations should be alike. Save all your files in your folder on the N: Drive! Your PowerPoint or PhotoStory should be saved as your name.

Information to include in the prokaryotic cell presentation:

  • Cilia or Flagella
  • Cytoplasm
  • Ribosome
  • DNA
  • Cell Wall
  • Capsule
  • 1 Harmful Prokaryotic Organism
  • 1 Helpful Prokaryotic Organism
  • 1 Appropriate Personal Experience with a Prokaryotic Organism

Organelles to include in the plant cell presentation:

  • Nucleus and Nucleolus
  • Vacuole
  • Cell Wall
  • Lysosome
  • Mitochondrion
  • Endoplasmic Reticulum (smooth and rough)
  • Chloroplast
  • Ribosomes
  • Golgi Apparatus

Organelles to include in the animal cell presentation:

  • Nucleus and Nucleolus
  • Vacuole
  • Plasma Membrane
  • Lysosome
  • Mitochondrion
  • Endoplasmic Reticulum (smooth and rough)
  • Centriole
  • Ribosomes
  • Golgi Apparatus

Name: ______Date: ______Period: ______Grade: ______

Cells Internet Project


Unsatisfactory (1 pts) / Satisfactory (3 pts) / Good (4 pts) / Excellent (5 pts)
Mechanics / Presentation had 4 or more spelling or grammar errors / Presentation had 3 spelling or grammar errors / Presentation had no more than 2 spelling or grammar errors / Presentation had no spelling or grammar errors
Organization / The PowerPoint cannot be understood because there is no sequence of information / The PowerPoint cannot be easily followed because topics jump around / The PowerPoint has a logical sequence, that the viewer can follow / The PowerPoint is logical and contains an interesting sequence which viewer can easily follow.
Technical / Transitions are not used, slides have major technical mistakes; no pictures or video included / Bullets and transitions are used ineffectively, or are distracting; no video included / Bullets and transitions used, but there are some problems with flow / Bullets and transitions used effectively, presentation flows smoothly
Information / Presentation has major gaps in knowledge, viewer is not likely to leave with useful information / Presentation has some major gaps in knowledge, or is presented in such a way that the viewer has trouble understanding / Presentation provides information on the topic, some elements are missing (see questions) / Presentation provides a wealth of information on the topic, all questions are answered in a way the audience can easily understand
Information 2 / Information is way too technical for an average person to understand, information is cut/paste from sources / A majority of the information seems copied from sources, student attempts to make it understandable / Some information seems cut and paste from sources, too technical for a layperson to understand completely / The student presents information in their own words, with consideration to the audience