AIMA 2014 Scholarship


Application Kit

• All questions must be answered or write "N/A" if not applicable

• The original and three copies of this form, together with any supportive documentation, must be supplied

All applications should be submitted by 30 June 2014. Electronic applications are preferred.

AIMA Scholarship Chair

c/o South Australian Maritime Museum

119 Lipson Street Port Adelaide, SA 5015


Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology 2014 Scholarship


The Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology (AIMA) is a group of individuals with an interest in furthering the maritime archaeology profession, and the aims of programs and projects in Australasia and in other parts of the world. It comprises maritime archaeologists, historians, materials conservators, the general public, including sport divers, with a keen interest in the subject, museums and educational bodies.

The objectives of AIMA are to:

·  undertake scientific research in the field of maritime archaeology;

·  promote the advancement of the field of maritime archaeology;

·  promote international cooperation in the excavation of maritime archaeological sites and the research and studies related to this field;

·  cooperate with State and federal agencies involved in the implementation of the National Historic Shipwrecks Program and State-based programs

·  liaise with Maritime Archaeological Associations and any body or person having similar aims;

·  publish periodically a Bulletin and a Newsletter or such other Special Publications as may be determined from time to time;

·  inform and make recommendations to government and organisations of matters relating to maritime archaeology;

The aims of the scholarship

The aim of this 2014 scholarship is to encourage worthwhile research projects applicable to maritime archaeology. Successful funding areas would include: original historical and archaeological research, site-based studies, the application of different survey techniques, artefact studies, training and educational products, school-targeted projects and resource tools, and the development of computer software.

Merit will be given to those Scholarship applications that involve new research, or involve existing projects that have been unable to proceed because of financial constraints (eg lacking in-kind or direct financial support by institutions or other supporting bodies).

The investigation or project must be consistent with the objectives of AIMA and the work must have a benefit/application to Maritime Archaeology in Australasia.

Critical requirement

The successful applicant(s) must disseminate research results in an AIMA publication.

For $500-1,000 awards: a report for the AIMA Newsletter (1,000-2,000 words), or

For $1,000+ awards: an article for publication (5,000 to 10,000 words) in the AIMA Bulletin, to AIMA publication standards, within twelve (12) months of receiving the first instalment of grant monies.

Applications should therefore be submitted only for projects or research activities that can be concluded or critically analysed within this time frame. Larger research outputs (greater than 15,000 words) may be considered for publication as an AIMA Special Publication. A special dispensation of twenty-four (24) months may be granted for these projects.

Amount of funding available and for what purposes

Applicants must be able to demonstrate that the project addresses at least one of the aims and objectives of the Scholarship Program (above).

A total of up to $2000.00 will be provided at the discretion of the AIMA Scholarship Committee. AIMA reserves the right to fund more than one project from these monies each year.

The Scholarship can be used for travel, research, purchase and development of computer software, purchase of equipment and its refinement, some remuneration for time spent on the project/research. All equipment and computer software will be bought in the name of AIMA and will remain its property. The scholarship will not be available for the purchase of computer hardware and cameras.

The scholarship must be used for original research or a project that is not being carried out by anyone else. The scholarship cannot to be used for travel to conferences, but can be used for travel costs associated with the project, eg. fieldwork.

Funding will be available from the start date of award: 30 September 2014.

Scholarship winners will be required to submit an acquittal of all expenditures to the AIMA Treasurer within twelve months of receiving funds.


Anyone with the intent to undertake original maritime archaeological research in Australasia is encouraged to apply. Preference is granted to student-led research. All applicants must abide by the AIMA Code of Ethics.

How to apply

All submissions must use this AIMA Scholarship application form. Application forms may be submitted in hard copy or electronically. A detailed description of the project is required in addition to statements about how the project will directly benefit maritime archaeology in Australasia. Applicants must show that they can complete the tasks within the specified time period and budget. All applicants must provide at least two referee statements. Referees must be able to comment knowledgeably on the work you plan to do and your ability to carry out the project. They must not be involved in any aspect of the proposed project. Please provide the contact details of both referees below. If you do not nominate referees, AIMA may determine appropriate referees. Total size of application packet must not exceed 10 pages.

Assessment of applications

The AIMA Scholarship Committee will assess all applications. The Committee will consider the merits of each project in the context of AIMA’s objectives, the project being completed to publication standard within 12-months, and upon its budget. The Committee’s decision is final.

All applications must be forwarded to the AIMA Scholarship Chair by 30 June 2014. Applications submitted after this date will not be assessed.

1. Name and contact details of applicant. If more than one person, list the project name and include the name of the Project Investigator.
Name of applicant:
Postal address:
State: Postcode:
Telephone: ( ) Facsimile: ( )
Email address:
2. Project title. Provide a brief title to describe the project.
17. Authorisation by applicant.
I certify that all details provided in this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that the application has been submitted with the full knowledge and agreement of the parties involved with the project. I understand that the Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology may seek additional information about this project from the referees nominated in this application or from referees determined by AIMA.
Name: (please print)
Position/title: (please print)
5. Full project description. Provide a comprehensive description of the project. If more room is needed, please attach as part of supporting documentation.
6. Relationship to AIMA objectives. Indicate clearly those objectives that are relevant to your project and explain how your project will satisfy them.
6. Project management. Applicants must provide evidence that they are able to complete the project on time, within budget and to agreed standards.
7. Budget. Provide details of the budget for the proposed project. Specify key items of expenditure (egsalaries, fees, equipment hire or purchase, travel) as well as income (eg other scholarships and grants). If seeking salaries, there must be an equivalent amount (in kind or paid) to be contributed.
8. Cash flow. If progress payments are required for your project, please indicate when each instalment would be needed, and the amounts required for each instalment.
9. Details of necessary approvals. Provide details of any approvals required before the project can be carried out and indicate whether these approvals have been obtained. Projects requiring approval should include letters of support.
10. Other funding. List any funding you have received from Commonwealth, State or Local Governments in the past three years or any other sources (eg PhD scholarships/awards). Indicate the program that provided the funding, the amount, and when it was provided.
11. Supporting documentation. Please list any other supporting documentation you are providing.