Tennessee School Improvement Planning Process
Airways Middle School
Memphis City Schools
Dr. Kriner Cash Superintendent
Dr. Terrence Brown, Southeast Region Superintendent
Dr. LeCharle Harris, Principal Toya Monix, Asst. Principal
Barbara Asemota, Instructional Facilitator
Revised Tennessee School and DistrictImprovement Plan Template
The final plan should be no longer than four pages.
School: / Airways Middle SchoolDistrict: / Memphis City Schools
Analysis of last year’s final results: / Areas of Greatest Progress: / Areas of Greatest Challenge:
Proficient/Advanced IMPROVEMENTS
RLA 7th grade Economically Disadvantaged Students: 13% gain
RLA 8th grade Economically Disadvantaged Students: 15.1% gain
RLA 8th grade Female Students: 3.3% gain
Math 6th grade Students with Disabilities: 25.2% gain
Math 7th grade Economically Disadvantaged Students: 4.7% gain
Math 8th grade Students Not SWD: 7.5% gain
Math 8th grade Female Students: 5.5% gain
School TVAAS Value Added:
Literacy/Numeracy Composite
Year One: Level Three (3)
Year Two: Level Five (5) / Proficient/Advanced SETBACKS
RLA 6th grade ALL: 10.1% loss (from 20.6% in 10-11 to 10.5% in 11-12)
RLA 8th grade Males: 5.3% loss (from 17.3% in 10-11 to 12% in 11-12)
Math 6th grade ALL: 2.6% loss (from 7.9% in 10-11 to 5.3% in 11-12)
Math 7th grade African American: 5.3% loss (from 12.7% in 10-11 to 7.4% in 11-12)
Math 8th grade Students with Disabilities: 16.8% loss (from 26.3% in 10-11 to 9.5% in 11-12)
School TVAAS Value Added:
6th grade Math : -3.2 Reading: -4.2
7th grade RLA: -2.6
Source of Progress: / Source of Challenge:
There was an 80% return rate for students who attended Airways Middle School in 6th thru 8th grades with a 75% return rate of teachers. The school’s Title I status makes offering tutorial programs possible. Study Island software was used for enrichment in math and reading/language arts. There were two teachers who used a great amount of computer-based and individualized instruction with the SWD population. In 7th grade math, there was a first-year Teach for America (TFA) who met students at their various points of need through effective classroom instruction and personalized tutoring throughout the entire school year. An 8th grade math teacher (10-year veteran) was very successful with the use of manipulatives and data-driven instruction. / A veteran 6th grade reading/language arts teacher was promoted mid-year and students were unable to adjust to the new teacher as shown by the huge decrease in proficiency. There was a high population of SPED students and a high number of students who were below grade level which presented a challenge to the 8th grade RLA teacher even though she had overall TVAAS growth of Level 5. The 6th grade Math teacher has not successfully adjusted to the rigor associated with current standards. The novice Sped Math teacher was ineffective and did not return this school year.
Goals for this school year: / Overall Achievement Goals: (Aligned to First to the Top Goals)
- Airways Middle School student mathematics achievement scores on the TCAP test for 6th to 8th graders (All subgroup) will increase from 9.4% in 2011-12 to show a growth of at least 5.7% with a target of 15.1% in 2012-13. 7th grade will increase from 9.7% to show a growth of 5.6% with a target of 15.3% in 2012-13 to mirror the FTTT 7th grade math target.
- Airways Middle School student RLA achievement scores on the TCAP test for 6th to 8th graders (All subgroup) will increase from 11% in 2011-12 to show a growth of at least 5.6% with a target of 16.6% in 2012-13. 7th grade will increase from 7.9% to show a growth of 5.8% with a target of 13.7% in 2012-13 to mirror the FTTT 7th grade reading target.
Subgroup Goals: (List each subgroup individually)
- The Math student achievement scores for African American 6th to 8th grade students at Airways Middle School will increase from 8.5% in 2011-12 to 14.2% in 2012-13.
- The Reading/Language Arts student achievement scores for African American 6th to 8th grade students at Airways Middle School will increase from 10.4% in 2011-12 to 16% in 2012-13.
- The Math student achievement scores for Economically Disadvantaged 6th to 8th grade students at Airways Middle School will increase from 12% in 2011-12 to 17.5% in 2012-13.
- The Reading/Language Arts student achievement scores for Economically Disadvantaged 6th to 8th grade students at Airways Middle School will increase from 20.4% in 2011-12 to 25.4% in 2012-13.
- The Math student achievement scores for Students with Disabilities in 6th to 8th grade students at Airways Middle School will increase from 13.9% in 2011-12 to 19.3% in 2012-13.
- The Reading/Language Arts student achievement scores for Students with Disabilities in 6th to 8th grade students at Airways Middle School will increase from 16.9% in 2011-12 to 22.1% in 2012-13.
Other Required Goal Areas:
- Airways Middle School will maintain 95% participation rate in Math and Reading, Language Arts.
Plan for this school year: / Key strategies to achieve goals:
- Use the analysis and disaggregation of the formative and common assessments in bi-monthly Data Chats, Weekly team meetings, regional Data Days to create action plans to determine specific content needs by class resulting in data driven instructional practices.
- Monitor performance of targeted group of students to increase proficiency in math and reading/language arts.
- Use innovative strategies (MAGIC, VIP, and Scholar Dollars) to increase student “buy-in” and accountability to their academic success.
- Maintain high-quality instruction with highly qualified teachers through an on-going professional development series focused on data, best instructional strategies and technology integration.
Key strategies to achieve progress for students with the greatest need:
- Create and implement a comprehensive Re-teaching action plan delivered by all content areas and strongly supported by support staff i.e. exploratory teachers.
- Provide daily interventions, peer tutoring and a during the school day intervention hour (Reading Plus/Stanford Math) for below proficient students.
- Provide intensive remediation for students scoring below proficient on the Formative Assessments and bi-weekly common assessments in an afterschool and Saturday tutorial program.
Projected costs and funding sources for key strategies:
The Key Strategies to achieve Airways’ goals carry expenditures for instructional materials, materials for creating data charts, materials for professional development sessions, conference fees and travel (projectors, Casio calculators, Ebeams, Middle School Conference, Corwin Press and others) at a cost of $34,000.00.
These key strategies will also require ESEA Title I funds in the amount of $2000 to be used for copy paper, chart paper, colored stickers, and printer ink.
The projected costs for providing remediation (Strategy 3) covering salaries/benefits; light snacks and instructional materials will be $12,000. $7,000 funded by the school wide Title One monies and $6,894.00 plus a hot meal funded through Extended Contract. The remaining remediation strategies (Reading Plus and Stanford Math) will be funded through district funding.
Benchmarks for Progress / Benchmark: / Timeline:
- All teachers in grades 6th through 8th will submit TEM 2.0 lesson plans that show rigor, center/station rotations, and re-teaching /differentiation strategies.
- All departmental teams will meet monthly to share strategies and analyze data.
- Students will accumulate Scholar Dollars that show their vested interested in their academic success, improvement on formative and common assessments and improved behavior.
- Data from formative and common assessments which are aligned with TCAP and Common Core are used to determine areas of strength and improvement.
- Teachers will attend District/Regional content area meetings to learn best practices for middle school students.
Dr. LeCharle Harris, Principal
Toya Monix, Asst. Principal
Barbara Asemota, Instructional Facilitator
Federal Programs, Grants, and Compliance
School Checklist
◦__X___Assurance Page
◦__X___Intervention Plan
◦__X___Transition Plan
◦__X___Technical Assistance Report
◦_X____Teacher Mentoring Plan
◦__X___List of current State/Federal Programs (Title I, SIG, Pre-K,SPED, etc…)
◦__X___Family Engagement Plan
◦__X___School-Parent Compact
◦__X___Professional Development Plan
◦_X____10 Components Cover Sheet (TSIP)
◦_n/a____Non HQ Letters(Airways does not have any at this time)
◦__X__Strategies to Attract HQ Teachers
◦_n/a____ESEA Monitoring Verification Report(as of October 19, 2012 monitoring has not occurred by ESEA)
School______Airways Middle School ______
Instructional Facilitator______Barbara Asemota______
Assurance Page
I, Dr. LeCharle Harris,the proud principal of Airways Middle School, “Home of the Mighty Jets”, give assurance that this Title I Schoolwide Plan was developed during a one-year period with parents and other members of the community. This plan is available to the local educational agency, parents, and the public.
When appropriate, there is coordination with programs under Reading First, Early Reading First, Evan Start, Carl D. Perkins Vocational Act, and Head Start.
Airways Middle School is identified as a “Priority school. Therefore, I understand that I must not spend less than 10% of the Title 1 funds for professional development.
Principal Signature Date
Airways Middle School Appendix
Directions: Complete the form to articulate the programs, models, and strategies which clearly define your school’s intervention plan. What strategies have you incorporated in your school improvement plan to ensure that students experiencing difficulties are identified on a timely basis? How do you provide additional support to these students? These activities should provide students with additional services that increase the amount and quality of instructional time.
SCHOOL: Airways Middle School SCHOOL YEAR: 2012 – 2013
Effective Programs, Models, and Strategies(Ex, Differentiated instruction, Voyager, Stanford Math, Course Recovery, Classroom Libraries, Thinking Maps, ACT/SAT Prep, cooperative learning, STAR, etc.) / Extended Day/Year
(Before, during, after school, summer, year round, STAR, SES)
Identify the name of the extended day/year program , date, & time.
Ex. After-school Tutoring or Homework Center, Saturday School / Home-School Connection
Ex. Community Volunteers
List the name of the organization, church, adopter, parent/ community group.
Program Name / Date & Time
Stanford Math / Daily / Parent/community
Differentiated Instruction / Daily
Reading Plus / Daily
Data Days / Every 3months
TCAP Coach Books / Flight School / Tuesdays and Thursday / Airways PTO, Teachers
Jet Plus Math / After school / After School Memphis
Magic Club (VIP Members) / Tutoring / After School / After School Memphis
LIT (Ladies In Training) / Tutoring / After School / After School Memphis
2st Century / Tutoring / After School / After School Memphis
Raising TCAP Achievement / Tutoring / After School
Excel Plan / Monthly
Regular Administering of TCAP Similar Assessments / Bi-weekly
Three times a year
Memphis City School Intervention
Addressing the needs of students who are experiencing academic difficulty is not negotiable in Title I schools. All students must have access to programs strategies that help them to reach state and district performance expectations. School improvement planning must facilitate processes that will help to close achievement gaps.
The high expectations of administrators and staff, utilization of best practices in instruction, application of scientifically grounded, research-based interventions and connections with parents are considered to be key factors to unable students to improve learning outcomes.
Memphis City Schools Academic Intervention Plan
The Memphis City Schools Academic Intervention Plan provides the framework for school-wide interventions. It is based upon the belief that all students can achieve at higher levels. The key document of the plan is the Ed Plan. The Ed Plan document allinterventions implemented to address each identified student’s needs.
As a district initiative, Airways Middle School will do the following:
- Identify and track the attendance of students that were enrolled the first 20 days of school.
- Issue and maintain a Ed Plan report for students that were issued a 70 or below for the reporting period.
- Keep accurate data the attendance and disciplinary actions of the students that were enrolled the first 20 days.
- Follow any and all recommendations set forth by the Academic Superintendent of Striving Schools.
- Provide mandatory tutoring for bubble students. (Students on the threshold of moving from below proficient to proficient and/or proficient to advanced.)
- Analyze formative assessment data.
- Teach, re-teach assessed State Performance Indicators.
- Provide mandatory tutoring for students with disabilities. (greatest need)
Airways Middle School Intervention Plan was developed with all stakeholders to serve as a safety net to capture any student that is having
difficulty in and out of school.
Justification of A.B.C.D
The justification of why Airways Middle School developed a comprehensive intervention plan Academics, Behavior, Character, and Discipline (A.B.C.D.) is that we as stakeholders believe that if we have safeguards in the four categories, each student will succeed by being productive and educated. There are multiple support mechanisms that are in place so that no child will be left behind. Our plan encompasses the Academic Intervention and Behavior Plan set forth by the Memphis City Schools and Airways Middle School –wide Discipline Plan. All interventions are highly individualized and are decided on a case-by-case basis.
Coordination of management of Interventions
Collaboration among educators, supplemental service providers, parents and community partners is essential to create a coordinated yet varied intervention plan which meets the needs of identified students. A student may engage in more than one intervention strategy or program. Interventions range from good first teaching in the classroom to various extended day programs.
Airways Middle School Appendix
Date / Transition Activity / Person(s)Responsible / Expected Outcomes
05/ 2012 / Welcoming In New Great Students
(W.I.N.G.S.) / Dr. LeCharle Harris, Principal
Stephanie Glover, Counselor / Students from feeder schools will participate in an orientation of Airways Middle School and learn about 6th grade. Students will tour and experience the middle school transition.
8/06/2012 / First Day of School / Dr. LeCharle Harris, Principal
Toya Monix,
Asst. Principal / Orientation of student body of the expectations of the school year.
8/2012- 5/2013 / Honors 8th grade
and Physical Science / Jeffrey Mister,
Math Teacher
Showen Herring,
Science Teacher / By the end of the year, honor students will complete coursework, score proficient or advanced on the Gateway, and receive 2 Carnegie Units.
8/2012-9/2012 / 1st Nine Weeks
(Orientation, Transitions, Career & Educational Goals / Stephanie Glover, Counselor / Students will know the role of the counselor. Students will discuss the changes from one grade level to the next.
10/2012 / Explore Test / Stephanie Glover, Counselor
Tonia Jefferson,
Parent Counselor / As a result pf taking the 8th grade Explore Test, students will gain information on their strengths and areas to strengthened. This information will assist students to know their status in relation to high school and college.
10/2012 / Kuder Program / Stephanie Glover, Counselor
Tonia Jefferson,
Parent Counselor / After participating in the Kuder based program, students will gain information about their interests, personalities, in relation to careers.
3/2013 / Career Week
(Airways Jets Hall of Fame) / Stephanie Glover, Counselor
Tonia Jefferson,
Parent Counselor / Various black-owned businesses and preferably graduates of Airways and Memphis City Schools will present information in regard to their career. They will also use motivational strategies to express the importance of academic achievement.
05/2013 / Sending Off and Notifying Great Students
(S.O.N.G.S.) / Stephanie Glover, Counselor
Tonia Jefferson,
Parent Counselor / The Airways Middle School class of 2012 will tour and become oriented of Melrose High School. The will learn the expectations of high school.
04/2013 / Focus Plan of Study
Career Four + Plans / Stephanie Glover, Counselor
Tonia Jefferson,
Parent Counselor / Students will complete their four year plan for High school. Students will knowledge of course requirements and the importance of grade point averages and carnegie units to graduate from high school.
05/2013 / 8th Grade Promotional Exercises / 8th grade teachers / Students will enjoy and participate in the promotional exercises and prepare to make the transition to high school.
06/2013 / Airways Middle School
Summer Tutorial and Enrichment Program
If funding is available / Dr. LeCharle Harris,
Toya Monix, Asst. Principal
Barbara Asemota,
Instructional Facilitator / Incoming 6th will participate in a week of activities to prepare them for middle school.
07/2013 / Airways will participate in
Melrose 9th grade Academy Week / Melrose
9th grade
Academy Staff / Outgoing 8th graders will participate in a week of activities to prepare them for high school.
Airways Middle School
2012-2013 Technical Assistance Report
Name / Title/Position / Check One / Topic / Check OneState / District / School-
Based / Site
Visit / Phone
Call / Email
Dr.Terrence Brown / MCS Regional Superintendent for Region 4 Schools / Assistance with common characteristics of high quality schools /
Mary Ross / NCLB Supervisor / Assistance with implementing professional learning teams, monitoring documentation / /
Various / TLA / Assistance with technology /
Trevor Thompson / NCLB Parental Involvement Coordinator / Assistance with Parents as Partners training and family engagement activities /
Denise Swan / Student Support / Assistance with Extended Day Proposal /
Marjorie Douglas / NCLB Executive Director / Assistance with NCLB Accountability /
Derrick Sanders / NCLB Accountant / Assistance with Title One Budgeting /
Pat Scott-Harris / NCLB / Assistance with Supplemental Education Services, School Choice, SIP and Extended Learning Proposals / /
Dr. Carolyn Graham / NCLB / Assistance with Comprehensive Needs Assessment, Schoolwide Reform Strategies /
Tommie McCarter / PACE / Assistance with The role of Family Engagement and Family Resources /
Delores Flagg / Coordinator of Homeless Children and Youth Programs / Assistance with services for homeless children and families /
LaToria Presley / Financial Secretary / Fee waivers /
Andrea Woody / Stanford Math / Assistance with Stanford Mathematics intervention program /
Charles New / TLA / Assistance with Professional Development learning and delivery /
Ann Cox / MCS Secondary Science / Assistance with science instruction, content integration, and new curriculum implementation /
Margie Bell / MCS Secondary Mathematics / Assistance with mathematics instruction and content integration /
Wayne Booker / Student Support / School wide Discipline /
Kendale White / MCS Division of Exceptional Children / Assistance with services and instruction provided to students with disabilities /
Latisha Bryant / Reading / SRI Testing, Reading Plus /
Dr. Brant Reidel / REA / Formative Assessment /
Airways Middle School Appendix