Customer Migration Do’s and Don’ts






Onboarding / Provide all the access and credentials required for migration at least 2 weeks before Pilot migrations. / Do not delay in completing the onboarding activities.
Send the completed onboarding questionnaire in the 1st week of onboarding. / Do not leave any column in the questionnaire as blank. All are required fields.
Finalize on T minus activities schedule during onboarding sessions. (Applicable for Notes Migrations)
Provide the complete Pilot migration schedule before start of Pilot Migration phase. / Do not delay in identifying the users for Pilot migrations and preparing the Pilot migration schedule for them.
Pilot / Fix all the issues identified in the first pilot batch in timely manner and before proceeding to 2nd pilot batch. / Do not proceed with the 2nd Pilot migration batch unless all issues identified in 1st batch have been rectified.
Fix and optimize the network to allow effective replication between source environment and the azure staging environment.
Provide the velocity migration schedule before the start of velocity migrations as per the scheduling policy to allow strict adherence of T minus schedule and scheduling guidelines.
Signoff on Pilot migrations and proceed to the velocity migrations as per findings and recommendations from Pilot migrations. / Do not proceed to velocity migrations until all issues identified in Pilot migrations are resolved and tested.
Velocity / Strictly follow the scheduling policy. / Do not make any last minute scheduling changes.
Fix the pre-migration failures reported in prevalidation reports before the migration. / Do not schedule migrations on predefined and communicated migration blackout days.
Reschedule the preflight failures that cannot be fixed before migration date in the next batch. / Do not schedule preflight failures in same migration batch.
Post Migration Support[TW1] / Support is provided for T+X period. Tickets need to be logged within X days of the respective migration. (Applicable for Notes Migrations) / Do not log any post migration ticket after support period has expired.
Please provide complete and detailed information about the issue in the ticket, with specifics. (Applicable For Notes Migrations)
Please do a thorough due diligence on the issue before logging a ticket, as some times if a mailbox is missing only few calendar entries, its always easier to recreate those calendar entries than to do a complete remigration. (Applicable for Notes Migrations.)
Communications / Communicate with your employees that migrations are coming and what they can expect in the migrations.
For all migration queries, send queries to Onboarding Team. / Do not send one to one emails to the migration team member.

[TW1]I thought this had been cut.