‘Inspiring a Culture of Philanthropy’ In-house Training
Overview and Guidelines
The ICP in-house training is available to each museum and organisation taking part in the ‘Inspiring a Culture of Philanthropy’ project. This round of applications is open to Cohort 1 only; Cohort 2 will be given an opportunity to apply at a later date.
Up to £600 (excluding VAT) is available for in-house training activities for each museum / organisation taking part in the project. This funding is available for each museum place in the project.Funding can also be used to contribute towardsin-house training costing over £600.Invoices, up to £600, will be paid directly to the training provider; contracts, where relevant,will be between the ProjectTeam and training provider.
The proposed in-house training activities will enable museums to further embed their fundraising skills in their organisation. Successful applicants will be able to demonstrate how their participation will benefit their organisation in terms of sharing learning and embedding fundraising within their museum more widely. We would expect such an event to include trustees, staff and volunteers where relevant.
Proposed activities should be completed by 31 January 2017 with invoices, where applicable,sent by the training provider direct to the Project Team by the end of 28 February 2017.
Eligible activities
Proposed activities will enable staff, volunteers and trustees to explore in detail specific fundraising topics or look at how the museum can embed a culture of fundraising from philanthropic sources across the wider organisation.
Examples of topics include: individual giving behaviour; supporter retention and care; managing Friends schemes; cultivation and solicitation of donors; the online philanthropy mix; event fundraising and management; sponsorship topics; corporate social responsibility and organisational giving; engagement with the local corporate community and governance for philanthropy.
Types of activities include: running workshops; engaging consultants to assist with the development of a fundraising strategy or to provide advice on leadership or boards of trustees; training or consultancy fees;travel to and from the workshop or event for volunteers; event materials and catering for in-house training.
Activities could take place as part of an away day or team building activity.
Please speak to Romilly about your ideas of in-house training and then complete the application form. A short note or email of support from both the Chair of Trustees and Chief Executiveshould also accompany your application.
All applications should be submitted between 14th January 2016 and 30th November 2016. An application can be submitted at any time during the application window; however the in-house training must take place after confirmation that your planned in-house session has been approved as being relevant and in line with the project’s objectives.
Please consider the following questions when thinking about the type of in-house training you would like to hold for your organisation:
Does this activity further embed fundraising in the organisation?
How many people will benefit as a result of this activity?
Is there a clear link between the activity and the museum’s fundraising needs?
Will it be completed in the time allowed?
Does the development activity represent good value for money?
Is it clear how the money will be spent?
On completion of the training activity
After the activity has taken place trainers or consultants should send their invoice with a breakdown of costs to the project team at: .
A list of attendees (full name, job role and organisation) and a copy of the collated evaluation results should be sent to the Project Director by the end of February 2017.
To discuss your application, please call Romilly Beard on (01962) 826701 - Tuesday-Thursday 9.30am-2.30pm and Friday 9am-5pm; or email:
Terms and Conditions
- Payment will be made from the Project account directly to the trainer or consultant delivering the in-house training.
- Payment will be through online bank transfer and relevant payment details must be provided.
- Invoices should be sent directly to the Project team at Hampshire Cultural trust either via post or a scanned email attachment.
- Museums hosting a learning activity cannot claim for the use of their own venue and facilities. However, this can be cited as an in-kind contribution.
- Where funding for travel costs is included, this will be for standard class travel on public transport: any mileage at no more than the HMRC guidance rate of 45p per mile.
- Museum staff should not be required to use their annual leave to attend the activity.
- The maximum amount that the project will pay is £600 excluding VAT.
- Once the funding amount has been confirmed by the Project Director, no additional funding can be applied for. Any increase in costs must be covered by the museum.
- All invoices must be received by the project team by the end of February 2017. Claims received after this deadline may not be paid.
- This funding is available for each museum place in the project.
- The Project Director can help applicants identify the right activity for them, however applicants are responsible for organising the training, including liaising with trainers, booking catering and making arrangements with venues.
- The activity must be completed within the timetable stated in the application; any variation in timing must be alerted to the Project Director as soon as possible. If the proposed activity is not completed by the end of January 2017, the project may not be able to cover the costs and the museum may be liable for these.
- In-house funding may not be used for any other purpose than that stated in the application form and the confirmation given bythe Project Director.
- The lead contact for the museum or organisation must provide feedback on completion of the training activity and participants must complete an evaluation so the benefit of the funding to the museum can be measured. These reports may be used as case studies to be shared with other museums and HLF.
- A record of participants attending the training activity must be kept.
- You may be asked to share your learning with other museums by producing a case study or giving a presentation.
- Publicity about the event must acknowledge that it has been funded by Heritage Lottery Fund.
- Applications which are solely for the benefit of an individual and not the museum will not be considered.
- Failure to observe the scheme guidelines may result in the funding offer being withdrawn.
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