Monitoring Checklist TEMPLATE -Post Surgery - RAT
Project Title:
ACEC Approval Number:
Group ID:Individual ID:
Date:Name of Person Monitoring:
NOTE: place an ‘x’ against any clinical signs that are present. Use the intervention instructions at the base of the sheet to ensure that the correct action is taken. NAD- No abnormalities detected.
See rear of sheet for guidelines, intervention points and actions to be taken.
Category 1 signs
Ruffled fur
Reddening at surgical site
Decreased activity
Shallow or increased respiratory rate
Isolated from cagemates
Mild signs of pain*
Category 2 signs
Reddening and swelling at surgical site
Discharge from surgical site
Porphyrin staining eye/nose
Hunched posture
Moderate signs of pain*
Category 3 signs
Pale or cyanotic ears/nose/feet
Gasping respiration
Surgical wound open
Severe signs of pain*
*Signs of pain in the rat are well described:
- Back arch, belly press, writhe, stagger, twitch and fall
- Careful observation is needed because the behavioural sign may be subtle or occur very quickly.
- Observation of animals several times a day may be needed in order to detect these signs.
- When you observe one of these signs score it as a √ each time.
- The observation of any of these signs is an important clinical finding- it indicates the animal is in pain and additional analgesia is needed. Contact the vet for assistance.
Intervention points and Actions
NAD- no action
Category 1- monitor again in 4 hours, if not improved seek advice from CI or veterinarian
Category 2-Moderate signs of pain, administer analgesic immediately and recheck in 4 hours. If signs still present contact Chief investigator and veterinarian for advice. All other category 2 signs contact Chief investigator and veterinarian for advice
Category 3- euthanase immediately. Ensure post mortem performed. Submit adverse event report to ACEC
Any combination of signs-
More than two signs in any one category- treat as next highest category
Signs from more than one category- treat as for highest category
Guidelines to Use of Monitoring Checklist
- Use the general Animal Services monitoring checklist (provided in the procedures/treatment record folder – red folder) to record monitoring information until animals enter the active research protocol.
- Once surgery has been performed on an animal use this specific checklist.
- Ensure all monitoring checklists are held in the red folders in the room in which the animals are held.
- Monitor animals in accordance with and as frequently as required by the Animal Care and Ethics approval.
- Where an abnormal clinical sign in an animal has been detected, use the Animal Services Unit provided “monitor closely” card to identify the cage.
- Where an abnormal clinical sign in an animal has been detected make a notation in the ASU provided checklist in the red folder of the action taken. Make sure the animal identification is included in this notation.