Monitoring Checklist TEMPLATE -Post Surgery - RAT

Project Title:

ACEC Approval Number:

Group ID:Individual ID:

Date:Name of Person Monitoring:

NOTE: place an ‘x’ against any clinical signs that are present. Use the intervention instructions at the base of the sheet to ensure that the correct action is taken. NAD- No abnormalities detected.

See rear of sheet for guidelines, intervention points and actions to be taken.

Category 1 signs
Ruffled fur
Reddening at surgical site
Decreased activity
Shallow or increased respiratory rate
Isolated from cagemates
Mild signs of pain*
Category 2 signs
Reddening and swelling at surgical site
Discharge from surgical site
Porphyrin staining eye/nose
Hunched posture
Moderate signs of pain*
Category 3 signs
Pale or cyanotic ears/nose/feet
Gasping respiration
Surgical wound open
Severe signs of pain*

*Signs of pain in the rat are well described:

  • Back arch, belly press, writhe, stagger, twitch and fall
  • Careful observation is needed because the behavioural sign may be subtle or occur very quickly.
  • Observation of animals several times a day may be needed in order to detect these signs.
  • When you observe one of these signs score it as a √ each time.
  • The observation of any of these signs is an important clinical finding- it indicates the animal is in pain and additional analgesia is needed. Contact the vet for assistance.

Intervention points and Actions

NAD- no action

Category 1- monitor again in 4 hours, if not improved seek advice from CI or veterinarian

Category 2-Moderate signs of pain, administer analgesic immediately and recheck in 4 hours. If signs still present contact Chief investigator and veterinarian for advice. All other category 2 signs contact Chief investigator and veterinarian for advice

Category 3- euthanase immediately. Ensure post mortem performed. Submit adverse event report to ACEC

Any combination of signs-

More than two signs in any one category- treat as next highest category

Signs from more than one category- treat as for highest category


Guidelines to Use of Monitoring Checklist

  1. Use the general Animal Services monitoring checklist (provided in the procedures/treatment record folder – red folder) to record monitoring information until animals enter the active research protocol.
  2. Once surgery has been performed on an animal use this specific checklist.
  3. Ensure all monitoring checklists are held in the red folders in the room in which the animals are held.
  4. Monitor animals in accordance with and as frequently as required by the Animal Care and Ethics approval.
  5. Where an abnormal clinical sign in an animal has been detected, use the Animal Services Unit provided “monitor closely” card to identify the cage.
  6. Where an abnormal clinical sign in an animal has been detected make a notation in the ASU provided checklist in the red folder of the action taken. Make sure the animal identification is included in this notation.