Basic Speaking Guidelines for all Speech Assignments

Follow these guidelines for all speech assignments.

  • Topic selection: Be creative when choosing your speech topics. Keep your audience’s background and interests in mind. Of course, you should also choose topics that interest you. The more creative you are with your topic and the development of the presentation, the more interesting the presentation will be.
  • Topic submission: I would prefer to avoid topic repetition. For this reason, you will submit your speech topics via Facebook (a discussion thread will be opened for each speech).
  • Audience: Assume a general audience—your actual classmates. When planning, researching, and delivering the speech, make sure that you are completely focused on the people who will be listening to the presentation.
  • Content: Although the content of the speeches are largely determined by you, make sure that your audience drives the material that you choose to cover in the presentation. Make sure that the speech is interesting, informative/persuasive, well researched/supported, and well organized.
  • Source requirements: You will be given minimum source requirements for each assignment. The sources should be cited in the speech outline, on the reference page, and orally. Please note that your sources will also be graded based upon quality of source. Be prepared to do quality research.
  • Speech outlines: For all of your speeches, you will develop a thorough speaker’s outline.
  • Please use APA or MLA style for your outline.
  • Reference/bibliography pages should be included with all outlines.
  • Sources should be included in outline and on the reference/bibliography page.
  • Due: Your outline is due (via email) to me at least 24 hours before you speak.
  • Speaking notes: Keep your speaking notes to a minimum. We will talk about options here, but know that you will probably want to speak from note cards or brief notes.
  • Delivery style: For most of the speeches, your delivery should be extemporaneous. That means that you should avoid writing out speeches word-for-word and/or memorizing/reading them. Instead, you will develop thorough outlines and speak based on those outlines.
  • Speaking Center: You are required to schedule at least one appointment with the SpeakingCenter for each graded assignment. You may use that time to brainstorm, research, outline, develop, or practice the speech with a tutor. You must, however, come to the appointment with something prepared. Appointments should happen at least one day before you speak. Notifications about your appointment should be sent to me electronically (you will need to ask the SpeakingCenter tutor to do so). To schedule an appointment, visit the SpeakingCenter web site:
  • Speaking date and order: Check the syllabus for speech dates. We will generally give all speeches in one day. The speaking order will be decided on the speech day by the speakers.
  • Make up speeches: Please note that make-up speeches are very disruptive to the class. Because late presentations take away from class time (thus inconveniencing the teacher and your classmates), make-up speeches are only allowed in emergency situations and if we make an agreement ahead of time. If you are ill, you should make every effort to show up to present your speech and, if necessary, leave class early. Being unprepared does not excuse you from speaking. All unapproved missed speeches will be given a grade of zero.