BILL: Biology Interactive Learning Log

Instructions for Setting up the Notebook…..

Materials needed:

3 Subject Spiral College Ruled bound notebook with at least 2 pocket folders.

The Notebook must be Plastic Covered and 8.5 x 11 or larger

4 Glue stick (you will probably need more than one as the term progresses)

Colored pencils (24 colors is best)


Red Pen

Blue Pen

(Please see Ms. Kohler before or after school if you have an issue obtaining these materials)

Setup Instructions:

  1. Using a sharpie, write your Full Name, Class, Period, and Teacher in the center of the cover.
  2. Open the front cover and write the same info as above in the center of the page.
  3. On the next pages glue in the instructions for B.I.L.L
  4. Flip the page, and label the next 4 pages “ Table of Contents”
  5. Starting with the next page, Number all pages of the notebook in the top outer corners of the page
  6. All right hand pages have an odd number
  7. Each page right hand page is titled with the date and subject title on the top line of the page.
  8. All notes are written or pasted into the right side.
  9. All graphic organizers given by teacher are glued into notebook, before the lecture starts
  10. Each day is logged in table of contents with subject, page number.


Right Side Input (Notes)

What goes on the Right Side?Input goes on the Right Side!

ALWAYS start the page with the date and subject title at the top of the page.

  • Each page is started with the date and subject title at the top of the page.
  • The RIGHT page of the spiral notebook has only odd numbered pages.
  • The RIGHT side is for writing down information you are given in class.
  • All graphic organizers given by teacher are glued into notebook.
  • Right Page must be logged in table of contents with subject, page number.
  • When the teacher lectures, you take notes on the right side.
  • Fill in notes should be pasted in before the lecture starts.
  • When you take book notes or video notes they also go on the right side.
  • Notes for labs and lab instructions, procedures and materials and data
  • Teacher Questions and Sample Problems
  • Any other type of INPUT you get in class.
  • You may use also use Cornell-style notes on the right page, in addition to notes from the teacher

Sample Cornell Style Notes

Questions/Key Terms / Notes/Factual Information
Why are plants green? / Scientists note that plants are green. Many ideas have been proposed to understand plant color.
What is photosynthesis? / Photosynthesis means, “to put together with light” meaning that plants use this process to produce food and energy from light.
What does transmit mean? / Plants are green because the transmit green light.

Left Side Reflections

What goes on the Left Side?Output goes on the Left Side!

Left Side Reflections must take up the whole page

Top margin of page should contain Notes Title, Agenda Items and Homework

You must do a reflection for each page of notes you take in class.

Reflections should be done the night the notes are taken in class to help with memory.

Left side reflections will always be on the even pages of your notebook.

Left side of notebook is used for your interaction with the information you learned in class

Pictures, graphs, ways to remember information go on left hand side.

ALWAYS USE AT LEAST 4 COLORS; this helps the brain learn and organize information.

Points will not be given for reflections that don’t meet the above criteria.

Reflections may include one or more of the following:

Title: Interactive Notebooks Setup Date: July 31st, 2013
Agenda: Setup Notebook HW: Finish Notebook Setup

Possible Reflection Topics:

  1. Write 5 questions you think you must know … with answers
  2. Create Vocabulary cards or foldable for difficult terms
  3. Explain the application of this information to a real-life situation
  4. Describe the process in your own words with pictures
  5. Make a Cartoon or illustration with labels
  6. Write a mnemonic or analogy for what you learned
  7. Compare & contrast using a Venn Diagram, T-Chart or Bull’s-eye Diagram
  8. Write a letter to someone explaining what you learned today
  9. Write (4)“What if” questions about topic & (1) paragraph answer for each.
  10. Write a eulogy or Wanted poster for famous scientists or organism
  11. Make a detailed list of what you know and what you don’t know.
  12. Write story, song lyrics, riddles or a poem for the topic
  13. Create a concept map to connect the main points of the notes
  14. Re-write your notes
  15. Be Creative and come up with your own!