Gifted and Talented Education
Grades K-12
Dear Parents,
Midway ISD recognizes that gifted students within the district require a program that addresses their unique needs. Midway’s Gifted and Talented Program places importance on general intellectual ability within the four core areas of language, math, science and social studies. Midway has a strong commitment to providing an appropriate venue for students needing this service.
Nominations for the Gifted and Talented Program are open to all students with identification for grades 1-12 occurring in April. Kindergarten students will be identified by March 1st and served in their regular classrooms. If you would like to discuss the nomination procedures or need assistance accessing the nomination forms, please contact your campus counselor. The nomination window is October 30-December 1. Parent and teacher nominations must be received before the end of the nomination window. Thank you for understanding that nominations will not be accepted after December 1st at 4:00 pm.
Most very bright students are best served by the regular curriculum. Only truly gifted students have an educational need for a differentiated curriculum. The following list of characteristics may help you to determine if your child does demonstrate such an educational need.
Bright Child Gifted Learner
Knows the answers Asks the questions
Is interested Is highly curious
Has good ideas Has wild, silly ideas at times
Answers the question Discusses in detail, elaborates
Top Group Beyond the group
Understands Ideas Constructs abstractions
Enjoys Peers Prefers Adults
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to call your campus counselor, Amber Burns.
Ginger Rowe
District Elementary GT Coordinator
Gifted and Talented
Grades K-12 Nomination Form
Dear Parent,
If you wish for your child to be considered for the MISD Gifted and Talented program, please complete this form and the GT Parent Inventory, and return them to the school office no later than December 1, 2017 at 4pm. Thank you for understanding that nominations will not be accepted after the deadline.
I wish for my child, ______, to be considered for the Gifted and Talented Program. I give my permission for district selected IQ and achievement tests to be administered as part of the identification procedure.
Parent Signature ______Date ______
Parent Phone ______E-mail ______
D.O.B. ______Child’s Homeroom Teacher ______
If you have any questions, please call me at 761-5720 ext. 6247, or feel free to e-mail me at .
Amber Burns
South Bosque Elementary
School Counselor