
1. Welcome 3

2. Our Vision 4

3. Adventure Learning Academy Trust 5

4. School Staff and Governors 6

4.1. School staff 6

4.2. School Governors 6

5. Useful Inforrmation 7

5.1. The school day 7

5.2. Term dates 2014–2015 7

5.3. Admissions 8

5.4. Attendance 8

5.5. School dinners 8

5.6. After school clubs 8

5.7. Uniform 9

6. Teaching and Learning 11

6.1. Our school curriculum 11

6.2. English 11

6.3. Mathematics 12

6.4. Science 12

6.5. History 12

6.6. Geography 13

6.7. Design Technology 13

6.8. ICT 13

6.9. Music, Drama, Art and Craft 13

6.10. PE 14

6.11. Religious Education 14

6.12. Health Education 14

6.13. Sex Education 14

6.14. Outdoor Education 15

6.15. Extra-curricular Activities 15

6.16. Reading Schemes 15

6.17. School Visits 15

6.18. Reporting Policy 16

6.19. Behaviour 16

6.20. House System 16

7. Health and welfare 17

8. Home school links 18

8.1. Parent evenings 18

8.2. Parent Teacher Association 18

9. Links with other schools 19

9.1. Pre-school links 19

9.2. Links with other schools 19

1.  Welcome

A very warm welcome to Gulval School. I am incredibly proud to be the new Principal of Gulval School, a warm, caring and vibrant school for 4-11 year olds which sits at the heart of the local Cornish community. We are a stone’s throw from the beautiful beaches of Penzance and St Michael’s Mount and are surrounded by fields and farm land, Gulval is a truly inspirational place to learn.

Our dedicated and experienced team are committed to making learning exciting and challenging. We all work hard to ensure the children in our care receive the best education possible and that they remember their years spent at Gulval School with great affection.

We have a long tradition of sporting excellence and encourage participation and competitive sport through a wide range of clubs including football, rounders, tag rugby, athletics and cross country. We are passionate about outdoor and adventurous learning and are developing our grounds to include a Celtic round house, tree top classroom, poly tunnel and animal park. Watch this space!

We welcome parents into school and value the partnerships that exist between home and school. We offer opportunities to meet through a whole range of events including parental consultations, concerts and sports and fundraising events such as our recent ‘expedition week’. We very much appreciate the help that they give us in a wide variety of ways.

Our aim? For every child to exceed beyond their potential, to be self-confident and have a belief that anything is possible. To believe that we are bound only by our imagination. We thrive on the spirit of adventure at Gulval and work continuously to provide our children with a range of exciting learning opportunities and the experiences they need to develop into successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens who are equipped with the skills to meet the demands of 21st century life.

Please do contact the school and arrange a visit, even if it’s just to find out more!

Paul Baker

2.  Our Vision

In order to prepare our children for today’s multi-cultural society we teach diversity throughout our curriculum but especially through Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE), Religious Education (RE), Parents and Children Together and Circle Time.

We encourage children to communicate orally and through writing, to think and solve problems mathematically and to express feelings and emotions in a creative manner. We help children acquire moral values so they can live happily within our community, find enjoyment in school and gain satisfaction from their own achievements.

Our vision is underpinned by the ALAT principles of ‘Learn’, ‘Grow’ and ‘Prosper’ so that pupils receive the very best education, realise their full potential in a happy and caring environment, enabling them to lead a full, purposeful and happy life.

What makes us extraordinary?

As an ALAT academy we work with a number of organisations and initiatives to develop our pupils and give them a vibrant and enriching educational experience.

No child left behind

Our aim is to make sure every child fulfils their potential; not all pupils will be traditionally academic so it is important that every child has choices and develops the valuable skills that will enable them to succeed beyond school and in life.

3.  Adventure Learning Academy Trust

Gulval School converted to academy status on 1st June 2014, becoming part of the Adventure Learning Academy Trust multi-academy trust.

Adventure Learning Academy Trust (ALAT) is a multi-academy trust established to help raise the standards of education in our schools. We are passionate about education and are committed to improving the lives of young people. Our experienced education team has proven expertise and success in substantially improving schools, both in the UK and internationally, and our operations team brings considerable business and financial expertise to support the school.

ALAT shares the same vision for teaching and learning and school ethos as Gulval School; a vision focused on the individual learning needs of every child. ALAT has developed a personal learning approach that enables each pupil to reach the highest level of individual achievement through a customised curriculum and a range of learning skills.

Through proven practices, ALAT transforms learning, raises standards and provides the highest quality learning environments, enabling pupils and teaching staff to thrive and be the best.

Visit to find out more.

4.  School Staff and Governors

4.1.  School staff

Mr Paul Baker

4.2.  School Governors

The school’s governing body is made up of a number of community, parent and staff governors. The governors are not responsible for running the school day to day; that is the Principal’s responsibility. They support, monitor and scrutinise the work of ALAT, the Principal and other school staff and work with them to carry out a range of strategic and statutory responsibilities.

These include:

·  Agreeing the aims and values of the school

·  Approving the school’s priorities

·  Monitoring the performance of pupils and the school

·  Considering how the school spends its budget

·  Making sure the school’s curriculum is broad and balanced

·  Communicating with parents and the local community

·  Ensuring pupils’ spiritual, moral and cultural development

·  Making sure that the school provides for all of its children.

If you would like to get in touch with any of our school governors, would like copies of meeting minutes or reports or would like to become a school governor, please contact our Clerk to Governors, Victoria Welch at

5.  Useful Information

5.1.  The school day

Morning School

Key Stage 1 (Infants) 8.55 am – 12.00 pm

Key Stage 2 (Juniors) 8.55 am – 12.20 pm

Afternoon School

Key Stage 1 (Infants) 12.55 pm – 3.00 pm

Key Stage 2 (Juniors) 1.10 pm – 3.15 pm

We will only accept responsibility for the welfare of children on the school premises between 8.45am and 3.30pm unless the child is taking part in an organised school activity under the supervision of a teacher. Children who arrive before 8.45am can be looked after by our Breakfast Club, for which a sliding scale of charges applies.

5.2.  Term dates 2014–2015

Summer Holidays 2014 / July 25– September 5 /
Autumn Term 2014 (1) / September 8 – October 24
Autumn Half Term Holiday 2014 / October 25 – November 2
Autumn Term 2014 (2) / November 3 – December 19
Christmas Holiday 2014 / December 20 2014 – January 4 2015
Spring Term 2015 (1) / January 5 – February 13
Spring Half Term Holiday 2015 / February 14 – February 22
Spring Term 2015 (2) / February 23 – March 27
Easter Holiday 2015 / March 28 – April 12
Summer Term 2015 (1) / April 13 – May 22
Summer Half Term Holiday 2015 / May 23 – May 31
Summer Term 2015 (2) / June 1 – July 23
Summer Holidays 2015 / July 24 – September 2

5.3.  Admissions

The primary school is open to children from Gulval and its surrounding areas, is non-selective and co-educational. Full admission details, including oversubscriptions, can be found in the admissions policy.

The school’s published admission number is 25 for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 and 27 for Years 3 to 6.

Apply for a place at Gulval School:

For admission to Gulval School, parents should apply using Cornwall Council’s schools admission process.

5.4.  Attendance

To make satisfactory progress, and establish good relationships with others, children must attend regularly.

Parents are asked to notify the school by phone in the event of illness on the first day of sickness. When an absence is unexplained, after three days, the school will initiate enquiries.

The attendance policy states that school will contact home if a pupil, who normally travels to school unaccompanied, does not appear.

Pupils achieving 100% attendance each term will receive a certificate.

5.5.  School dinners

We run a school meal service through Chartwells, which offer a variety of choices each day prepared at the school. We expect children to eat what they have chosen but please notify us if your child has a particular allergy or dislike.

Free School Meals

At Gulval School we are benefiting from the recent government initiative where all Key Stage 1 children (Year 1 and 2) receive free school meals. Universal free school meals are being introduced in September 2014. If your child is in Year 1 or 2 they will automatically receive a free meal every day. More details of this can be obtained from the school office.

5.6.  After school clubs

We run several after school clubs including:

·  Football • Rugby • High 5 • Rounders • Athletics

·  Dance • Cross country • Film • Computer • Sewing and craft.

Please contact for more information.

5.7.  Uniform

A new school uniform is being introduced from September 2014 and details are shown below. Unless otherwise stated, items are available to be purchased from any high street store of parents’ choice.

The full uniform policy and details of how to order items can be found on the school website.

Girls Uniform / Boys Uniform /
Primary School Uniform Nursery to Year 2
Grey sweatshirt, badge embroidered onto fabric (available from SWI only)
Polo shirt – plain white
Black trousers/black skirt or pinafore
Black shoes
Badged book bag in black
(available from SWI only)
White or grey socks/black, grey or white tights / Primary School Uniform Nursery to Year 2
Grey sweatshirt, badge embroidered onto fabric (available from SWI only)
Polo shirt – plain white
Black trousers
Black shoes
Badged book bag in black
(available from SWI only)
Black, white or grey socks
Primary School Uniform Years 3 to 6
Grey jacket with trim (available through SWI only)
Plain white shirt, short or long sleeved
Academy tie (available through SWI only)
Black skirt (may be worn with leggings if required for religious reasons) or black tailored trousers (with waistband, not denim or tracksuits)
Plain black v. neck jumper (optional)
Black, white or grey tights
Black, white or grey socks
Black sensible shoes (not trainers) / Primary School Uniform Years 3 to 6
Grey jacket with trim (available through SWI only)
Plain white shirt, short or long sleeved
Academy tie (available through SWI only)
Black tailored trousers
(with waistband, not denim or tracksuits)
Plain black v. neck jumper (optional)
Black, white or grey socks
Black sensible shoes (not trainers)
Primary Sportswear
Sports polo shirt – sky blue and badged (available from SWI only)
Badged black kit bag (available from SWI only)
Black sports shorts or plain black jogging bottoms
Black plimsolls or black trainers / Primary Sportswear
Sports polo shirt – sky blue and badged (available from SWI only)
Badged black kit bag (available from SWI only)
Black sports shorts or plain black jogging bottoms
Black plimsolls or black trainers

Optional items

·  Hijab – only plain black pull–on hijabs may be worn at primary level, these are available through SWI.

·  Black reversible snowgoose jacket with reflective strips

·  Black outdoor sports fleece, badged

·  Black v neck jumper

·  blue/white gingham summer dress (to be worn in the summer term only by girls in KS1 and KS2)

·  Black v neck cardigan (only to be worn with summer dress)

·  Black short trousers may be worn by boys in summer term only

·  Summer cap

6.  Teaching and Learning

6.1.  Our school curriculum

Gulval School follows the National Curriculum which consists of four core subjects and six foundation subjects. The table below shows how pupils are categorised within the National Curriculum:

Key Stage / Description / Age of pupils at end of academic year /
N/A / Foundation / 5
1 / Year 1 / 6
Year 2 / 7
2 / Year 3 / 8
Year 4 / 9
Year 5 / 10
Year 6 / 11


All pupils are assessed by Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) and by teacher assessment (TA) at the end of each Key Stage. In addition, ongoing assessments are made by the class teacher throughout the school year. We continually review and develop our curriculum and the following statements represent a summary of our aims and philosophy about the nature of learning, children’s needs and the National Curriculum. Gulval School endeavours to promote the following five outcomes for all pupils:

1. Be healthy

2. Stay safe

3. Enjoy and achieve

4. Make a positive contribution

5. Achieve economic wellbeing

6.2.  English

Through our daily literacy sessions, we provide a balance of English, speaking and listening, reading and writing to help our pupils develop literacy skills and an enthusiasm for language.

Every child has an opportunity to speak aloud, perform, read from a wide range of scheme and non-scheme fiction and access an ever expanding library of books covering topics from around the world.

We teach children how to handwrite in a systematic way and encourage them to develop a clear and attractive style, taking pride in the presentation of their work.